The OMS Community Newsletter
June 3 - 7, 2024
Important Dates
Upcoming Events
Principal's Message
Dear OMS Families,
As we near the end of the school year, we have started transitioning incoming Grade 6 students. Grade 5 students visited OMS this week and listened to some of student speakers share about their middle school experiences. Then, Grade 5 students went on tours led by some of our 7th and 8th graders. Nurse Gallan (Director of Health Services), SRO Bonda, Ms. Patton (OASIS), and I also gave a "Good Decisions" presentation to students about the transition from elementary school to middle school and good decisions they can make as their experience more independence in middle school.
Next week, 8th graders have many events to look forward to. On Monday, 8th graders will go to SHS for their Transition Day. They will meet the SHS administrators and counselors and will learn more about what to expect in high school. On Thursday, 8th graders will go bowling as part of a class trip (Thank you to the OMS PTSO for sponsoring the trip!). Finally, 8th graders will celebrate the end of middle school with Class Day which includes the Class Day Ceremony and 8th grade dance.
Let's finish the school year strong!
Mrs. Katrina Crowley
Above picture: Logan Fitzgerald (8th grader) and Chastity Nguyen (8th grader) lead student tours.
Below picture: Principal Crowley, SRO Bonda, Nurse Gallan, and Ms. Patton (OASIS) give a Good Decisions Presentation
Project 351 Ambassador Reunion
Last weekend, Tana Bernard (Project 351 Ambassador) and Ms. Bailey (Grade 8 Art Teacher & Project 351 Mentor) attended the Project 351 Reunion.
Ms. Bailey shared, "The reunion event brought all 351 Ambassadors together in person for the second time this year at Gillette Stadium. Most of their service has been done through weekly virtual meetings and training, but at reunion they got to work together in person. The morning portion invited ambassadors, educators, alumni and service heroes together. We heard a conversation on Leading Change with Attorney General Andrea Joy Campbell and Lisa Hughes WVZ-TV. This was a really powerful talk that encouraged young people to continue to get involved because change, no matter how small, will make a difference. Awards were given out to service heroes, educators and the 351 senior class. In the afternoon Tana participated in a Hope and Gratitude Walk around the stadium, went through leadership training and got to participate in acts of service of her choosing. She chose workshops based on Opportunity and Compassion. She made blankets for Annie's Kindness Blankets and filled school supply kits for Unite in Support of Phillips Brooks House's Summer Urban Program. Out of the 351 Ambassador's Tana was chosen to present the number of people impacted based on their act of service that day. The group of 351 Ambassadors were able to help support 29,250 people in one afternoon of service."
Tana and Ms. Bailey are pictured below.
Check out some of the photos that Tana took during the reunion!
RN Summer Newsletter
May Mental Health Awareness Month
Promoting Mental Health Awareness throughout the month of May, the OMS Student Council created a calendar of activities including "Fist Bump Friday's." A fun way to welcome students to school in the morning, community groups were invited to join in on the fun. Many thanks to the Stoughton Police Department, who generously participated in both the first and last Friday's in May.
Thank you to Mrs. Valair and Ms. Fleming (OMS Student Council advisors) for helping organize the events!
SEPAC Bright Knight Award
The Stoughton SEPAC appreciates the dedication of our educational staff and all they do for students with unique learning needs. Parents with children with an Individualized Education Plan or 504 are invited to nominate one staff member who has built a special bond with their child and has been instrumental in helping them achieve their full potential, enjoy school, and access the curriculum.
Nominations are due at the end of the school year by completing the Google form briefly stating why you wish to nominate the staff member in question. The awards will be the following September when the Stoughton SEPAC publicly thanks the staff members by inviting them to a fall meeting to be presented with a certificate of appreciation.
We may use an excerpt from the nomination at the awards night. Only ONE staff member per person can be nominated. Only TWO staff members per school can be awarded that year’s Leading the Way to Excellence.
Please see our flyer attached. Here's the link to the nomination form: bit.ly/sepacaward.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reply to this email or reach out to Kellie Laguerre, the SEPAC member chairing this program. Kellie's email is kellielaguerre@gmail.com.
Spring Pictures
School Bus Registration for 2024-2025
Attention Stoughton Public Schools families looking for bus transportation for the 2024-2025 school year: The registration period for bus transportation for 2024-2025 will open Monday, May 20, 2024 and run through Friday, June 28, 2024. Please keep in mind that no applications will be accepted after June 28 and there will not be a waiting list.
Once again, there is no cost to families to ride the bus next year. Bus transportation is available for students in grades K-12, but there are limited seats. Students will be placed on the bus in the order the applications are received. The registration form will be available on the PowerSchool Parent Portal starting May 20. Families will need to complete and submit an application for each child who will be riding the bus.
An email will be sent to families next week with instructions on registration. If you have any questions, please send them to Transportation@stoughtonschools.org.
Grade 8 Class Day & Promotion Ceremony
The 8th Grade Class Day Promotion Ceremony will take place on Friday, June 14, 2024 at noon in the Stoughton High School auditorium. Because there is limited seating in the Stoughton High School auditorium, each 8th grader received two (2) tickets for in-person guests to the ceremony. The event will be livestreamed for other family members to watch live.
The 8th Grade Class Day Ceremony celebrates the successful completion of the middle school program. Check your email for more information!
SPS Summer Programs
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