MSAA Matters
August Volume II
August 25th
Dear Colleagues,
I hope this newsletter finds each of you well. Please know that here at MSAA we know what an extraordinary time this is for each of you, as you prepare for the 2020 - 2021 school year. As you prepare to start remotely, in a hybrid, or in person the logistics are daunting and overwhelming at times, but what I have learned through our weekly Ring Central gatherings, you are resilient, tenacious and deeply committed to your students and staff. Please know that we are here for you and please reach out for help, to brainstorm, or just to chat.
This will be the last edition of Matters until after the start of the school year, hopefully you will find this edition useful as I have included several timely articles that are germane to opening school, building relationships, remote learning tips, whats new with Google, a compelling New York Times podcast on building better schools titled Nice White Parents and finally an article on how teenagers are keeping the discussion on racism in the forefront.
It was clear from our summer work with our book groups that confronting racism is inextricably linked to building better and more responsive schools either remotely, hybrid or in person.
On a final note the MSAA Finance Board is meeting with Commissioner Jeff Riley on Monday, September 17th. If you have concerns and/or questions you would like raised, please email President Kathleen Duff at duffk@newton.k12.ma.us by Friday September 5th.
If you can join Breanna Hodges tomorrow for her workshop titled Lead with Story: A Two-Part Synchronous Online Workshop - Part One (Part 2 - Sept 2) Register for either or both!, Brianna Hodges, Synchronous Online Workshop, Register It should prove to be quite engaging!
On behalf of MSAA and Executive Director, Bill Gaine: Stay safe, stay strong and take time for yourself.
Warm Regards,
Beth Wittcoff
MSAA Assistant Executive Director
MSAA Matters Newsletter
Middle Level and Elementary Committee Liaison
Social Media
See member email for links to these gatherings!
MSAA High School Gatherings Mondays @ 9:00 AM
MSAA PK - 6 Gatherings Tuesdays @ 9:00 AM
MSAA Assistant Principals Tuesdays @10:00 AM
MSAA Special Education Gatherings Tuesdays @ 11:00 AM
MSAA PK-K Gatherings Tuesdays @ 1:00 PM
MSAA Middle Level Gatherings Wednesdays @ 10:00 AM
MSAA All Levels Gathering Thursdays @ 9:00 AM
August and September Professional Development
Wednesday, August 26, 2020, Lead with Story: A Two-Part Synchronous Online Workshop - Part One (Part 2 - Sept 2) Register for either or both!, Brianna Hodges, Synchronous Online Workshop, Register
Three-Asynchronous Online: registrations are accepted through August 15, 2020, and the workshop portals close August 30, 2020.
1. Succeeding with English Language Learners Approved by DESE for Use toward the 15 PDPs in ELL for License Renewal for Teachers, School Clinicians, and Administrators, Dr. Cindy Crimmin; Running currently through August 30;
Register here for all five modules; Register
For individual modules:
· Succeeding with English Language Learners, MODULE 1: Overview of the English Language Learner Running currently through August 30; use this registration for Module 1 only; Register
· Succeeding with English Language Learners, MODULE 2: Questioning and Assessment for Non-English Speaking Students Running currently through August 30; use this registration for Module 2 only; Register
· Succeeding with English Language Learners, MODULE 3: Teacher Language and Social-Emotional Learning Running currently through August 30; use this registration for Module 3 only; Register
· Succeeding with English Language Learners, MODULE 4: Special Education and English Language Learners Running currently through August 30; use this registration for Module 4 only; Register
· Succeeding with English Language Learners, MODULE 5: Where Culture and Language Intersect Running currently through August 30; use this registration for Module 5 only; Register
Wednesday, September 2, 2020, Lead with Story: A Two-Part Synchronous Online Workshop - Part Two (Part 1 - August 26) Register for either or both!, Brianna Hodges, Register