Lincoln Family Newsletter
May 2024
Mission, Vision and Values
Our BPS Mission: "Empower every learner to thrive."
Our BPS Vision: "Together, our strong relationships build inclusive, collaborative, and innovative environments that create agency and inspire a passion for learning, excellence, and discovery."
Our BPS Values: Inclusion, Excellence, Innovation and LeadershipMessage from Mrs. Hurt
As we approach the end of the school year, I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to each member of our Lincoln School community. It's incredible to think that May is upon us, marking the swift conclusion of another memorable year. Reflecting on my second year as elementary school principal, I'm reminded of the invaluable lessons learned, the occasional missteps taken, and the immense blessings of embarking on this journey alongside all of you. Your unwavering support, patience, and understanding have contributed to making this adventure truly remarkable for our Lincoln Lightning. I extend my deepest appreciation to each and every one of you.
Looking back on last year's newsletter, we shared updates on the construction progress of our school's addition, including plans to incorporate BECEP Early Childhood Special Education and Community Friends programs. While those plans haven't come to fruition for the upcoming school year, ongoing discussions and efforts are underway to integrate these programs into our school community in the future. I'll be sure to keep you informed as developments unfold.
What we can confirm is that the addition will serve as the new home for our Kindergarten classrooms come Fall 2024. With this exciting transition comes a flurry of activity as we rearrange and reorganize our classrooms throughout the building. Please join me in wishing our dedicated team the best as they work tirelessly this summer to prepare our school for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year!
Have a truly wonderful last weeks of school and great summer!
Art From the Heart
Lincoln Art Club will be held May 3, 10 & 17 from 3:05 to 5:00. You can find more information on Art From the Hearts Facebook page linked below. The cost is $45 per artist and there is a limit of 25 students during this and each additional session. Each month will begin a new session and registrations will take place for each session.
Band Night Parade 2024
WHO: All Lincoln Families are welcome to walk the parade route. K-2nd grade must have an adult walking with them.
WHEN: Friday, May 10th
WHY: To have a fantastic time connecting and having fun with fellow Lincoln Lightning!
Please wear your Lightning gear!
No bikes or scooters please!
Incoming Kindergarten Families
We are so excited to start to get to know your child as well as your family! Please fill out this Incoming Kindergarten Student Information Form. The questions will help to create classrooms that ensure the best learning environment for each student. Please feel free to share this information with anyone who may have an incoming Kindergarten student!
Thank you from the Lincoln Kindergarten Team
Lost and Found
Our Lost and Found is OVERFLOWING. At a glance, we see many hats, gloves, and several pairs of snow pants, coats, sweatshirts, water bottles and lunch boxes. Please find some time to stop in and look for any winter gear your student(s) may be missing. Any remaining items will be packed up by May 28th and donated to a local charity.
End of School Year Reminders
- Please pick up any medications that you may have left with the office this year by May 28th or they will be disposed of.
- If you move or change personal contact information (address, phone number, email, ect.) please notify the office as soon as possible so you can receive important information from us.
- You will receive your child’s last progress report electronically on the last day of school.
- You will be notified about your child’s classroom placement in the middle of August for the 24-25 school year.
- Money in your child’s lunch account will automatically transfer to the next year, even if you child is moving to another elementary school or to a middle school. If you are leaving the school district and wish to receive a refund, please contact the school office.
Camp Ed/Summer Hours
- The school office will be open at Lincoln May 27 & 28 from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.
- Lincoln Camp Edventure starts May 29 and will go through June 28th. The office will be open from 7:45 am - 1:00 pm.
24-25 School Year Fall Information
- Lincoln’s Fall Open House is tentatively set for Monday, Aug 19th. Please watch for more information to come this summer.
- K-5 school supply lists will be posted on our school website on or before the last day of school.
- The first day of school is Wednesday, August 21st.
See the attached 24-25 school calendar to begin planning for the upcoming school year.
PTO Happenings
NEXT PTO Meeting
May 7, 2024
6:30 pm
Lincoln Conference Room
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 299 127 940 912
Passcode: 2gQamh
Download Teams | Join on the web
ALL parents are invited to join and see what PTO is all about
Lincoln Elementary Annual Cash Raffle
Starting today, May 1st – 15th the students will be selling cash raffle tickets to fundraise for the PTO and various activities we have planned for the remaining school year. Packets will be coming home with students TODAY.
Each pack of tickets is assigned to the student by number. If you need more, please visit the front office. Extra tickets available on a first, come first serve basis.
If you are not planning to sell, please return your unsold tickets ASAP to give other students the opportunity to sell.
All buyer information must be filled out completely (Name, Address and Phone Number) on the ticket stub to be eligible to win the cash prizes. Winners will be contacted and sent prize money.
Tickets are $5 each (checks made payable to Lincoln Elementary PTO).
All ticket stubs and any unsold tickets must be returned by May 15, 2024.
Cash prize drawings will be announced on the specified date listed on the tickets.
Prizes mailed directly to the winners.
Top four ticket sells will win prizes from the PTO. Seller of each winning ticket also wins a prize!
Important Upcoming Dates
1 - 15 PTO Cash Raffle Ticket Sales
6 - Kindergarten Music Informances
- 6:00 - Garaas
- 6:30 - Vetter
7 - Doll Kindergarten Music Informance (6:00)
7 - PTO Meeting (6:30) - Student Support Services Team Share
7 - 4th and 5th Grade All City Orchestra (7:00 - Bismarck Event Center)
9 - Kindergarten Music Informances
- 6:00 - Steier
- 6:30 - Blacksher
10 - Band Night Parade (6:30)
13 - BPS School Board Meeting (5:15)
14 - Incoming Kindergarten Open House (5:30 - 6:30)
15 - 5th Grade All City Track Meet
21 - Field Day
21 - 5th Grade Graduation (6:00) BHS Auditorium
23 - Last Day of School
29 - Start of Camp Ed
3rd through 28th - Camp Ed (7:45 - 1:00)
Upcoming Music Programs
May 6
6:00 - Mrs. Garaas Kindergarten Music Informance
6:30 - Mrs. Vetter Kindergarten Music Informance
May 7
6:00 - Mrs. Doll Kindergarten Music Informance
May 9
6:00 - Mrs. Steier Kindergarten Music Informance
6:30 - Mrs. Blacksher Kindergarten Music Informance
About Us
Email: melissa_hurt@bismarckschools.org
Website: www.bismarckschools.org/lincoln
Location: 3320 McCurry Way, Lincoln, ND, USA
Phone: 701-323-4310
Facebook: facebook.com/LincolnElementaryBismarckPublicSchools
Any third party non-school district events in this newsletter
are not sponsored/endorsed by Bismarck Public Schools.