Fayette Central Flyer
March 2021
Home of the Hornets
Email: kmccarty@fayette.k12.in.us
Website: fayettecentral.k12.in.us
Location: 2928 N. County road 225 West; Connersville, IN 47331
Phone: 765-825-6261
Fayette Central Mission Statement
The staff of Fayette Central believes that all students can learn given quality educational programs and a desire to learn. Through a cooperative effort that involves the family, school, and community, Fayette Central will provide a safe, educational environment which promotes learning. We will prepare students academically and socially to function as independent, productive citizens and life-long learners.
Principal's Desk
Dear Parents,
We hope that we are almost completely through all the winter weather and get into a good solid routine now to finish the year strong. This time of year is when we do our biggest tests so please be sure that if at all possible you are scheduling appointments outside of school time and that you are reinforcing to your children the importance of being here on time every day and doing their best quality work.
Our third graders will be taking IREAD on March 9 through 11. Then after spring break all of our 3rd-6th graders will take ILEARN beginning April 19 through May 14th. I have attached some additional information on these tests below.
Do you have internet connectivity at your home for your child to do their online learning? If not we have a limited supply of MIFI-hotspot devices that will allow you internet access. These devices can be checked out from our library and have the same filters as our in school network. They are free to borrow and must be returned in good condition by May 20,2021. Please call the office at 825-6261 if you would like to borrow a device or want more information on how they work.
Mrs. McCarty, Principal
Mrs. Shepherd's First Grade Class News
First grade has been busy trying to maintain some sort of normalcy with classroom routines. It has been hard with the e-learning days and delay days. We are excited that the weather has been better so that we can start going outside to play, even if it is just on the blacktop. We have been working on being kind and respectful to adults and peers.
In reading we are working on identifying the main idea and supporting details. We are also working on reading a grade level text and answering questions about what we have read. In writing we have written a story about making a snowman. We are learning about adjectives and designing a pair of mittens that we can describe.
In math we have just finished our unit on double digit addition and subtraction with regrouping. We have learned different strategies to add and subtract so that we can pick which strategy we want to use. Our next unit will be measurement and telling time to the hour and half hour on an analog and digital clock. We are continuing to practice our addition and subtraction facts.
The first week of March we will celebrate Read across America by dressing up during the week. We will also be celebrating Dr. Seuss by reading some of his many books and doing fun educational activities.
Mrs. Faulkenberg's Fifth Grade Classroom News
Mrs. Faulkenberg’s Grade 5 class says, “Welcome March”! We are making our school goals and setting our sights on new learning as we prepare for ILEARN TESTING and the end of Grade 5. Our class is experimenting and working together with Indiana’s Computer Science standards. We are learning to write and debug computer code, use mathematical logic and problem solving to make computers do what we want. Students will use these skills to create new video games using CODE.ORG and to program controls for robotic toys- Ollies and Spheros.
In March, we are learning about the founding of the United States government after the Revolutionary War. We are learning about the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. We are participating in a special virtual program with Junior Achievement to learn the basics of economics, production and design as well as career exploration.
Grade 5 students have been working with Deputy Officer Chad Blaze in a special program –SCHOOL ROCKS!- to practice goal setting , decision making, communication skills and health and safety. We want students to know that they are too good for drugs.
Some students are completing projects for National History Day this month. The theme is Communication – an important idea in history and in grade 5.
There is always someone in class sharing or helping another student, showing kindness and common sense. We honor a student each quarter for his or her demonstration of the R.I. C.H.E.R principles that guide our school. Caiden T. and LaniP. Have both been recognized as helpful, kind and kids who do their personal best ! So Welcome to March! We are Happy, Safe and Learning All the Time!
IREAD 3 Video
ILEARN Assesses with Technology
How Am I Getting Home?Car Rider? Bus?
Upcoming Events
Spring Break- March 20-26
Spring Pictures March 30