Eagan H S- Weekly Newsletter
May 3, 2024

Senior Privileges start Monday, May 13th!
Seniors in good standing academically, financially (no outstanding fees/fines) and behaviorally will attend a class meeting on Friday, May 10th and promise continued good attendance and behavior (no Senior Skip Day) during Senior Privilege time. This promise enables seniors to participate in a number of privileges, which includes not needing to attend the last three (3) days of school, which this year are June 3-5 thus making them exempt from Final Exams on June 4 and 5.
Reminder: Graduation Fees Due May 8th
A friendly reminder that the Graduation Fee for seniors is due on Wednesday, May 8th by 3:00 p.m.
You may pay the $50 Graduation Fee online via MyPaymentsPlus.
Contact your counselor at EHS if this is a hardship.
The Eagan Foundation Scholarship Recognition Event
The Eagan Foundation Scholarship Recognition Event will be held in the EHS Student Commons on Wednesday, May 15th. Seniors and parents/guardians have received invitations to this evening event. Scholarship donors will be presenting the scholarship awards to the graduates.
What: World History / AP Euro Trip
Where: Berlin, Munich, Switzerland, Prague
When: Spring Break 2026
Who: Current Freshman & Sophomores
Meeting: Tuesday, May 14th at 7:00 pm in Lecture Room B at EHS.
Sign up to attend the meeting by scanning the code or visiting the website.
Registration for the information session is mandatory, and a parent or guardian must attend. (Can’t make it? Choose “No, but send info” so you don’t miss out.)
EHS Community Day: Wednesday, May 15th
We are looking forward to our second annual EHS Community Day on Wednesday, May 15. We will be altering our school schedule on this day to do the following things:
- Welcome our incoming Freshmen class
- Host an activity fair and provide tours for these 8th graders
- Show the Senior Awards Video during 5th period (afterwards it will be linked on our web site).
- Play the Amazing Race in the afternoon.
This day is a great opportunity for all of our staff and students to come together and celebrate an amazing year at EHS.
The afternoon portion of the day will be spent on the Amazing Race. Students will be going to their PAWS classes for 10 minutes after lunches and then may either go home or to the Amazing Race. We are very intentional about doing the race during the day to give our learners who ride the bus to school or may have to work in the evening a chance to participate. Our goal is to have over 100 teams participate in this event.
Notepads and More Mega Sale
15th annual MEGA SALE Thursday, May 16th 6:30am to 1pm
Eagan High Work Experience Program
Notepads & More
ONE day ONLY, End of the school-year inventory reduction Sale.
ALL in-stock merchandise is 50% off (yes, $.50 each).
Thursday, May 16th, 6:30 am to 1 pm
Location: Eagan High School, 4185 Braddock Trail, Eagan, MN 55123
Enter the 2nd driveway, on the left from Diffley/Braddock stoplights.
Sales area: just inside of the lower level, East-side Student Entrance, (by the Gyms).
Our student workers have been extremely productive this year. We have inventory to move and are offering you a ONE-day Mega Sale to reduce our stock. The sales booth will be open till our inventory is gone or 1 pm. We hope our early birds start time is helpful for you too. Please forward this email to others who are interested in Notepads & More products.
The purpose of Notepads & More is to develop and enhance employment maturity skills and behaviors in students who participate in the Eagan High School Work Experience Program. When you purchase merchandise, you are doing much more than making a goodwill gesture. You are making a difference in the lives of those we serve by supporting innovative, progressive employment maturity skills and behaviors. Each item is crafted with the assistance of Ellison Prestige machines and die shapes from Ellison & AccuCut.
Upcoming Band & Choir Concerts
Band Showcase Concert - Wind Ensemble
Tuesday, May 7, 7:00 p.m. in the EHS Auditorium
Band Showcase Concert - Wind Ensemble
Band Freshman Spring Concert
Monday, May 13, 7:00 p.m. in the EHS Auditorium
Band Freshman Spring Concert
Choir Cabaret
Sunday, May 19, 5:00 p.m. at the Eagan Community Center Bandshell
Choir Concert including the VOX, caché, and B-Natural choirs
Wind Ensemble Concert
Sunday, May 19th 2:00 p.m. in the EHS Auditorium
Concert featuring the EHS Wind Ensemble and the Encore Wind Ensemble.
Choir Spring Concerts and Awards
Tuesday, May 28, 6:00 and 7:30 p.m. in the EHS Auditorium
Choir Concert : 9th-12th grade choirs
Band Varsity Spring Concerts and Awards
Wednesday, May 29, 7:30 p.m. in the EHS Auditorium
This concert will include 10, 11, and 12 grade bands.
Eagan Academy Summer School 2024
Eagan Academy (Summer School Credit Recovery)
Registration is now open:
Eagan Academy Summer School Registration Form
June 10-July 11 (8am-11:50 am) **No school June 19 and No school the week of the 4th of July
Mon/Tues = Math & English
Wednesday/Thursday = Social Studies/Science and Health
(Students MUST attend in person)
ALL Students should bring their ipads for classes each day.
Transportation is available in the first 3 weeks (June Only) Buses run routes to different areas of our EHS community (Similar to After School Activity Buses). Maps will be posted of those routes along with pick up/drop off times on this site. They will be posted when they are available to us from the 196 District Transportation Office.
Please contact Steve Thompson or Dave Fritze if you have any questions. stephen.thompson@district196.org or David.fritze@district196.org
Notification of a Social Studies Student Survey
Students at Eagan HS will be asked to respond to a brief survey in their Social Studies classes sometime during the week of May 13-17, 2024. The purpose of the annual survey is to collect information from our students about their learning experiences specific to Social Studies. This is one feedback system designed to help our Social Studies teachers reflect on instructional practice using student feedback. The survey items are specific to the student’s learning experiences, e.g., do you think social studies is an important subject to learn in school; identify how challenged you are by the assigned reading; rate how well you think your social studies course teaches you to think critically by examining cause/effect relationships and/or by comparing similarities/differences, etc. High school student completion times are approximately 5 minutes based on last year’s data. Teachers will reflect on the data in their learning teams on August 21st during the Social Studies annual meeting.
Per District 196 policy, a paper copy of the survey is available in our main office for parents to preview if interested. Please contact Todd Beach (Lead Teacher in the Social Studies) if you have additional questions: todd.beach@district196.org.
South of the River Powwow - Tomorrow, May 4th
Each year, our school district collaborates with the South of the River Indian Education Committee to host our annual South of the River Powwow. Our goal is to bring the community together and share culture through song & dance while we honor the academic achievements & accomplishments of our American Indian students who are graduating from a south metro area high school.
This year, we are hosting this celebration and honoring at Burnsville
High School on Saturday May 4th, 2024. Some of our plans include a free luncheon/feast, a traditional lacrosse scrimmage with Twin Cities Native Lacrosse, inviting the Twin Cities Native Honor Guard (veterans) as well as drum groups & dancers and of course the honoring of our American Indian High School Graduates. This event is free and open to the public and we encourage all those in the south metro to join us that day.
ENCORE! Streaming LIFE - Only Two Shows Left!
ENCORE! 2024 -"Streaming LIFE"
Directed by Jim Cox & John Ratzlaff
If you’ve ever been to an ENCORE! show before, you know it’s a not-to-be-missed event. For those who’ve never experienced it, prepare to be wowed. It’s one of those things that brings our community together, cheering on the incredible young talents of Eagan High School. So, buy your tickets now before they're sold out, and get ready for an unforgettable night at ENCORE! Streaming Life. Trust me, you wont want to miss it!
Click HERE for Tickets
Friday, May 3 at 7 p.m. - Auditorium
Saturday, May 4 at 7 p.m. - Auditorium
Military Recognition Ceremony
Hello Parents/Guardians of EHS Juniors and Seniors:
If your student has enlisted in the military (Active, Reserve, National Guard) and will attend Basic Training this summer or have accepted an ROTC, NROTC, AFROTC, CSPI, Service Academy or other military appointment please have them email me at paul.kovach@district196.org to be included in the 8th annual Military Recognition Ceremony sponsored by the Eagan American Legion Daniel R. Olsen Post 594. The ceremony date is Thursday May 23rd, 2024 at 5pm in the Eagan High School Commons. Please email Mr. Kovach as soon as possible for planning purposes or if you have any questions.
Check the Audition Folder if You Plan on Auditioning!
Eagan Summer Community Theatre Audition Information
Due to popular demand we have added more audition slots. We will also be adding a dance video by May 1st so please stay tuned!
Eagan Summer Community Theatre is so excited to be bringing to life Anastasia the Musical on our stage this summer!!! There are many roles available for people of all ages. There are some roles for children and many roles for teenagers through 90 years old!
Auditions will happen in May. Click HERE for audition material.
If you have any questions, please reach out to: james.cox@district196.org
Prom Ticket Price increases at Midnight Tonight!
Today is the last day to purchase prom tickets for $45/ticket, you have until midnight tonight!
Ticket sales will open again on Monday morning and the price will be $65/ticket.
Purchase tickets on MyPaymentsPlus.
It will be at MOA again this year - Nickelodeon Universe.
The theme is: Old Hollywood Meets Disco!
Click HERE for more Prom information.
Volunteers Needed at the Senior Party
Senior Parents...it's time to sign up for volunteering at the Senior All-Night Party. There are many opportunities to help out. Let's make it a night to remember for out Seniors!
Sign up via Signup Genius HERE
Community Ed Classes - MAY
Lifeguarding Renewal (age 17+)
Sat & Sun | May 18-19 | 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. | $190 | FRMS
Click HERE for complete list of EHS Community Ed Classes offered.
School Spirit Blitz – Get Your School Flocked!
Last chance to vote for your favorite District 196 school during the School Spirit Blitz! Voting closes Friday at midnight, so vote now to make a difference!
The top-voted elementary, middle and high school will each be “flocked” with “We Love our District 196 Teachers” signs at the start of Teacher Appreciation Week, May 6. Each $5 vote is a donation to the District 196 Foundation, the only charitable entity dedicated to eliminating barriers to learning across the entire school district. Your vote not only shows love for your favorite school(s), but also supports over 700 students with consistent access to food, provides age-appropriate books to 2,500 students in the summer and ensures every student who wants to participate in band can do so.
See where your school currently stands here!
Eagan High School
District 196 offers an online reporting system through School Messenger Quick Tip.
It allows students to report concerns or problems at anytime and may be anonymous.
All reports are dealt with immediately .
Access is on the website at: https://www.district196.org/quicktip.
Email: EHSNews@district196.org
Website: ehs.district196.org
Location: 4185 Braddock Trail, Eagan, MN, USA
Phone: 651-683-6900