Orlando Science Schools Lynx Campus
Issue 2
August 24th-2018 Weekly Newsletter
Principal's Message
I hope your second week at Orlando Science Lynx Campus was a success!
Thank you to all parents and students for following instructions during our dismissal and pick up procedures. This helps to maintain smooth traffic lanes. As we continue to assess and implement procedures on our Lynx Campus, we appreciate your continued participation and patience.
For those of you who missed the first newsletter, please be advised that each week the Orlando Science Lynx Campus "Weekly Newsletter" will be sent home via email and may also be found on our Facebook and Twitter pages. Our weekly newsletters are a great resource to stay informed about school activities. If you have students at the Technology Drive High School Campus, there is a link to their weekly newsletter at the bottom of this page for your convenience.
Be sure to mark your calendars for our upcoming Curriculum Nights on Tuesday, August 28th 2018 from 5:30-8:00PM for grades 6th and 8th and Thursday, August 30th 2018 from 5:30-8:00PM for 7th grade. This is the best time to learn about your child's grade specific curriculum and learn about the many learning resources we offer. I hope to see all of you there!
We also invite all of our Orca Parents to the 1st PVO Meeting of the 2018-2019 School Year at our Technology High School Campus on Wednesday, August 29th 2018 beginning at 6PM. Have a safe and wonderful weekend and we will see you on Monday!
Abdulaziz Yalcin, M.Ed
Orlando Science Schools-Middle/High
2018-2019 Bell Schedule
Middle School Lynx Lane Campus Bell Schedule
Code of Conduct Due Friday August 31st 2018
This is just a reminder that the Code of Conduct and Emergency Form are both due this Friday, August 31st 2018 to your student's homeroom teacher. You will find both forms in the PDF found below.
Important Payment Update!
Please be advised for the 2018-2019 School Year we will NO LONGER BE ACCEPTING CASH as a form of payment. We will continue to accept checks, credit cards, and SCHOOL PAY. Thank you for your understanding.
What is the "30/30 Rule"?
The “30/30 Rule is the Delayed Dismissal Weather procedures that the nationally recognized. It is required that the “30/30 Rule” be enacted by the school if thunder is heard within 30 seconds of a lightning strike. Orlando Science Middle/High follows this rule.
When 30/30 Rule is implemented, Students will not be dismissed until 30 minutes has passed from the last sound of thunder. However, parents/guardians who wish to pick up their child/children during delayed dismissal, will be allowed to sign out their child/children at the front office.
In order to pick up your student(s) from the front office during this procedure parents/guardians must bring their dismissal sign to the front door of the school to sign their child/children out. If you do not have a dismissal sign, you will need to provide a picture ID and be on the school pick-up list to pick-up the child/children. Bus riders will be delivered home when conditions are all safe for dismissal.
An automated telephone and/or email message will be used to notify parents/guardians about delayed dismissals. Always be sure to update the school when your phone or email information changes. Thank you for your cooperation on our students’ safety.
2018-2019 Dress Code
Lynx Lane Orcas Families please make sure to review the Dress Code with your students. Dress Code may be found in the attachment below beginning on page 29 in the OSS Handbook STEM Planner 2018-2019 below. Please also see the "Orientation Presentation" attachment below regarding dress code as well.
Lynx Lane Orcas we are pleased to share with you that we have 10 EPI School Supply packs up for sale! Simply use the link below to purchase a supply pack. The deadline to purchase a pack is Friday August 31st 2018. Please note there are only 10 available for sale.
Operation stock the library
We know you LOVE to read, and each summer we need to replenish our reading materials. This year, we would LOVE your help! Below, you'll find a link to an Amazon Wish List* for books for our Media Center. Beginning August 27th-September 7th stop by our Media Center, and drop off a donation for our middle school library.
You'll be entered in a raffle to win a $25 Barnes and Noble gift card for each new book you donate! We're looking forward to partnering with you as we build our middle school library.
*New books can be purchased from anywhere. The Amazon list is simply an easy way to share the titles we think our students would love to have access to.
If you have any questions, email Mrs. Strum at kayla.strum@orlandoscience.org.
If you would like to donate items and prefer to have them shipped, please deliver to:
Orlando Science Schools
Attn: Media Center
2427 Lynx Lane
Orlando, FL 32804
Be sure to message me if you choose to have items shipped so I may acknowledge your contribution.
Mrs. Sturm
Important Student Medical Alert Check and Medication Information
If you have a student with any medical conditions such as asthma, anaphylaxis, diabetes or any other serious medical conditions please contact Mrs. Caggiano via email ASAP for the paperwork that will be needed for the 2018-2019 school year.
2018-2019 Emergency Forms
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Please be advised that all Orlando Science Students must have a 2018-2019 Emergency Student Information Form on file for the 2018-2019 School Year. These forms are not optional, and per the OSS Handbook ALL students must provide this form whether they are on campus full time or dual-enrolled. You will also find this form on www.orlandoscience.org , select the “Enrollment Form” button located on the navy blue bar on the left-hand side of the web page select the “Enrollment Forms” Link. Please note you will only need pages Five and Six. All 2018-2019 Emergency Forms are due by Friday, August 31st 2018.
You may also find the forms in the link below labeled "CLICK HERE FOR THE 2018- 2019 EMERGENCY FORM"
Mrs. Caggiano and Mrs. Sturm
Attendance Matters!
Attendance is a key to the success of your student's learning. If you have any attendance concerns such as upcoming absences, extended absences or questions please contact Mrs. Caggiano at Clarissa.Caggiano@OrlandoScience.org
2018-2019 Lynx Lane Clubs
LYNX LANE Clubs have begun, please see the schedule above.Students must attend three of their scheduled club days from the weeks of August 13th 2018 through the week of September 3rd 2018. If they miss more than three days they will lose their spot in the registered clubs.
We will hold 1st Semester Club Re-Sign Up during the week of September 10th-14th 2018, on campus. We will NOT be sending home a link for re-signing up, students will sign up for any available club spots during the week of September 10th-14th 2018 at school. Please note there will be NO ONLINE sign-ups for the 1st Semester Re-Sign Ups.
If your student would like to withdraw from a club please contact Mrs. Sturm.
Invitation Only Club Sponsors may be found below. Once OSS Connect is up and running all of their emails will be found under the Staff Directory.
Competition Math Clubs-Mr. Akyalcin(Akyalcin@orlandoscience.org)
NJHS-Mrs. Frunker(Frunker@orlandoscience.org)
We the People-Mr. Koebe(Nicholas.Koebe@orlandoscience.org)
Volleyball, Basketball(7th Grade) and Basketball(8th Grade)-Mrs.Ingle(Sarah.Ingle@orlandoscience.org)
Band-Mr. Jenkins(Andrew.Jenkins@orlandoscience.org)
Students interested in learning to play an instrument and be a part of the OSS Band as an 7th or 8th grade, please contact Mr. Jenkins ASAP.
2018-2019 Curriculum Night
Interested in volunteering at the OSS Lynx Lane Campus?
Orlando Science Families interested in volunteering at the OSS Lynx Lane Campus during the 2018-2019 School Year must be ADDitions approved. Below you will find the link to apply for ADDitions for the 2018-2019 School Year.
Join the OSS Parent Volunteer Organization!
Dear Orlando Science Lynx Lane and Technology High School Families,
It is time, once again, to join the Parent Volunteer Organization (PVO). Membership is $25 per family for returning families and $30 for new families, your membership dues go directly back into the school to provide items and supplies for our teachers. We are also asking that PVO members work with specific committees (School Improvement, Fundraising, Volunteer Work, Teacher Appreciation, Events, Etc.) Please utilize the SCHOOL PAY link below to pay your dues.
If you have questions, comments, or requests, you may email OSS.PVO@orlandoscience.org . A formal PVO committee, including president and vice-president, will be announced at the end of the first quarter of the 2018-2019 School Year. PVO will hold bi-monthly meetings that will inform parents of progress, agendas, and upcoming events.
Thank you for all of your help and support as we look forward to a great year.
Next PVO Meeting: August 29th 2018
Join the OSS Middle and High School for their first PVO meeting of the 2018-19 school year on Wednesday, August 29, 6-8pm. The meeting will be held in the new High School Technology Drive cafeteria on the 2nd floor. Parents from all three campuses are invited to attend and learn more information about the OSS Fall Festival that will take place on October 20. We will need many parents to volunteer during the event to ensure a successful outcome. Please RSVP if you are planning to attend. Contact OSS.PVO@orlandoscience.org if you have any questions.
Report Card & Progress Report Calendars
Parent Teacher Conference Night Dates and Times
Parent Teacher Conference Nights will take place during dates and times posted above. Sign Ups will take place beginning on the time and dates listed below. Please be advised OSS Staff Members are not permitted to sign up for a PTC for our Orca Families, so we ask that you please plan accordingly. We ask that once links are provided you read through the information carefully before selecting a time slot. Parents and Guardians may always email their student's teachers to make an appointment to meet that do not fall within these conference nights.
1st Quarter Parent Teacher Conference Night Sign Ups:
Sunday, September 9th 2018 at 7PM
Link will be provided, please check back.
2nd Quarter Parent Teacher Conference Night Sign Ups:
Sunday, November 11th 2018 at 7PM
Link will be provided, please check back.
3rd Quarter Parent Teacher Conference Night Sign Ups:
Sunday, February 3rd 2019 at 7PM
Link will be provided, please check back.
4th Quarter Parent Teacher Conference Night Sign Ups:
Monday, April 22nd 2019 at 7PM
Link will be provided, please check back.
2018-2019 carline reminders
We would like to thank our parents for following the drop-off and pick up lane procedures and making the traffic transition smoother each day. We would like to remind you of one important item and bring to your attention. Parents must NOT drop the students on the Lynx Lane or park across at the neighboring companies at any time. This is not in our drop off/pick up procedures and it may cause several delays and safety complications. We do appreciate you for following school’s drop off and pick up procedures. Please see the following image for your reference. Thank you and have a great weekend!
Need a replacement Agenda?
Lynx Lane Orcas who are in need of a replacement agenda may purchase one using the link below. Once you purchase the agenda please email a copy of your SchoolPay receipt to Ms. Estes at Amber.Estes@orlandoscience.org!
STEAM Art Projects Detail and Rubric
STEAM Art Projects will kicked off on Monday August 20th 2018, for details regarding the project and the rubric please see the PDF below. If you have any questions please conact Mrs. Estes at Amber.Estes@orlandoscience.org .
Orcas keep clipping those BOXTOPS!
Welcome Back OSS Families!
We hope that everyone had a great start to the 2018-2019 School Year! It’s time to turn
in those Box Tops that you’ve been saving. Please send them to school with your
student to hand into either Mrs. Foley at the Technology High School campus, Mrs. Caggiano
at the Middle School Lynx Lane campus or their homeroom teachers.
To see a complete list of products, go to:
Also, it is very important to check those expiration dates.
(We do not receive any credit for expired Box Tops.)
Please remember that BOX TOPS are a wonderful FREE way to raise funds for our school. Each Box Top is worth $.10 and really adds up. Please make sure to continuously send these in so that I can mail them before their expiration dates. The monies received go to supporting our Academic and Sporting Teams, the PLTW (Project Lead the Way) along with many other OSS programs and classroom needs. If you would like to learn more about the Box Tops program go to: www.btfe.com . Please register or login today. Make sure that you designate Orlando Science Schools as your school to support, not the elementary.
Thank you so much for your support of Orlando Science Middle and High School.
For questions or thoughts please email me at jmallonee@cfl.rr.com
HAPPY CLIPPING!! Denise Mallonee
Student Walker and Bus Rider Release Form
Orcas who walk or take the Lynx Bus transportation must have "Walker/Bus Rider" form on file. If you need form you may find it below. Students must sign out at the front office before leaving school each day.
2018-2019 School Calendar
Below you will find the 2018-2019 School Calendar.
Birthday Dress Down Information and Form!
Students interested in dressing down for their birthday must submit a "Birthday Dress Down Day" form found below two days prior to their birthday. If a form is not submitted they will be considered out of dress code.
2018 PVO Sponsored Fall Festival
The 2018 PVO Sponsored Fall Festival will be held on Saturday October 20th 2018, please select the link below for more information!!
Middle/High Charter Lunch Menu-August
Orcas Apply For Free/Reduced Meals Today!
Orcas, we ask that you take a moment and fill out the OCPS Free/Reduced Meal Application today! To fill out the application simply click the START FRESH photo above or click the link below. For more details regarding the application please select the appropriate link below.
Check out Orlando Science Technology Drive Campuses Newsletters!
Newsletter Trivia
Upcoming Lynx Lane Events
Curriculum Night(6th and 8th Grade)
Tuesday, Aug 28, 2018, 05:30 PM
2427 Lynx Lane, Orlando, FL, USA
PVO Meeting
Join the OSS Middle and High School for their first PVO meeting of the 2018-19 school year on Wednesday, August 29, 6-8pm. The meeting will be held in the new High School Technology Drive cafeteria on the 2nd floor. Parents from all three campuses are invited to attend and learn more information about the OSS Fall Festival that will take place on October 20. We will need many parents to volunteer during the event to ensure a successful outcome. Please RSVP if you are planning to attend. Contact OSS.PVO@orlandoscience.org if you have any questions.
Wednesday, Aug 29, 2018, 06:00 PM
2600 Technology Drive, Orlando, FL, USA
Curriculum Night(7th Grade)
Thursday, Aug 30, 2018, 05:30 PM
2427 Lynx Lane, Orlando, FL, USA
Orlando Science Lynx Lane Campus
Email: info@orlandoscience.org
Website: www.orlandoscience.org
Location: 2427 Lynx Lane, Orlando, FL, USA
Phone: (407)253-7304
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/orlandoscience/
Twitter: @OrlandoSciMH