Weikel Newsletter
September 2024
Have No Fear The Wolf Pack Is Here!
A message from the Principal
Wow! Our school year is off to an amazing start, with great instruction and learning taking place every day.
I want to send a special thank you to the Weikel community for supporting the school systems and procedures that we have in place. Procedures like our pickup and drop-off have been running smoothly because of you! Remember to pull up to the farthest open spot before stopping. This will support the flow of traffic.
Also, if your student rides a bike at school, please ensure that your student walks their bike once on school grounds.
In addition, for the safety of all Weikel students, we ask that you not bring dogs or other pets onto school grounds. If your pet is a service dog, please ensure it wears a vest. Again, thank you for ensuring the safety of all students; it is very much appreciated.
As we progress, let's remember that promoting excellent school attendance remains a top priority for the Weikel staff. Every minute a child misses, be it due to tardiness or absence, is a missed opportunity for learning. Our aim is to maintain a 96% perfect attendance rate or higher daily. Thank you for ensuring your child/children are here every day and on time!
In closing, please know that if I can ever support you in any way, do not hesitate to contact me.
Here's to a 'Super September' filled with exciting learning opportunities and memorable experiences!
Dr. Misty Jaramillo-Principal
Illness Guidelines for School:
- Children who have temperatures of 100.4 (Fahrenheit) or above should not attend school. Children should remain home until their temperature has been normal (98.6 degrees), without any fever reducing medication for up to 24 hours.
- Children who have cold symptoms such as: a constant runny nose, with abnormal color (green, yellow, or white) or thick nasal discharge, constant coughing, or lung congestion should not be in school.
- Children who have been diagnosed with an infection and have been placed on medication should not return to school until they have taken the medication for up to 24 hours after the first dose.
- Children who have had vomiting or diarrhea in the last 24 hours should not attend school for up to 24 hours.
- Children who have an undiagnosed skin rash or open skin lesion should not be in school.
- Children who have red, inflamed eyes with a thick discharge and have a fever and/or behavioral changes should not be in school.
If any of the above signs and symptoms are present at school, the parent will be contacted to pick up the child. We do not want children to miss school, but keeping sick children home will improve everyone's attendance and health in the long run.
If any of the above signs and symptoms last longer than 48 hours, please contact your child's school nurse before they return to school.
If your child is hospitalized or treated for an infectious disease, please provide your child's school a written statement from the health care provider that your child is no longer contagious and is cleared to return to school.
- Children who have temperatures of 100.4 (Fahrenheit) or above should not attend school. Children should remain home until their temperature has been normal (98.6 degrees), without any fever reducing medication for up to 24 hours.
A message from our Counselor:
Hello Parents!
My name is Lisa Wood and I am honored to be the school counselor at here at Weikel! I have worked for Fountain-Fort Carson District 8 in various positions for the past 16 years. I am also the wife of a military veteran, the mother of four, and a nana of four! I am grateful to be part of a school staff that is passionate about the essential role that social-emotional learning plays in the development of children. In an effort to further strengthen the home-school connection, each month I’ll be sharing details about the social-emotional skills your student is learning at school along with tidbits of research regarding childhood development. I hope you find this information helpful as you navigate the most challenging and rewarding job there is- the role of parent!
Together, we can make 2024-25 the best year yet! Go Pack!
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year in kindergarten!
The first months of school are packed full of learning our school and classroom expectations and procedures. We will begin working on letter identification, letter sounds, and first sound fluency. They will hear stories about school, family, and friends. As we begin learning high frequency words (sight words), we ask that you practice those every day with your child. In math, we will be working on sorting and classifying. Social studies will include building relationships, creating classroom social contracts, sharing, taking turns, following teacher directions and mastering rules and routines. As we continue to build fine motor skills, students will have opportunities to play with, manipulate and discover new materials. Writing will include dictating, drawing, and coloring. Please continue to practice self-help skills like buttoning buttons, zipping zippers and tying. As the cooler weather approaches, in the fall, they will need these skills to help themselves and others with coats and shoes. We appreciate your support and communication with us. We are glad you are here!
Kindergarten Teachers
Where has the time gone? The first grade team cannot believe that we are done with the first month of school. In reading, we will continue our work with phoneme blending, phoneme segmentation, and phoneme substitution. We will be working on asking and answering questions about key details using text. In math, we will be finishing up addition concepts then moving into addition strategies to 20. We will be using some strategies we practiced with addition concept, except now we will be using a number line and doubles to add. We are looking forward to conferences and showing you all the great learning that has been taking place. Please remind your kiddos to bring a water bottle and a snack every day! As always, please let your child's teacher know if you have any questions or concerns.
Second grade is moving and grooving. We have loved getting to know each of your kiddos and we are continuing to build a classroom community that is safe, welcoming, fun, and engaging. Each child will continue to adjust but so far things here in Second Grade are great. Second Grade has jumped right into curriculum where lots of learning is taking place. Second Grade teachers are excited for what September will bring, and we are thrilled your child is here. Please remember snacks, and water bottles for your child each day the weather has been so hot and water bottles are a necessity. Please continue to read with your child for 20 minutes every night this helps build their Reading skills, as well as their confidence! We look forward to a fantastic year. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions for us!!!
~Second Grade Team
Why did the M&M go to school? Because he really wanted to be a smartie! Welcome back families! In the month of September, our genre of focus will be Narrative nonfiction. Our reading skills will be the plot of a story and context clues. In writing, we are still focusing on conventions of a sentence and paragraph form. For math, we will be focusing on multiplication and division with units of 2,3,4,5, and 10. We would recommend grouping items into equal groups with your child and counting the number of groups, the number in each group, and the total within each equal group. Please remember to have your child bring a snack and water bottle every day. Thanks so much! We are looking forward to a great school year. For Science, students will be balancing forces and investigating floating trains recognizing cause and effect in the world around them. It has been a great start in third grade.
Third Grade Team
The fourth-grade team (Ms. Taylor, Mrs. Hasanov, Mrs. Cook, and Ms. Guzman) would like to welcome you back to school! We are excited to start a new year with our fourth graders. Throughout the first quarter, we will be studying a variety of topics in reading, math, writing, science, and social studies. . We will learn about Colorado’s history, practice place value, complete some exciting experiments in science, and read interesting new stories! We are excited to continue Content Specialization this year and provide your child with all the rich learning opportunities. We hope to see you at Curriculum Night later this month to explain more! Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions on Remind.
5th grade is so excited to work with your student this year! All of our beginning of the year assessments and evaluations have been completed and we are ready to rock and roll! Each student will have two teachers this year, one teacher for ELA and Social Studies, and the other teacher will be teaching Math and Science. We can’t wait to get them started and see their amazing growth. We are planning on setting goals, working towards student agency, and mastering the 5th grade targets!
Please remember to call the front office at 719-358-4320 or go online to report your child's absence.
We know illnesses and emergencies arise. Please be mindful of your child's absences.
Important Reminders:
Please remember that drop off is no earlier than 7:05 am. There is no adult supervision until that time.
If your child will be going home a different way, please call the front office before 2:00 pm to ensure the message gets delivered to your student and their teacher.
September 2nd - Labor Day No school for students
September 3rd - PTO meeting @ 2:45 pm
September 4 & 5 - Student photos
September 19th - Coffee and Conversation with the Weikel Admin Team, watch for more information