
Community ~ Equity ~ Growth
Important Dates Ahead
- 2/13 - Science Fair, 6-8pm
- 2/17 - NO SCHOOL
- 2/19 - Immunization Exclusion Day
- 2/19 - PTA Meeting, 6:30pm
- 2/25 - Late Start Tuesday
- 2/26 - Early Release Wedneday
- 3/22-3/30 - SPRING BREAK
- 4/3 - RGMS DANCE!
- 6/9 - 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony @ Wells HS
- 6/10 - 8th Grade Oaks Park Field Trip
- Click here for the full RGMS calendar
From The Principals: Newlyn and Mauldin
Hey Hey Robert Gray -
All week, there has been a 'buzz' in the air. Students are coming to school each day with their science boards and we are seeing some very interesting projects. The Science Fair will be in the gym and will showcase months of hard work by our science teachers and students. This is one of our favorite events and we hope you can come and share the excitement. Community members are welcome for 6:00-8:00 to see the projects. Can we get a shout out to our fabulous Science Team, please?! Bubl, Narozniak, Wages, and Hook - you ROCK!
Friday is Valentines Day, and our Leadership class has planned a special spirit day (wear red, pink and hearts). Advisory classes with the most students participating will receive prizes. Leadership has also been selling 'Be Mine' bags that students can purchase for $1.00. All of the money raised with this project goes to support Leadership projects and our student store. Students in Leadership are responsible for running the student store, producing our school magazine and creating school announcements. Thank you to Mr Camp and all the students in Leadership.
The weather forecast says that winter weather is expected in the next few days. Please check local stations, PPS social media and Remind because if there are changes to our daily schedule or school closures, the information will be posted on those platforms. We will push out messaging if and when something happens weather wise that impacts our school schedule.
Stay warm!
Have a great week!
Lisa and Robin
PS Props to Ms. Miller and the All City Honor Band for their signature performance last weekend!
RGMS New & Timely
RGMS Dance - Save the Date 4/3
Robert Gray Families,
The PTA & Student Council are thrilled to invite you to the RGMS Spring Dance, happening Thursday, April 3rd 6-8pm, in the Cafetorium!
Please save the date! ** Note-- We have no school Friday April 4th and Monday April 7th. We know some of you may want to travel then and we want to be sure your kiddos can come to our annual school dance! It's always a blast!
This year's theme is Hawaiian Luau. Dress accordingly, and please no swimwear or flip flops.
We need YOU to help make this a safe and enjoyable evening for all the kids. Please sign up here to volunteer here.
If you would like to help the planning committee, especially if you have kids in 6/7th grades and want to take this on next year, when our current lead ages out, PLEASE contact Brandin!
Key Quest - A Literacy Scavenger Hunt
Instilling a lifelong love of reading is one of our main missions at Robert Gray. There are so many adventures, achievements, and acts of positive change that begin with books, and that is why we are thrilled to introduce you to a fun new literacy initiative spearheaded by our superintendent, Dr. Kimberlee Armstrong.
On Saturday, February 15, Portland Public Schools will be launching its first-ever Golden Key Quest, a citywide literacy scavenger hunt.
Here’s how it works
PPS has partnered with the following literacy hubs to make the Golden Key Quest a reality.
Caldera Arts – 224 NW 13th Ave, Suite 304, Portland, OR 97209
Third Eye Books – 2518 SE 33rd Ave, Portland, OR 97202
Literary Arts – 716 SE Grand Ave, Portland, OR 97214
Students are invited to visit the hubs and look for golden keys hidden inside books. The lucky ones who find a Golden Key should scan the QR code on the key, which will take them to a webpage where they can claim their prize: free family tickets to OMSI! (No purchase necessary to participate.)
Reading is the spark that lights the fire of life-long learning. I hope that our students and families will take advantage of this wonderful opportunity.
Quick Links
RGMS Weekly Announcements are LIVE!
RGMS Reminders and Weekly Announcements
From the Office
Remember to give plenty of time when picking up your student early. It takes them time to get from their classroom to their locker and then to the office. It takes even longer if you come during lunchtimes. You can call the office, 503 916 5676, when you are on the way to give your student time to get all their things.
Only use ParentVue to report absences that are for the full day. That is all ParentVue will let you do. If your student will be absent part of the day or just tardy, please email grayattend@pps.net. Be sure to include your student's full name, date of absence and the reason for the absence.
Donations Through SchoolPay
What is School Pay?
Throughout the year we will use School Pay as a way for families to pay for a variety of things. At the beginning of 2nd semester, we are asking families to consider making small donations to offset printing costs for student planners, handbooks, class supplies and other curricular tools.
Check ParentVue for you student's schedule and donate as you are able. Donation items are grouped by grade level.
School Pay is a convenient way to pay school donations with a debit card or credit card. Use this link, https://pps.schoolpay.com/, to enter the School Pay site. Set up an account if you don't already have one.
Immigrant Information
It is important to PPS that immigrant families feel safe and supported. A number of families have expressed to me and other members of our staff that they are concerned about possible immigration actions under the new presidential administration.
I want to reassure you that our top priority is ensuring the safety and well-being of all students and staff. We continue to work closely with PPS leadership and our community partners to uphold Oregon law prohibiting state and local law enforcement from arresting or detaining people based solely on immigration status. Additionally, Oregon law protects student educational records from use for immigration actions.
In times of uncertainty, it is always beneficial to be proactive and prepared, and it’s crucial that we have up-to-date contact information for you and your student. If you have not done so already, please complete the yearly student verification form to ensure we’re reaching you via the right information and in the right language.
I also wanted to provide the following resources:
This FAQ and this webpage answer many questions about the steps Portland Public Schools will be taking to safeguard staff and students going forward.
This page from the Multnomah Education Service District (MESD) includes a family resource hub and culturally specific information for families in the Portland area.
The Immigrant Legal Resource Center Little Red Card is meant to help people assert their rights and defend themselves in many situations. The cards can be printed out in your preferred language and carried on your person.
Know Your Rights for Families/Students (Oregon ACLU)
PPS’s Office for Civil Rights offers support addressing discrimination, harassment, and bias-related concerns.
Please contact me at lnewlyn@pps.net if you have any questions or concerns. I am here for you and your students, and you have my word that, at Robert Gray Middle School, we will always stand together to champion our diversity and support the most vulnerable among us.
Standards Based Grading - Parent Sessions
PPS is moving to a new Standards-Based Grading System for all 28 middle schools. The purpose is to provide clearer and more meaningful feedback to students. Some of our middle schools are already using this approach, and research supports its benefits. Our K-5 schools have also made progress in this direction with their report cards.
We invite you to visit our middle grades Standards-Based Grading website at pps.net/sbg. There, you can find updates, resources, timelines, materials, and FAQs.
There will be three family and community engagement events in person and virtually at the Prophet Education Center (501 N. Dixon St.) in the PPS boardroom. We invite all who have current middle grades students or students entering into the middle grades to these presentations where we will provide updates as well as listen to feedback and answer questions.
Family and Community engagement (Virtual and in person)
March 13, 2025 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
May 8, 2025 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
We believe grades are an important way to communicate with students and families. This new system will make it clearer what students need to do to meet academic expectations.
If you have any questions, please contact Richard Smith at rsmith5@pps.net. Check the website often for updates. We look forward to working with you during this exciting transition.
PIL Youth Track & Field Registration Open
Registration is now open for PIL Wells Youth track & field. See link below.
Little League
New year, new
season! Registration for the 2025 Little League Spring season is now open on the NEW Southwest Portland Little League (SWPLL) website: https://www.swpll.org. Season starts April 5 for Tee Ball (ages 5-7), Baseball (ages 6-12), and Softball (ages 6-14). Registration closes in February for upper divisions, and March 1 for Tee Ball, A, and AA. Sign up today.
Grants and scholarships are available. Registration questions or concerns? Please contact registrar@swpll.org.
IBW Softball Clinic
Softball season is just around the corner. Come join the Ida B. Wells Head Coach Krissy on Sunday March 2, 2025 in the IBW Gymnasium for a High Level Throwing inspired clinic for youth softball athletes and coaches. In just two hours, athletes and coaches will learn patterning drills and skills to correct arm path and increase overhand throwing velocity and accuracy.
Items required:
- clean sneakers
- glove
- water
Register today for only $20:
2 - 4 PM 11" Ball:
4 - 6 PM 12" Ball:
Both clinic times are capped at 40 athletes and 20 coaches. Register today to save your spot!
From the School Nurse
Welcome Back and New Year’s Message from the School Nurse
Happy 2025, Robert Gray Community!
If we haven’t had a chance to connect yet, I’m Jennifer Novack, the School Nurse serving Robert Gray, Hayhurst, Capitol Hill, and Rieke. This is my fourth school year supporting these wonderful communities, and I’m grateful to be part of your child’s school experience.
As the school nurse, I help students stay healthy, safe, and ready to learn by addressing health needs and managing chronic conditions during the school day. I work with families, teachers and staff, and healthcare providers to provide health education and support, monitor illness, and offer direct care in the health room. I also promote emotional well-being, assist with vaccinations, and connect families with community health resources.
I am typically at Robert Gray on Tuesdays, but you can always reach me by phone or email during work hours. If your child has any health needs, requires medication during the school day, or if your family needs assistance with health-related resources, please contact me so we can work together to provide support and connect you with helpful services.
Email: jnovack@mesd.k12.or.us
Phone: 971-291-3075
Work Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Our School Health Assistant (SHA), Sarah Hansen, is in the health room daily to help students with their health needs. Sarah provides care for ill and injured students, administers medications, and performs delegated nursing procedures under my direction. You may be contacted if your student becomes ill or injured during the school day.
School Health Assistant: Sarah Hansen
Email: shansen@mesd.k12.or.us
Phone: 503-916-5676
School Nurse Resources on the Robert Gray Website
Our website’s "School Nurse" tab has helpful information to support your child’s health throughout the school year. Please visit the website regularly to stay updated on important health announcements, including:
Symptoms of illness (when to stay home) and return-to-school guidance
Multnomah County Health Centers and vaccination clinic information
PPS School Health Services information
Dental health information and clinic resources
Forms for health conditions and medication authorization
Vaccine information
Mental health resources
And more!
Tips for a Healthy Winter
As we navigate cold and flu season and spend more time indoors, here are important steps to help keep our community healthy:
Stay home if your child is sick. Monitor daily for symptoms, including:
Fever or chills
Sore throat
Vomiting or diarrhea
Red eyes with colored discharge
Fever-free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication
Vomiting and diarrhea symptoms should be improving for at least 24 hours
Other Tips:
Consider wearing a face covering indoors during respiratory illness season
Stay up to date on flu and COVID-19 vaccinations
Wash hands frequently and thoroughly
Stay hydrated and eat balanced meals to support immune health
Ensure your contact information in Synergy is current so we can reach you promptly if needed
Gratitude as We Return from Winter Break
The new year is a great time to pause and appreciate life’s simple joys. Being thankful can help improve both our mind and body by:
Lowering stress
Bringing more happiness
Building stronger relationships
Helping us sleep better
Take a moment with your family to talk about what you’re thankful for as you start this new year. Simple acts—like writing down what you’re grateful for, saying kind words, or helping others—can bring more positivity and stronger connections all year long. You can also try a family gratitude jar, where everyone adds notes of appreciation throughout the year to share together later.
I look forward to supporting your family in 2025. Please reach out anytime!
Happy New Year, and here’s to a wonderful 2025 filled with gratitude and wellness!
Jennifer Novack, RN, BSN, NCSN
Use this link to the School Nurse and Health Room Services Webpage for lot's of good information for parents.
Interested in having your student tested for COVID at school? Use this link to access the form. Fill out and return:
- Drop it off in the office
- Email a digital copy to Nurse Jennifer Novack at jnovack@mesd.k12.or.us
Order Your RGMS Yearbook Now!
Buy your yearbook online by using https://ybpay.lifetouch.com/
Using the Yearbook ID code: 14931525
Yearbooks are just $20
RGMS Counselors' Contact Information
Gray's counselors are Lisa Hyde, A-K & Laureen Held, L-Z.
Lisa Hyde - lhyde@pps.net
Laureen Held - lheld@pps.net
You can also contact them through this link: https://bit.ly/2024-25RGMSCounselorHelp
Our next PTA meeting is coming up on Wednesday, February 19, 2025 at 6:30pm. Join us in the library at RGMS or via Zoom. We hope to see you there! The standing zoom meeting info follows:
Meeting ID: 847 8223 9102
Passcode: 368760
PTA Clothing Center Volunteer and Donation Needs
Monday, March 10th is Robert Gray’s day to send 5-6 volunteers from 9:30am -1:30pm. We need 5 volunteers to help kids receive clothing and sort donations.. Volunteers can be parents, grandparents or community members. We only have 1 of 5 volunteer slots filled currently. If you are able to volunteer please sign up here.
The PTA Clothing Center is also looking for donations of teen-adult size gently worn/new sweatshirts, hoodies, and warm coats, as they are very low on those items. They also have a need for boys pants, joggers and/or jeans size 4-14. You can drop donated clothes off at the Marshall Campus; 3905 SE 91st, Room B-60.
Save the Date! RGMS Spring School Dance will take place on Thursday, April 3rd from 6-8pm. We need volunteers to help make this a safe and enjoyable evening for all. Please sign up here if you are able to help.
We are always looking for parents interested in advocating for better funding for public schools to interface with PAT, Oregon PTA and Parents for public schools. Please reach out directly to Kirsten Carr if interested.
Get RGMS Text Alerts!
Get text alerts about school closures, delays, emergencies and school events:
Text YES to 68453
Fliers Approved for Distribution by PPS
Camps, Classes, & After School Programs:
VIBE PDX No-School Youth Sewing Classes (Jan. 27-28, Feb. 17, Mar. 3, Mar. 24-28)
Cognizart 31st Annual Young Artists Debut! Concert & Showcase (apply by Feb. 24 – Deadline extended again)
USTA Tennis Afterschool Zone at Maplewood (Jan. 14 - Feb. 25)
Portland Parks & Rec Teen Force at SW Community Center
VIBE of Portland Music & Digital Art Classes for Kids
Portland Parks & Rec Environmental Education Nature Field Trips (flyer for teachers)
Summer Camps:
VIBE PDX East Winds Band Camp (Jul. 21-25, 2025, recorded audition due Jul. 10)
Cognizart 360Arts Summer Camps (Jul. 7-11, 14-18, & 21-25, 2025)
OSU Summer Reading Program (Jun. 14 - Aug. 16, 2025)
Preschool Programs:
Multnomah Early Childhood Program Peer Preschool Classes
(Spanish) (Vietnamese) (Chinese) (Russian) (Somali) (Korean) (Arabic) (Persian)Portland Parks Preschool 2024-25
Community Events & Information:
Multnomah County: Common Application
City of Portland: 311 Non-Emergency Hotline
(Spanish) (Vietnamese) (Chinese) (Russian) (Somali)
Vaccinations, Health & Wellness:
Multnomah County Student Health Center Immunization Catch-Up Reminder
Multnomah County: Free Community Vaccination Clinic (Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays)
(English) (Spanish) (Vietnamese) (Chinese) (Russian) (Somali)Multnomah County: Student Health Centers (fliers in English, Russian, Chinese, and Vietnamese):
About Us
Email: lnewlyn@pps.net
Website: https://www.pps.net/gray
Location: 5505 Southwest 23rd Avenue, Portland, OR, USA
Phone: (503) 916-5676
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robertgraymiddleschool
Attendance Reporting: grayattend@pps.net