The Leprechaun Lookout
St. Patrick School Official Newsletter 24-25

November, 2024
Our Mission
As a community we educate the whole child in Mind, Body and Spirit through the Augustinian tradition.
Shamrock Soldier Fun Run 2024
Here are some important details regarding the Shamrock Soldier Fun Run:
No Chocolate Bar Sales This Year: This fun run fundraiser will replace the chocolate bar sales.
Fun Run Attire: We are encouraging fun SPS spirit wear including camo, tutus, sweatbands, crazy socks, any SPS approved PE shirt, spray painted hair, etc. - creativity is key!
Parents are invited to come out and cheer on the kids while volunteering to assist. We appreciate any and all help. Shamrock Fun Run Volunteer Opportunities . If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Cross in the front office.
Student Fundraising Links: Shamrock Fun Run Link (fundraise.givesmart.com/vf/spsshamrock)
- Scroll down to the bottom of the website to find your child's link by searching their name under the STUDENTS tab. Copy and paste their link to send to friends and family.
- If you need further assistance finding your child's link, please email your child's name and grade to lwatkins@stpatricksd.org.
Halloween Candy Donation for Casa de los Pobres 🍭
SPS participates in the annual Diocesan Halloween candy and dental supply collection.
Each year students, teachers and staff are asked to donate part of their Halloween candy which is used for the Christmas distribution at the Casa de los Pobres in Mexico. Toothbrushes and toothpaste are also greatly appreciated!
Please take candy, toothbrushes and toothpaste to the school office during the weeks following Halloween (November 4th - November 15th).
The Sisters of the Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady Queen of Peach coordinate an annual Christmas distribution where 1,700+ impoverished families receive a chicken, rice, beans, canned vegetables, fruit and bag of your donated candy to make Christmas festivities a litter sweeter.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Cross in the front office: 619-297-1314.
Wednesday, November 6th - Make-up Picture Day - Parish Hall
8:20am - until all make up photos are taken
Friday, November 8th - Junior High Dance 5pm-8pm - Parish Hall
Monday, November 11th - Veteran's Day - NO SCHOOL
Shamrock Soldier Fun Run
Friday, November 15th - Morley Field - 9:00am - 12:00pm
Sunday, November 17th - School Mass - 6th Grade Liturgy
Friday, November 22nd - Turkey Trot - 1:30pm - SPS Parking Lot
***Any questions regarding your contract, fees, tuition, payments or billing please email Lisa Laughter at: lisa.stpats@gmail.com. Thank you!***
I Heard You Want to Volunteer! 😁
Here at SPS are always in need of volunteers and here is an easy way to sign up. Please click on the link for more info!