Passmore Family Newsletter-January 27, 2025
Report Cards are in HAC
Second nine week report cards are now available in HAC. Please visit Home Access Center to access your child's grades and important information from your child's teacher regarding his/her progress. If you are not sure how to access HAC, Ms. Lisa can help you restore your username and password.
Morning Recess!
Important Update, Please Read!
- Parents are NOT allowed on the playground with their children during morning recess.
- Please DO NOT sit in your car outside the fence line while students are playing. This is for the safety and security of all our children.
- If your child does not wish to go out to the playground or you want to stay with them until the bell rings, they CAN remain in the cafeteria.
- Please do NOT walk to the classrooms until 7:40. The teachers in the hallways are not on duty and are still preparing for their instructional day. The only teachers on duty in the mornings are the ones on the playground.
Northside Market Food Pantry Information
School Safety Updates and Reminders
Just a few reminders as we get back into the swing of the new school year:
- You must have your ID to come into the school. All parents will check in at the front office through our Raptor system. This is for the safety of your child and all the children at Passmore.
- School hours are 7:40a until 3:00p.
- At 7:45, we ask all parents to please say your "see you laters" and kindly exit the building. We do begin checking all exterior doors at 7:45am to ensure they are secure for student and staff safety.
- Any changes to dismissal need to occur to the front office BEFORE 2:15. During instructional time, teachers are often not able to check their voicemails or emails. If you call for a dismissal change AFTER 2:15, we cannot guarantee the message will be relayed to the teacher in time as they are beginning their transition to dismissal areas.
House Bill 114 - LAW IN EFFECT
The Texas Legislature enacted HB 114 requiring all school districts to implement mandatory disciplinary alternative education program (DAEP) placement for students found in possession of, using, selling, giving, or delivering e-cigarettes or vaping devices on school grounds or at a school-related event. This alternative school placement, required by law, is made regardless of whether the substance being vaped is a controlled substance or not. We ask that you discuss this state law with your child(ren).
Please visit the front office to scan your Driver's License for your Passmore Fast Pass anytime.
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 7am - 330pm.
The safety of our students is of utmost importance. All visitors must wear a visible Fast Pass visitor's badge throughout their entire time on campus.
If you will be volunteering or chaperoning field trips, you will need to complete the NISD background check. You may scan the QR code above or click below on any device.
Arrival and Dismissal
The first day and week of school does take time until everyone's routine is established. After the first few days, everything will run as it should. We kindly ask that parents and families do remain patient until that routine is established.
Teachers and staff all want to ensure your child goes home correctly and SAFELY. Please ensure your child's teacher knows how your child goes home. Any changes to transportation will need to be communicated before 2:30pm.
Parent Pickup (car line) - one lane only. Please hang your CAR TAG as soon as you enter the line.
Parent Walkups - parents form a line by the front main entrance doors. Even though you are a walkup, please let the staff member know your CAR TAG #, and we will bring your child to you. This can be received at Meet the Teacher, or the first day of school. Please check with your child's teacher.
Walkers - staff members will escort your child safely across the main road with crossing guard in place.
Please observe the following guidelines for the safety of parents, students, and staff and to help expedite morning arrival. We all want our students here, but we want them here SAFELY!
- Please do not drop students off in these areas. Drop-off will only occur in the drop off loop. The student drop-off area moves very swiftly in the mornings, and is the safest area to do so.
- Please do not stop your car at the RED X in the front of the school to let parents/students off. If you would like to walk your child in, please park your car. You may also drop one parent and students off in the car loop and then proceed to park your car.
- Please do not park in the car loop area. If you are waiting for someone, you will need to move your vehicle.
Thank you for helping make arrival safe for everyone!
Joining your child for lunch?
Parents and students have a special place to sit away from the hustle and bustle of the cafeteria! We hope you will be able to join us one day for lunch in this special spot! However, food items brought from outside must only be served to your child due to food allergies and safety restrictions.
Birthday Celebrations
- Join PTA: You can join during Meet the Teacher or you can become a member online. Just visit or scan the QR code here to join online. It’s super easy!
- Volunteer: Volunteer as much (or as little) as your schedule allows. There are no required hours of volunteer time, and no mandatory number of meetings to attend!
Even if you are unable to volunteer or attend a meeting, just becoming a member will help our students tremendously!
Community Eligibility Provision - CEP Form
The Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) is a non-pricing meal service option for schools and school districts in low-income areas. CEP allows Passmore Elementary School to serve breakfast and lunch at no cost to all enrolled students without collecting household applications. To be able to use this program, we must have our community complete the CEP form every academic year. This information will help determine additional funding for state and federal programs and services that may be provided for Passmore Elementary School.
Please click on the link below to complete the form:
Follow Us On Social Media
JB Passmore Elementary
Location: 570 Pinn Rd, San Antonio, TX, 78227
Phone: 210-397-0500
Twitter: @NISDPassmore
Facebook: JB Passmore Elementary