Results for Reading Comprehension
California Reading & Literature Project (CRLP)
Results for Reading Comprehension - Scaffolding Access to Complex Text
CRLP Results for Reading Comprehension provides teachers with routines for linking holistic reading comprehension instruction to grade-level text and diverse literature through the lens of an assets-based pedagogy. Results for Reading Comprehension supports teachers in designing effective instruction to help their students make meaning from complex grade-level text, whether read aloud to them or read by them with instructional support, and to use evidence from the text to demonstrate their comprehension. Lesson planning includes a 10-Step Core Routine for building content knowledge and guiding teachers in creatively thinking about and choosing appropriate strategies and scaffolds for comprehension of challenging texts, following a general instructional sequence for before, during, and after reading.
Institute Outcomes
Become familiar with a 10-Step Core Routine of instructional strategies to help all students better comprehend complex texts, with an emphasis on those students historically underserved by California schools: students of color, multilingual learners (MLs), and developing readers
Improve motivation and engagement for students to successfully and independently comprehend complex text in all content areas
Understand how strategic knowledge-building routines can enhance student background knowledge and improve a child’s reading comprehension and critical thinking
Learn strategies for differentiation to facilitate comprehension of core content texts for multilingual learners across levels of English language proficiency
Reflect on educators' personal experiences as lifetime learners of language and literacy in order to ground comprehension instruction in a learner-centered, asset-oriented, and inclusive-minded stance
"I learned the importance of following a routine for reading instruction that provides background knowledge and motivation for reading complex text"
San Francisco Unified School District
Registration Information
- Thursday, March 13, 2025 (8:00am -3:30pm) In person
- Thursday, April 17, 2025 (12:30pm -4:00pm) Virtual
- Thursday, May 8, 2025 (12:30pm -4:00pm) Virtual
**All sessions include an additional 45 minutes of asynchronous work through our Learning Management System, Canvas.**
CRLP Learning Programs meet criteria for professional learning for ESSER funds,
as well as ESEA’s High-Quality Professional Development for Title I, III, V and VII,
Part A; and for Title II, Part A and B.
Initial Registration - CRLP Results for Reading Comprehension
Thursday, Mar 13, 2025, 08:00 AM
2121 Berkeley Way, Berkeley, CA, USA
Contact Us for More Information
California Reading & Literature Project
UC Berkeley School of Education
2121 Berkeley Way
Berkeley, CA 94720-1670
Website: https://crlp.berkeley.edu/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ucbcrlp
Twitter: @ucbcrlp
The California Reading and Literature Project is a member of the California Subject Matter Project (CSMP), a network of nine discipline specific projects administered by the University of California Office of the President that provide high-quality professional development for K-12 teachers throughout California. The San Francisco Bay Area regional office of CRLP is housed at UC Berkley in the Graduate School of Education. crlp.berkeley.edu