The Jay Talk
February 3-5 News
A Note from Mrs. Hobbs
Dear Clever Families,
We want to take a moment to reflect on the hard work and dedication that our students have demonstrated in both their academic pursuits and the development of their leadership characteristics. It is truly inspiring to witness their growth and commitment to excellence.
Our partnership with you, the families, plays a crucial role in supporting our students' success.
Looking ahead, we are excited about the remainder of the school year. There are many opportunities for growth, engagement, and achievement, and we are eager to support our students every step of the way. Thank you for your continued support and collaboration. Together, we can make this school year a memorable and successful experience for all.
Mrs. Hobbs
Inspiring and Empowering Every Learner
Email: hobbsk@cleverbluejays.org
Website: http://www.cleverbluejays.org/
Phone: 417-743-4815
Valentine's Day
Students will participate in Valentine's exchanges within their classrooms on Friday, February 14th. We ask that Valentine's Day boxes be manageable by students. A good rule of thumb is if it doesn't fit on their lap or they can't independently carry it themselves, it's not appropriate for school.
As a reminder, outside deliveries of flowers, balloons and other gifts will not be accepted at any school buildings, and will be returned to the vendor.
Leadership Assembly
Our student action teams meet every other Friday to work on different projects and passions that help our school community.
The assembly team came together to plan an exciting leadership assembly. They worked hard on creating speeches to inspire everyone and also planned some fun games to bring everyone together.
It was great to see our students taking the initiative to build their leadership skills and make our school a lively place. We can't wait for the assembly and the awesome experiences it will bring!
These students were celebrated today during our assembly for showing the most growth on our NWEA assessments from fall to winter. These students truly showcased Habit 2: Begin with the end in mind! They set goals and crushed them!
Math League
Eleven 3-5 students participated in the Marionville Mathleague Competition.
The following were awarded ribbons:
Oakley Kennedy 4th place in Target Round
Isaac Blandford 3rd place in Target Round
Hunter Edwards 3rd in Number Sense, 5th in Sprint Round and 4th overall scorer for 4th grade!
Congrats to all who participated for representing Clever well!
5th Grade FCA
FCA is the largest Christian sports organization in the world. FCA focuses on serving local communities by equipping, empowering and encouraging people to make a difference for Christ.
Meetings: Meet Friday at 7:15 am in the Clever Conference Center (just inside the gate)
The library held a bookmark contest for grades Kindergarten-5th grade. Students worked through several rough drafts before completing their final project. Teachers and staff voted on the bookmarks which resulted in us having one winner from each grade.
Bookmarks were sent to be printed and had official bookmarks made. Each winner received enough bookmarks to share with their classmates as well as 20 to take home to share with their friends and family.
We are so proud of all winners and look forward to doing this again next year!
Alternative Methods of Instruction (AMI)
Our school district may implement alternative learning methods in place of up to 5 missed days of learning.
- Alternative Methods of Instruction (AMI) packets of work have been disseminated by the classroom teacher. Please place these in a safe place where they can be retrieved on AMI days. If you have misplaced your packet, please inform the office or your child's classroom teacher.
- Packets have work labeled Day 1-Day 5.
- AMI packets will be used as a review of items previously covered during seated instruction.
- Teachers will be working remotely and will be checking their email and Rooms throughout the day. Please reach out to your classroom teacher with any questions.
- Completing the assigned packets will result in the student being counted as present for the AMI day. Students not completing work will be counted as absent for the AMI day and the day will count against their attendance.
Feb. 14- Valentine's Day
Mar. 17-21 Spring Break
April 4- Leader in Me Family Night
April 28-May 9- MAP Testing
Leader in Me
Clever is a Leader in Me school. Leader in Me is a focus based off of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Each month 3-5 will focus on a specific habit. Students will receive LEADERSLIPS which highlight when a student is showcasing leadership skills. Be sure to check out the 3-5 Facebook page for photos!
For the month of February we will be focusing on Habit 6: Synergize. This means we are better together and we celebrate our differences.
Not pictured: Isabella Sheridan