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Principal's Weekly Update
September 23rd-27th
Dear Families,
I am pleased to share with you that we will have a special education teacher joining our faculty this week. Ms. Shirley Hardison is a veteran teacher with many years of experience. She will work directly with our students in our support program while providing support to our teachers. Mrs. Hardison will be at Holy Name on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Mrs. Ford will continue to be here on Mondays or Fridays. We are very grateful to the S.E.A.L. Foundation for helping us to grow our student support program so that all students at Holy Name can access the curriculum.
Thank you to all of the families who attended our Papa Gino's fundraiser night. We had a fantastic turnout. We let you know the funds that were raised once we hear back from Papa Gino's.
Our Oktoberfest is just around the corner. Below you will see reminders of various ways you can support these fundraising efforts. This Tuesday we will be sponsoring a dress down day for Oktoberfest. Students can either pay $5 or bring in a case of soda or water. We will have carts outside at drop off on Tuesday so that students do not need to carry these items into school. Please note that all dress down day rules will apply.
Megan dos Santos
September/October Calendar
26 - 6-8 field trip to Colt State Park
26 - Oktoberfest Meeting @ 6 pm
27 - Early Release @ 11:30
1 - Picture Day
4 - Early release @ 11:30 for Oktoberfest setup
5 - Oktoberfest 12-8pm
10 - P/T Conferences - Early release @ 11:30
14 - No School for Columbus Day
20-23 - NEASC reaccreditation visit
25 - Early release @ 11:30 for professional development
Early Release on 9/27
This is a friendly reminder that Friday, 9/27 is an early release day for faculty and staff professional development. There will be no extended care available. Students must be picked up by 11:30.
Dress Down Day - 9/24
Tuesday will be a dress down day to support Oktoberfest. Students can either pay $5 or donate a case of soda or water for Oktoberfest.
Appointments and Excused Absences
Please remember to send in a doctor's note to the nurse's office when your child attends an appointment during school hours. Absences will not be considered excused without a note.
Oktoberfest - Sponsorships
Oktoberfest - Vendors Wanted!
Holy Name's Got Talent - Auditions
Free STEM Enrichment Program
The Greater Boston STEM Program (gbSTEM) is a youth enrichment program that delivers free introductory STEM courses to elementary and middle school students in the Greater Boston area. For over four years, we have brought free virtual and in-person lessons (at the Cambridge Public Library) to over 1000 Massachusetts youth from over 100 different schools and 57 different towns.
This Fall, our new semester will run from September 29th, 2024, to December 21st, 2024! Registration will close September 20th. Further, we are excited to announce the new addition to our current curriculum: Lego Robotics! Lego Robotics is our in-person offering at the Cambridge Public Library. This course will run from 1-3 pm on Saturdays. Students enrolled in the Lego Robotics class will be actively engaged, collaborating to build and program a robot to compete in a global competition.
To enroll for the fall semester:
Log into your gbSTEM account (https://portal.gbstem.org/signin)
Click "go to dashboard" in the portal
Wait until you are notified on September 22nd to register your child for open class slots on a first-come, first-serve basis. This registration is due by September 28th.
Information about our program can be found at our website: https://gbstem.org
If you have any questions, please contact contact@gbstem.org.
CYO Registration
CYO Skills Nights
CYO will be hosting skills nights for any child who signed up for CYO. These sessions will be on Tuesday, 9/24 and Thursday, 9/26 from 5:30-8:00 p.m.
Futsal Registration
Futsal will be starting up in the middle of November, but it's not too soon to start signing your students up!
We will also need coaches, so please let me know if you are willing and able to help us out with leading the teams.
Attached is the registration form, waiver and overview.
Please return the registration form, waiver and payment as soon as possible. Since space will depend upon how many coaches sign up, it may be limited. Therefore, it will be on a first come, first served basis.
If you are interested in coaching, please contact me at Tinkrbl777@msn.com or 508-496-0907 (you can call or text). You will need to fill out a CORI form, which should be done rather quickly.
Snack Cart
Grade 8 will open the snack cart on Monday, September 16th. Items cost $1-2. The cart will be open at dismissal outside the main entrance.
Drop-off Reminder
This is a friendly reminder that there is no parking in the lot during drop off in the morning. Parents wishing to walk their children to the door should park on the street.
Virtue of the Month - Hope
Trusting in God's Loving Plan
Our virtue of the month is hope. Below are our saints our students will be studying. Attached are some ideas for carrying over these lessons at home.
St. Joseph
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Sts. Louis and Zelie Martin
Holy Name Church Men's Group
Holy Name Men's Group: We are starting up a new Men’s Group at Holy Name. We’re going to meet on the 3rd Saturday morning of each month from 8:30 to 10 for breakfast, a talk, and fellowship. Let’s support one another as men and as Christians! There’s no cost, but an RSVP would be appreciated so we can get the correct count for breakfast: please call the parish office at 508-679-6732 or email mensclub@holynamefr.com to let us know if you can make it. Our first meeting will be on Saturday, Sept. 21, at Holy Name School. Doors open at 8:30 a.m., talk begins at 9:00 a.m. Please see attached flyer for more information.
Lunch Menu
Below is a link to order for lunch.