The WSPEI Connector
October, 2024
WSPEI Fall learning networks and workshops are in full swing. The month of October brings many opportunities to join our trainings.
We are very excited to announce a new learning workshop that will be held in December. Details are in the descriptions below.
Asking for help is not easy. It can bring up feelings of vulnerability or fear of judgement, making it hard to reach out, especially when support is truly needed. This newsletter features three Wisconsin Organizations that have people ready to help families, judgement-free.
Read more about ways you can connect with WSPEI, Disability Rights Wisconsin(DRW) and Wisconsin Family Ties in segments below.
This newsletter also includes information from the WI Department of Public Instruction, the WI Facets Family Engagement Newsletter and other helpful resources for families and educators.
Enjoy the cooler temps and beautiful changing colors!
📆 WSPEI Fall 2024 Workshops and Networking Events
All WSPEI events are FREE, will be held virtually on ZOOM and are open to families, educators and community agency members.
Sign up for our email list to receive the monthly newsletter and event notifications.
**Announcing a new learning opportunity!**
Partnering with Schools on Behavior and Discipline for Students with IEPs.
This workshop will help participants understand how all policies apply to all children, including those with disabilities; build awareness of IDEA protections for students with disabilities in regard to discipline; understand dispute resolution options in Wisconsin.
- December 13, 2024 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
- All are welcome! Families, Educators, Community Organizations and Agencies
Link to Flyer with Details and Registration Information
Flyer in Spanish coming soon!
The Family’s Role in the CCR-IEP Process
This 3-session workshop is aimed at equipping parents and other family members with knowledge and confidence to actively engage in the IEP process. For families who have a child between the ages 3-21 who have an IEP.
- Sessions will run from 6-7:30 pm on October 15, 22 & 29, 2024.
- Educators are encouraged to participate as well!
Link to:
Navigating Special Education Resources
Participants in this workshop will gain fundamental information and knowledge about special education, as well as explore resources and specific tools and strategies to use when collaborating with school staff to support and advocate for their child’s needs.
- Sessions are held from 11:30 am - 1:00 pm.
- Session 1 Topics: Acronyms/Terms; Birth-3; Pre-School; Communication
- Session 2 Topics: Evaluation Reports; IEPs; Transition(PTP); General Information.
- Session dates: 11/14/24 & 11/21/24
Link to:
Family Support Community
A monthly learning opportunity designed for families and other caregivers supporting a child(ren) with a disability.
- These meetings occur on the first Wednesday of the month from 7-8 pm and the first Thursday of every month from 12-1:00 pm.
- Our supportive community meetings provide valuable learning opportunities and mutual support.
- They take place from September through May.
Link to:
Family Engagement Community of Practice & Learning
**OCTOBER 16th MEETING IS CANCELLED - we apologize for the change!**
A learning community for educators, administrators, statewide agencies, community partners, and families focusing on family engagement specific topics.
- Meetings are held the third Wednesday of every month September to May, 4:00-5:30 pm.
Click Here to Register for CoPL
Powerful Partnerships; A Teacher's Guide to Engaging Families for Student Success
Karen Mapp, Ilene Carver and Jessica Lander
In Powerful Partnerships, the goal is to strengthen family engagement practices and, in doing so, strengthen classroom success for all students. This work is incredibly impactful. In order for you to achieve the best possible results, one important factor is the strong ties you build with the families and community members that your school serves. Those strong partnerships are important to maximize student learning.
- Discussions will be held on Wednesday afternoons from 4-5:30.
- October 16, 30 & November 13, 2024.
Link to:
Crucial Conversations, Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High
Patterson, Grenny, McMillan, Switzler
How do you deal with topics that are sensitive yet important to you? Your daily interactions can hold pivotal moments, with outcomes that affect the quality of your relationships, careers and life. This book by Kerry Patterson et. al. helps you to identify and effectively conduct “crucial conversations”, so you can overcome difficult or sensitive issues, to improve results and achieve your desired outcomes.
- 3 Sessions on Thursdays 9-10:30 am
- 10/17,10/ 31 & 11/14/2024
Link to:
The Explosive Child
Dr. Ross Green
If you are the parent of a behaviorally challenging child, this book should help you feel more optimistic about and confident in handling your child’s difficulties and restore some sanity to your family. If you are the child’s grandparent, teacher, neighbor, coach, or therapist, this book should, at the least, help you understand.
- 3 sessions on Wednesdays, 7:00-8:00 p.m.
- 11/13/24, 12/11/24, & 1/8/25
Link to:
From the WI Department of Public Instruction
October 9th, 2024 (5:00pm-6:30pm) Remote and Online Comments to Council.
Comments can be submitted online between October 2nd and 11th in English and Spanish
The purpose of this public forum is to assist council members in advising the State Superintendent of Public Instruction on the educational needs of students who receive special education through an Individualized Education Program.
DPI Webpage New Format
Guidance regarding Para-professional Support for Speech and Language Special Education Services:
May a paraprofessional provide support services to students in a speech and language program?
WI FACETS Family Engagement October Newsletter
WSPEI Support for Families with a Student with an IEP
Does your child have an IEP? Do you have questions about the services they receive? Are you looking for information and support?
WSPEI Family - School Partnership Regional Coordinators are here to help!
What do we do?
- Assist families with students who have IEPs: Families typically reach out when they have concerns or questions about the IEP. We help them address these issues, connect with the right school staff, and support them as they prepare for IEP meetings.
- Provide coaching on navigating the IEP process.
- Help a parent or family member understand their child’s IEP and its contents.
- Explain dispute resolution options if a family disagrees with the school’s decisions.
- Collaborate with both families and educators to ensure the best outcomes for children with a disability and IEP. We do this by offering information, resources, and support to parents & educators, as well as referrals to other agencies for assistance.
- We facilitate various workshops on Special Education and IEPs for both families and educators to build your confidence and understanding of the important role families play in their child's education. (See our schedule above!)
Visit the WSPEI Contact page for your CESA Regional Coordinator Information.
You can visit the WSPEI Website to submit a Request for IEP Support Form which can be found at the top of the home page.
Not sure which CESA you are in? Email: wspei@cesa12.org and we can help you figure it out!
Statewide Support for Wisconsin Families
DPI Contracted/WSPEI Information and Support Specialist:
The statewide DPI Contracted/WSPEI Information and Support Specialist offers assistance for families who reach out to the Department of Public Instruction through a web ticket or by clicking on the “green button” available on all special education pages at DPI.
The Information and Support Specialists provides information, resources and support for families of children with special education services.
If longer term support is needed, the Information and Support Specialist refers families to Regional WSPEI Coordinators described above.
Additionally, support can be provided in multiple languages through an interpreter.
You can also call: 608-266-5514 to reach the Wisconsin DPI Contracted Information and Support Specialist
Disability Rights Wisconsin(DRW)
Looking for help? Another support and information resource
Disability Rights Wisconsin is a private non-profit organization that protects the rights of people with disabilities statewide. Our mission is to advance the dignity, equality, and self-determination of people with disabilities.
How to Get Help - Disability Rights Wisconsin
Have you always wondered.....
What is Educational Placement in an IEP?
In Wisconsin, the IEP team, including the parent, decides the student’s educational placement. The IEP team must consider many things in deciding on a placement.
- The IEP team must consider the least restrictive environment (LRE) requirements. The placement must be decided at least once a year.
- The services are based on the IEP and provide an appropriate education.
- The placement must be as close to the student’s home as possible.
Sometimes the IEP cannot be carried out at the school where the student would attend if he/she did not have a disability. In that case, services must be at the closest possible school where the IEP can be carried out.
- The team considers how the student will do and how well services can be delivered in the environment or school chosen.
- A school cannot remove a child from the regular classroom just because the student needs to have the curriculum modified.
- According to the Special Education Forms Guide educational placement includes increasing or decreasing the amount of time in special education.
- An IEP team meeting is required when making a change of placement.
- If a change in the location of special education services would increase or decrease the amount of time with nondisabled peers, then the IEP team must meet to make the determination.
These resources may be helpful for families and districts when discussing placement options:
The Special Education in Plain Language provides additional information on placement, least restrictive environment, alternative placements, and consent for placement beginning on page 41.
- IEP & Placement Timeline Graphic provides a visual and explanation of time timeline for making placement decisions.
- Information Bulletin 22.01 Out of District Private Placement explains the application of Wisconsin's state law when students are placed in a private placement by the IEP team. It outlines applicable requirements under state and federal special education law, and provides guidance for local educational agencies (LEAs) to consider when making out-of-district private placements so that they can continue to meet their obligation to provide each student a free, appropriate public education (FAPE).
Wisconsin Conferences
The Self-Determination Conference
October 21-23, 2024
Kalahari Resort, Wisconsin Dells, WI
The Self-Determination Conference is one of Wisconsin’s largest events for people with disabilities and the people who support them.
Link to Register
Special Education Conference 2024
November 14-15, 2024
Kalahari Resort, Wisconsin Dells, WI
Join hundreds of your colleagues from around the state and Midwest to learn, relax, network, and gather new ideas and resources at our 11th Annual Special Education Conference at the Kalahari.
We have some great keynote speakers scheduled including Mills Rodgers and Kate Swenson.
Link to website with description and registration
Building the Heart of Successful Schools!
December 4-5, 2024
Glacier Canyon Lodge, Wisconsin Dells, WI
The Building the Heart of Successful Schools Conference connects and inspires Wisconsin educators in order to serve every student.
Link to website with description and registration information
2025 Circles of Life Conference - Call for Presenters
May 8 - 9, 2025
Wilderness Resort, Wisconsin Dells
Theme: Overcoming Barriers
Parents, family members, professionals and anyone with experience and information to share are encouraged to apply. Presenters receive free registration to the conference.
All topics related to families who have children with disabilities are welcomed. Apply NOW!
Application Deadline, October 25, 2024
Wisconsin Family Ties
Changing Lives by Improving Children's Mental Health
Wisconsin Family Ties is dedicated to supporting families with children who have emotional, behavioral, or mental health challenges. Serving families across the state of Wisconsin, we provide resources, advocacy, and community connections to ensure every child receives the support they need to thrive.
Wisconsin Family Ties believes that all children deserve educational opportunities that foster success, service systems that are equipped to detect and effectively treat mental health issues, and communities that recognize and plan for their needs.
How do we do this?
The Parent Peer Specialist Program:
- Link trained parent peer specialists (PPSs) with parents who, for a variety of reasons, need help and hope.
- Provide comprehensive services designed to meet a family’s needs.
- Support parents raising children with emotional / behavioral challenges by fostering parent empowerment.
- Walk beside families to provide emotional support while helping them to navigate the complex service and treatment systems with which they are involved.
- Use our experience and training to help families navigate the complex systems that serve children. Parent Peer Specialists are parents or primary caregivers of children with social, emotional, behavioral, or mental health challenges. .
Children Come First Conference
As one of the largest and longest-running family-driven events in the state, this conference is dedicated to addressing the pressing needs of children and families living with mental and behavioral health issues.
This annual conference, typically held in October, that brings together a diverse audience, including parents, caregivers, social workers, educators, school support staff, and various professional service providers from communities throughout the state.
(Registration for this year's conference is closed)
Anyone can request help from Wisconsin Family Ties
Wisconsin Family Ties receives referrals for service from parents, county human services employees, educators, and medical/mental health professionals. If you or someone you know can benefit from the support we provide, know that anyone can make a referral for our services.
How can you ask for help?
Fill out the Referral Request Form
Call: 608-267-6800
Email: info@wifamilyties.org
🍁The new season of FALL, a favorite for many, is here!🍁
The WSPEI Project
Email feedback or ideas of resources and information you would like to see from WSPEI!
Email: wspei@cesa12.org
Website: https://wspei.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WisconsinStatewideParentEducatorInitiative
The Wisconsin Statewide Parent‐Educator Initiative (CFDA #84.027A) acknowledges the support of the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction in the development of all products or publications and for the continued support of this federally‐funded contract project.