Notes from Onondaga Road
May 17, 2024
Message From Onondaga Road School Principal
Dear Onondaga Road Families,
Spring is a season of renewal, growth, and new beginnings. It's a time when the world around us blossoms, and here at Onondaga Road, we saw the same vibrant energy at our annual Spring Open House. It was wonderful to see the school filled with families and students showcasing their incredible projects and achievements. This was a fantastic time to strengthen the partnership between home and school.
Our Spring Open House was also a time to connect with other families and build our school community. It was heartwarming to see everyone sharing experiences, talking with friends, and enjoying the sense of belonging that comes with being part of the Onondaga Road family. The visit from Charlie’s Ice Cream Truck was just the cherry on top!
Thank you for your continued support and involvement in your child's education. The event was a huge success because of your engagement and enthusiasm.
Thank you for your continued support and please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any concerns or questions that you may have.
Michelle Collier
Around School...
See our Onondaga Road students in action!
Spring Open House
The Annual District Budget Vote and BOE Election is on May 21, 2024
The Annual School District Board of Education Election and Budget Vote will take place from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 21, 2024 in the West Genesee High School Auditorium Lobby.
You are eligible to vote on May 21, 2024 if you are a U.S. citizen, 18 years or older, and have been a District resident for at least 30 days prior to the vote. No pre-registration is required although personal identification may be requested at the polls. Questions? Call the District Clerk at (315) 487-4563.
Qualified voters of the District may obtain applications for an absentee ballot or early mail ballot from the office of the District Clerk. Completed applications must be received by the Clerk of the District no later than 4:00 p.m. on May 20, 2024, and must be received no later than 4:00 p.m. on May 14, 2024 if the absentee ballot or early mail ballot is to be mailed to the voter.
Completed applications received after 4:00 p.m on May 14, 2024 will require the voter to personally appear at the office of the District Clerk to receive an absentee ballot or early mail ballot. Absentee ballots and early mail ballots must be received by the District Clerk no later than 5:00 p.m. on May 21, 2024.
The Communicator Budget Edition is available from the website by clicking here.
4th Grade Transition to WGIS
Your student will soon be transitioning from Split Rock Elementary and moving up to West Genesee Intermediate School. Congratulations! There are many events in place to support this transition for you and your child. Here is what you can expect:
- May 22- Parent Night at WGIS for 4th Grade Parents from 6:00-7:00 pm
- Mid August- Parents will receive information in the mail about their child’s homeroom, teaching team, and school supply list.
- August (TBD)- 5th Grade Orientation: Students can come to WGIS to receive their class schedule, assigned locker number, and locker combination. They can practice opening their locker and may leave school supplies in their locker.
WGIS Quick Facts:
- WGIS is for all 5th and 6th Grade students within the West Genesee School District.
- 4th Grade students from Split Rock, Onondaga Road, Stonehedge, and East Hill Elementary all combine for 5th grade at WGIS.
- School starts at 7:50 am and ends at 2:28 pm. Each student will have an individual schedule for their 9 period day. Each period is 38 minutes long, but some classes will be two periods back-to-back for a 76 minute block.
- All 5th Graders will have ELA and Math on their schedule everyday. Social Studies and Science are on alternate days. These are their core classes.
- Students will have an assigned core teaching team with most classrooms being together in the same hallway. This hallway is also where the majority of student lockers are located.
- All 5th Graders will have P.E. every other day. Students will also take a combination of the special area classes: Art, Digital Literacy, Library, and Music during their 5th Grade year.
- Students will have a daily lunch period on their schedule, but no recess period. However, there are often opportunities for play toward the end of their lunch period (staff make take students outside, to the gym, or students can play games within the cafeteria).
Important Reminder about Arrival & Dismissal Procedures:
8:50 – Breakfast
Doors open for Breakfast students ONLY! - If your child does not receive breakfast,
please do not drop them off before the 9:00 bell. If your child receives breakfast, they
will come to the cafeteria line to receive their meal and proceed to the cafeteria to eat.
Please remind your child that if they are coming in to eat, they will be expected to get a
meal and sit and eat with the rest of the breakfast students.
9:00-9:10 - Drop-off Time for Students
Please do not arrive early or drop children off prior to 9:00, as there is no supervision.
Children may not wait alone on the sidewalk prior to 9:00. Please avoid arriving early
because waiting in your car will cause traffic to back up into Onondaga Road.
Parents are asked to stay in your car. You are permitted to assist a child with a car seat
or seat belt if needed, but we ask that you refrain from walking your child to the door,
and move your car promptly. There will be school staff outside to guide and escort the
children safely from the cars to the classrooms.
We will utilize only the side door entrance for all car drop-offs in the morning, NOT the
front door, since all of the buses will be parked in the front bus loop. All cars enter the
bus loop (parking lot) entrance to the school, and then stay to the right, proceeding to
the parking-lot-side door. When you exit, please turn right from Kent Place onto
Onondaga Road so as to not hold up all traffic. This is extremely important!
Buses pull into the bus loop between 8:50-9:10. Students will exit the buses at 9:00
and enter the building to start the school day! Under no circumstance is a child to be
dropped off in the bus loop.
Late/Tardy Arrival Procedures
If you arrive as buses are pulling in, please wait and allow buses first. Never park
between our buses! The late bell rings at 9:10. If you arrive after 9:10 and the doors
have been locked with no supervision outside, a parent/guardian must walk the child to
the main entrance, check-in at the main office, and sign their child in (tardy arrival).
Please DO NOT drop children off unattended at the sidewalk or door if the doors are
closed and there is no staff supervising outside!
3:10 - 3:15 – Pick-up Time for walkers and car pick-ups
For efficiency, car-pick-ups will take place at two different doors. Cars with EVEN
number tags pull into the front bus loop, and cars with ODD number tags will go to the
right/side door parking lot. We will begin bringing students outside and directly to their
cars promptly at 3:10.
No parent will exit their car or enter the building. Students will be escorted safely to
cars for dismissal. Be sure to have your number tag visible. Because our buses will be
waiting to pull in, and to keep traffic moving safely, ALL cars are asked to exit with a
Right-hand turn onto Onondaga Road.
If a parent is designating someone else to pick up a child on a particular day, it will be up
to the parent to make sure they provide that person with the pick-up number tag.
3:20 - School Bus Dismissal Time
Busses begin to pull into bus loop around 3:15- 3:20, and we will dismiss students to
their buses at 3:20. To avoid delays, if picking up your child, please pull out of the bus
loop as safely and promptly as possible to allow our busses to enter and line up.
Buses will depart from school at approximately 3:25-3:30.
Early Pick-up
If, on occasion, you need to pick your child up before dismissal time for an appointment,
etc., you must send a note to school with your child stating the time you will pick up. In
this case, parents will come to the main door (office) to sign your child out.
We understand that emergencies can occur throughout the school day, so if a note is
not sent, please notify the main office as soon as possible. This will help keep the
dismissal process moving safely and quickly.
PLEASE NOTE: There is a 3:00 deadline for picking up students early. If you request an
early pick up and then arrive late, you will need to wait while we safely proceed with our
regularly scheduled dismissal process.
Thank you for your support!
PTA News
The PTA has had a great year and is getting ready for end of the year events including the Olympics, End of the Year Picnic and special events planned for the graduating fourth graders! Please consider volunteering for these events by signing up via the Onondaga Road Elementary School PTA page on Facebook once sign ups are posted. More information about the PTA’s End of the Year Picnic will be coming home in May, and in keeping with years’ past this is the only PTA event that charges admission of $2 per person, with a maximum of $10 per family.
Upcoming Events
Dates to Remember
- May 20 - WGIS Counselors visit our 4th grade classes 9:30 - 10:30
- May 21 - 3rd grade field trip to the MOST
- May 22 - 4th grade visits WGIS 9:30 - 10:30
- May 24, 27 -28 - No School
- May 29 - Kindergarten Readiness Night