Berkshire Elementary 2024/2025
Here's What We've Been Up To!
2nd- Schools Reopens
4th- PTA Spirit Day at Chic Fil A
6th- 2nd Grade Field Trip
9th- BCPS Day
20th- Martin Luther King Jr Day, School's closed
21st- Multi Language Parent Meeting 5-6
24th- Second Marking Period ends, 1/2 Day
24th- Eagle Earners Celebration: Slime a Teacher
28th- Shared Decision Making Team Meeting 4-5
29th- School's closed
30th- PTA World's Finest Chocolate Fundraiser Kickoff
31st- Perfect Attendance Celebration
1st- Beginning of Black History Month
6th- Report cards distributed
7th- PTA Valentine's Dance 6-7:30
11th- Health and Wellness Night 5-7
15th- SRO Appreciation Day
17th- President's Day, School's closed
24th- PTA Joe Corbi's Fundraiser starts
28th- End of PTA World's Finest Chocolate Fundraiser
10th- End of PTA Joe Corbi's Fundraiser
31st- No School
1st- Beginning of World Autism Month
2nd- Science Center Assembly
4th- Ending of the 3rd marking period, Half day
7th- PTA Joe Corbi's Fundraiser pickup
9th- 5th Grade Philadelphia Trip
11th- Spring Break begins at the end of the day
22nd thru 26th- Administrative Professionals Week
22nd- School Reopens
22nd- School Bus Driver Day
24th- Report card distribution
25th- No Prek or K classes, Conferences
26th- No Prek Classes, Conferences
13th- Drama Club Presents The Lion King
16th- Half Day
26th- Memorial Day, No School
12th-TBD Last day of school
Moments to Celebrate 🙌
Congratulations, Mr. Sabiston! You are Teacher of the Year 🤩  🏆
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