Notes from Onondaga Road
November 15, 2024
Message From Onondaga Road School Principal
Dear Onondaga Road Families,
For a short week, we were certainly busy here at Onondaga Road! Thank you for all of the donations towards Paige's Pajamarama. It was so fun to see all of the students wearing their PJs and supporting pediatric care at Upstate Golisano Children's Hospital.
Our first-grade classrooms were transformed into hospitals, and all of the students became "doctors for a day." This fun and engaging activity served as the perfect wrap-up to their unit on human body systems. The students were so excited to demonstrate what they learned in such a creative way!
A big thank-you goes out to the Camillus Elks Lodge 31 for their generous donation of dictionaries to our third graders. These dictionaries are wonderful tools to support vocabulary development and enhance our students' language skills. Additionally, our third graders completed a thoughtful writing activity about what they are thankful for, showcasing both their creativity and gratitude.
In our social-emotional learning curriculum, Second Step, students focused on managing emotions this week. They explored the purpose of emotions, how they can help us, and strategies for handling emotions that might get in the way of our goals. These lessons are so valuable in building self-awareness and resilience.
Finally, a reminder that parent-teacher conferences are coming up soon. If you haven’t already scheduled a time, please reach out to your child’s teacher. Conferences are a wonderful opportunity for teachers and families to connect and celebrate the academic growth and progress of our students.
Thank you for your continued support in making Onondaga Road a vibrant and engaging place to learn and grow!
Michelle Collier
Around School...
See our Onondaga Road students in action!
First Grade Doctors
Grade 3
PTA News
The PTA is looking forward to a year of activities! The next PTA meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 9th at 6:00 in the Onondaga Road Library. (Note: there will not be a meeting during the month of December.) Please consider becoming a PTA member to help support all of the great PTA-sponsored activities. We would love to see you at the next meeting. Here is a list of upcoming PTA events that your membership supports:
- Scholastic Book Fairs
- BINGO Night & Ice Cream Social
- Enrichment Day
- Learning Fair
- Family Picnic
Emergency Closing Information
Announcements about school closings, delayed openings, or early dismissal will be posted on the News Headlines section of the District website home page. They will also be broadcast on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and the following stations which you can access by clicking here.
Also, ParentSquare communications software allows us to send emails, texts, and make phone calls. (Phone calls will be used for emergency situations only.)
Parent/Guardians and staff will NOT need to sign-up to receive information from schools that you are registered for in Schooltool. (You will have the option to opt-out if you choose not to receive emails, texts, and/or phone calls. To receive texts, you also have to opt-in per the instructions in the Tips article below. )
Upcoming Events
- November 22 - Half-Day for Students for Parent Teacher Conferences - Early Dismissal (11:00)
- November 25 - Half-Day for Students for Parent Teacher Conferences - Early Dismissal (11:00)
- November 26 - Half-Day for Students for Parent Teacher Conferences - Early Dismissal (11:00)
- November 27 - 29 - Thanksgiving Break