The Wolfpack Observer
October 2020
West Lake Parents! Do you have AWESOME pictures of your students?
Pictures will be featured in The Wolfpack Observer, Twitter, or the WLMS Homepage. We will double check with you before posting any pictures.
Please fill out the Student Picture Submission Form to submit your pictures! We can't wait to see all of the AMAZING things your students are doing.
ATTENTION: Parents of GT students
At West Lake Middle School, teachers provide gifted and talented services to identified students through advanced academic core courses in the four content areas: RELA, Social Studies, Science, and Mathematics. Additionally, students identified as gifted and talented will have the opportunity to participate in other areas to demonstrate professional quality work in alignment with the Texas State Plan for the Education of Gifted/Talented Students.
One area is through the completion of the Texas Performance Standards Project (TPSP). This is a project based study that Ms. Lovell, our librarian is overseeing in collaboration with other highly qualified teachers (please see the attached letter for more details on this awesome project opportunity).
In addition to the TPSP we also have opportunities in the Academic UIL competitions. Below are the sponsors and activities we are working on this year. Click on their name to email them and join in the fun competitions. Mr. Kollister will be overseeing all the UIL competitions and be a resource for you as well.
Ms Bass
Maps, Graphs, and Charts
Social Studies
Ms. Braunstein
Dictionary Skills
Mr. Roesch
Oral Reading
Impromptu Speaking
Modern Oratory
Ms. Smith
Calculator Applications
Number Sense
Ms. Haas
Chess Puzzle
Ms. Zamarron
- Science
Boxtops for Education
Dear West Lake Parents,
Please help us out by downloading the Box Tops for Education app on your phone. Then you can pick West Lake as your school of choice and all you have to do is scan your receipt after you go grocery shopping and it will automatically credit the school for any items you buy that qualify.
The list of products that qualify are attached below!
Thank you to everyone for your support!!
Home Access Center (HAC)
Use the following links to help you navigate HAC:
Address changes cannot be made through the Home Access Center (HAC). A new Proof of Residency is required before the address can be changed. Please contact the Registrar at 281-641-5807 regarding address changes.
IMPORTANT NOTE: To create a HAC account:
- You must be listed with the school as the student's guardian. (Each guardian of a student may have their own HAC account.)
- You must have a current email address on file with your child's school. If you have no email address or an incorrect address listed, the system will not be able to send you a link to create the password for your account.
Veterans Day Celebration
Dear West Lake Community,
In remembrance of Veterans Day, West Lake Middle School will be doing a slide show to honor the Veterans from our staff and community. This year we will not be able to do a Veterans Day Recognition Ceremony because of Covid 19 health concerns. The students will be participating by making cards or writing letters to a Veteran.
We are asking that you please fill out the attached form so will be able to honor all Veterans of the families and staff at West Lake. We want to honor our brave men and women of the United States Military, who have so valiantly defended our and other peoples’ freedom around the world.
The form must be submitted by Friday, November 6th in order for us to have the information to include in the digital presentation.
West Lake Middle School is proud to celebrate the lives and contributions of our Veterans and their families who have given so much so this country’s future generations will continue to live in “the land of the free and the home of the brave”.
Click here to fill out the form
West Lake Middle School Faculty & Staff
Are you interested in the environment? If so, West Lake Wetland Watchers may be the club for you.
This club is open to both face-2-face and virtual students at West Lake. Each student will get a kit with all the supplies they need to nurture and grow marsh grass for restoration in the salt marsh this spring. We are hoping there will be a field trip in the spring for planting the grass but that will be dependent on the travel restrictions at the time.
The Get Hip to Habitat program brings Galveston Bay Foundation’s environmental education and habitat restoration initiatives together for a year-long program. Participation in the program requires sustained activity and a commitment by teachers and students of a full school year. In the fall of the school year, students harvest native estuarine marsh grass with GBF educators and learn about local marsh characteristics. Back on their campus grounds, they set up mini-marsh grass nurseries on their school grounds. Throughout the school year, students cultivate their grasses and monitor the growth and health of their mini- marshes by regularly testing and maintaining the proper environmental parameters of their nurseries. In the spring, students culminate their project by transplanting their matured grasses to local estuarine marsh restoration sites selected by GBF. The program teaches students about the ecosystem and watershed, as well as imparting a sense of ownership of and responsibility for their marsh restoration project, all while teaching them to be good stewards of Galveston Bay.
This program is open to the 1st 15 students that are interested. You get a chord grass plant and all the supplies to grow it at home. You just need to email Mr. Primeaux with a time to pick up your supplies.
Club Sponsors: Mrs. Badeaux and Mr. Primeaux
push 1-3 skills to 100! Math teachers are recommending math skills that coincide with content presented in class.
WLMS Students of the Month
6th Grade: Rian S. & Landon A.
7th Grade: Elizabeth S. & Charles T.
8th Grade: Jordan D. & John S.
Teacher of the Year
6th Grade Science Students Learning Potential and Kinetic Energy!
Mrs. Soliz's 6th Grade Math class learns rations by playing board games!
Mrs. Fruge's Principles of AV and Yearbook Students are Hard at Work making the WLMS Newscast and Yearbook
Mrs. Zamarron's students create collaborative graffiti walls to review their unit on the universe!
Super Staffer of the Month
Congratulations to the students who made Region Orchestra!
West Lake Luminaires had their first game day performance on Tuesday, Oct. 27th. They did amazing despite the rainy conditions!! Good job ladies!❤
West Lake Middle School
Location: 11810 Madera Run Parkway, Atascocita, TX, USA
Phone: (281) 641-5800
Twitter: @HumbleISD_WLMS