Glen Grove Community Project
August 2024: Welcome All

December 2024: Festivals of Light
Sparking Joy
This sentiment was very clear at the a small holiday market that I visited over the weekend. Local artisans and businesses set up stalls with elaborate displays of their products. Cookies, sweaters, nail polish, and intricate clay earrings were lined up for all to see. In between two large stalls of expensive looking merchandise was a small collection of cards propped on top of a large yellow plastic storage bin. A little girl, about 5-years-old, was sitting on a small chair next to her mother, who was waiting patiently with her.
Knowing just how hard it is to sell things myself, I approached her little stand. The girl, Luna (she has a different name, but we'll use that for the purpose of this story), was selling her cards for the first time. She liked to draw and her mom was encouraging her to pursue art. Little Luna had yet to make a sale of her hand-painted cards and was feeling shy and disappointed that no one had passed by her stall.
The kindred artisan in me wanted to help. First, I bought two cards from her and handed her some money. Then, I told her a little tradition I learned from my mother, who learned it from observing the palengke (wet market) women in the Philippines who sold fish and fruits everyday.
"Take the money from your first sale and tap in on your items," I suggested to Luna and her mother, "It's for good luck... to spread it on all the things you worked hard on."
At first, her mother gave me a skeptical look before taking Luna's hand and guiding the money I just gave her over her items. They swept over the pictures of pink cakes and painted flowers.
"It works," I assured them, thinking back to the now number of markets I'd sold at over the years, "Good luck!"
I walked away to look at the other stalls and when I glanced over my shoulder, lo and behold, Luna had another customer and she was beaming, proud of her hard work.
It's funny how a silly little tradition can spark some joy - and yes, it did cost me some money, but that smile was free. Sharing in that tradition with Luna gave me a gift beyond what I bought - that feeling of connection and care that truly that should light up our lives around the holidays. After all, just like strings of light that are hung on a house or tree, we all give light and warmth when we are connected, when we are together.
I wish you light and connection in all that your celebrate and much joy in the upcoming new year.
Festivals of Light That Gators Celebrate
Upcoming Holidays & Important Events
If you have a celebration you want to share with us, please let us know!
Mark Your Calendars For...
If your are interested in volunteering for this event, please reach out to a GGCP member!
Coming up in District News...
Community Blurb #5: Season's Greetings from the Glen Grove Gator
Our very own Gator decided to spread some holiday cheer this year!
Upcoming Meetings
GGCP Planning Meeting
This is an in-person meeting. We will be planning for Lunar New Year!
Monday, Dec 16, 2024, 03:00 PM
Family Story Night: La Befana
Read These Books About La Befana
Guiding Question of the Month
Land Acknowledgement
The GGCP acknowledges the land upon which Glen Grove School stands on and in being part of this community, we want to share resources to further our students' and families' knowledge of the land and respect communities of past and present.
Special thank you to Dr. Ellison for also donating on behalf of the GGCP as part of the land acknowledgement at the most recent Remembering Loved Ones Event on October 25, 2024.
Have questions? Contact us!
Committee Members
- Katherine Ellison, Glen Grove Principal
- Aurora Joaquin, Glen Grove Speech-Language Pathologist
- Katelyn Kelleher, Glen Grove Psychologist
- Hedy Helfand, Glen Grove English Language Learning Teacher
- Lisa Funke, Glen Grove Learning Resource Center Director
- Nicole Bright, Glen Grove 4th Grade ClassroomTeacher
- Marie Chang-Pisano, Glen Grove Reading Intervention Associate
- Sylvia Gorski Duarte, District Title III Family Resource Teacher
- Lindsey Lurie, District Multilingual Instructional Coach
Email: GGCommunityProject@gmail.com
Instagram: @ggcommunityproject