TMS Bulldog News
January 26, 2024
February 9, 2024
Yearbook Sports Photos Needed - Se necesitan fotos del anuario deportivo
TMS families, we need your help to complete this year's yearbook! Does your student participate in club or community sports activities, such as skiing, 4H, club volleyball, swimming, skateboarding, ice skating, soccer, or Manny ball? If you have any pictures of your TMS student doing any of these community sports activities please send them our way by uploading here!! - Yearbook staff of TMS
Familias de TMS, ¡necesitamos su ayuda para completar el anuario de este año! ¿Participa su estudiante en clubes o actividades deportivas comunitarias, como esquí, 4H, club de voleibol, natación, patineta, patinaje sobre hielo, fútbol o Manny Ball? Si tiene alguna fotografía de su estudiante de TMS realizando alguna de estas actividades deportivas comunitarias, envíenosla subiéndola aquí. - Anuario personal de TMS
Celebrating Students
Quarter 2 Honor Roll
Congratulations to the following students for their academic achievement during quarter 2 at TMS!
Bulldog Athletics
Hi TMS Families,
We are nearing the end of our Girls Basketball and Wrestling seasons. I’m thankful to all of our TMS coaches for their time and energy they spend to make this a positive experience for our athletes. Particularly, I want to thank our head coaches Ronnie Thompson, Misty Hutsell, and Todd Sewell, all of whom work for Phoenix-Talent Schools during the school day and coach after their work hours end.
We are still looking for volunteers to staff our concession stand from 4:15-6:15 on the following dates: 2/12 and 2/21. Please email me or if you are able to help support us by volunteering.
Track and Field season begins after school on Thursday, February 29th. Last year we had around 125 athletes participate in Track and Field, and we’re hoping for a similar turnout again this spring. Track and Field involves a variety of events that include throws, hurdles, sprints, jumps, and long distance running. Even if your student has never participated in a sport, they will likely find something they enjoy doing during Track and Field season. You can register today by following this link and uploading your student’s sports physical.
On 2/28, PHS Athletic Director Dave Ehrhardt and I will be holding an (optional) Girls Sports Summit at TMS during the school day. All girl athletes will be invited to join a conversation during their Homeroom class about increasing the number of girls participating in sports in our district. We’ll be asking about barriers to participation, out-of-season sport opportunities that are of interest, and learning more about what we can do at TMS and PHS to support girl athletes. We will be reaching out to families with surveys, too, so keep your eye out for those in the coming weeks.
For questions about physicals or FamilyID, please contact the Athletics Secretary, Jessica Morga at 541-535-1552 Extension 4114 or For all information about TMS Athletics and Activities, please visit our website.
Derek Rodman
TMS Athletic Director
We wanted to share another reminder of TMS student expectations for attending athletic events at Phoenix High School.
To ensure a safe and enjoyable time for all athletic spectators, we ask that any middle school student wishing to attend athletic events at Phoenix High School be accompanied by an adult. Please feel free to contact the TMS office with any questions.
Thank you for your help!
Queríamos compartir otro recordatorio de las expectativas de los estudiantes de TMS para asistir a eventos deportivos en Phoenix High School.
Para garantizar un momento seguro y agradable para todos los espectadores deportivos, solicitamos que cualquier estudiante de secundaria que desee asistir a eventos deportivos en Phoenix High School esté acompañado por un adulto. No dude en comunicarse con la oficina de TMS si tiene alguna pregunta.
¡Gracias por su ayuda!
Counseling Center News
Counsel- Educate- Advocate- Empower
Social Emotional Learning
As School Counselors, we work to create Social Emotional Learning (SEL) lessons for homeroom. SEL can be defined as "the process through which all young people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions and achieve personal and collective goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible and caring decisions" (from CASEL, the leading organization on SEL). We typically prepare one to two SEL lessons a week for our homeroom classes, and January's theme was kind and inclusive language.
Liz Fletcher (she/her)
School Counselor
Talent Middle School
Noticias del centro de asesoramiento
Aconsejar- Educar- abogar- Empoderar
Aprendizaje socioemocional
Como consejeros escolares, trabajamos para crear lecciones de aprendizaje socioemocional (SEL) para el aula. SEL se puede definir como "el proceso a través del cual todos los jóvenes y adultos adquieren y aplican conocimientos, habilidades y actitudes para desarrollar identidades saludables, gestionar emociones y alcanzar metas personales y colectivas, sentir y mostrar empatía por los demás, establecer y mantener relaciones de apoyo". relaciones interpersonales y tomar decisiones responsables y solidarias" (de CASEL, la organización líder en SEL). Normalmente preparamos una o dos lecciones de SEL por semana para nuestras clases principales, y el tema de enero fue un lenguaje amable e inclusivo.
Liz Fletcher (ella)
Consejero de la escuela
Escuela Secundaria Talent
Want to make sure you get notifications about school closures or delays?
Download our Mobile App!
The Phoenix-Talent School District's mobile app is available for iOS and Android devices (smartphones and tablets). Versatile and intuitive, the free app gives PTS families a personalized window into what is happening at their school and in the district. Please follow the instructions below to download the app.
Viewing this on a mobile device:
- iOS users can download it by clicking here; Android users can download it by clicking here.
Viewing this on a desktop computer:
- Visit the iOS App Store or Google Play from your mobile device.
- Search for "Phoenix-Talent Schools".
- Follow the steps indicated for download on your mobile device.
¿Quiere asegurarse de recibir notificaciones sobre cierres o retrasos escolares?
¡Descarga nuestra aplicación móvil!
La aplicación móvil del Distrito Escolar Phoenix-Talent está disponible para dispositivos iOS y Android (teléfonos inteligentes y tabletas). Versátil e intuitiva, la aplicación gratuita ofrece a las familias de PTS una ventana personalizada a lo que sucede en su escuela y en el distrito. Siga las instrucciones a continuación para descargar la aplicación.
Viendo esto en un dispositivo móvil:
Los usuarios de iOS pueden descargarlo haciendo clic aquí; Los usuarios de Android pueden descargarlo haciendo clic aquí.
Viendo esto en una computadora de escritorio:
Visita la App Store de iOS o Google Play desde tu dispositivo móvil.
Busque "Escuelas Phoenix-Talent".
Sigue los pasos indicados para la descarga en tu dispositivo móvil.
Everything You Need To Know About School Meals At Your Fingertips
Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre las comidas escolares al alcance de tu mano
Sodexo's So Happy App-La aplicación So Happy de Sodexo
Now, more than ever, we want to understand what’s in our meals – the ingredients, and especially the nutritional and allergen information. So Happy provides a level of transparency previously unknown to the industry, with clear product descriptions and graphical representations for every nutritional category.
Rely on So Happy to tell you what's on the menu in your school's cafeteria, and utilize the allergen alert features to highlight recipes of concern. Have a question? Use the Talk to Us portal to quickly and easily contact a member of the food service team.
Don't see your school site on the app? Please reach out your district's Sodexo General Manager to inquire.
Ahora, más que nunca, queremos entender qué contienen nuestras comidas: los ingredientes y, especialmente, la información nutricional y de alérgenos. So Happy proporciona un nivel de transparencia previamente desconocido para la industria, con descripciones claras de productos y representaciones gráficas para cada categoría nutricional.
Confíe en So Happy para saber qué hay en el menú de la cafetería de su escuela y utilice las funciones de alerta de alérgenos para resaltar las recetas que le preocupan. ¿Tengo una pregunta? Utilice el portal Hable con nosotros para comunicarse rápida y fácilmente con un miembro del equipo de servicio de alimentos.
¿No ves el sitio de tu escuela en la aplicación? Comuníquese con el Gerente General de Sodexo de su distrito para realizar consultas.
Talent Middle School
Location: 102 Christian Avenue, Talent, OR, USA
Phone: 541-535-1552