Maungatapere School
Newsletter 22 February 2024
From the Principal
Life Education Trust with Nadine and Harold
On Tuesday we had the last session for the Y7/8 classes in the Life Ed Caravan. Nadine the teacher/educator, who we all know and love is an icon and treasure for children in the North.
Her comments to me where extremely positive towards our Y7/8 classes. The karaoke competition
between the classes was fierce, and Nadine told me who won, but I can’t share that. The point she
made was our senior students were highly engaged, very well-mannered and a fantastic bunch of
students, that we should be very proud of. I joked about the behaviour of the rest of the school,
and she assured me they were all a pleasure to teach and a tribute to our community.
The Y7/8’s focused on identity, reputation and personality. They looked in-depth into their own
identity and what that meant to them and others. They thought about their name, whanau, friends arts and sport. Nadine focused on identity aspects that are core to the students, and aspects that
flex like friends that come and go/interests that change. Reputation was what others think of
you/know of you. They spoke about four aspects that make up your personality, feel, do, think and act.
From Miss Sarah little R8
The focus was being part of a team and being a good leader. They looked at the difference between
a boss and a leader. So a leader is a person who influences and inspires a group of people towards
the achievement of a goal. Mr Kelly was really impressed by what the children already knew and the
way the children listened, and the thinking that was going on between them. The interaction
between the children during peer discussion was something to be proud of. The other aspect was
about being unique and accepting everybody’s qualities, differences and that each person can have
strengths in different areas.
From Mr Douglas Kelly R14
They focused on decisions and choices, particularly around their actions in class and in the
playground. They looked at what is a good choice and a poor choice and how we can take
responsibility for these. The children got a lot of learning out of this and we hope to see this
wonderful resource/learning experience actioned in the classroom and playground.
From Mr Daniel Cotton R1
The juniors focused on kindness. We are all super hero's with superpowers to make others feel
great. They were all highly engaged and loved it.
From Mrs Anne Maree Adams/Mrs Sarah Cullen
New Speed Limits for Maungatapere School – dates to be confirmed
The Maungatapere School Board of Trustees has over the years endeavoured to get reduced speed limits for the school, much like a number of other schools they have had mixed results. It is great to see that finally we get safer speed limits around the school and Maungatapere Village.
For a full understanding read below.
Kade Lambly Rm 4 Working so hard to do his best. You've got this buddy!
Kobe Frost Rm 9 For having an awesome start to the year and finishing his work to a high standard.
Tamsyn Booth Rm 13 For having a great start to the year and being a fantastic role model in Rm13.
Nathan Neeley ASC For coming into ASC with a positive attitude and being respectful, using his manners and being a great role model.
School Term Dates
22nd Feb Hearing and Vision Testing
27th Feb HPV Dose 1 – Y7/8
28th Feb 6pm Positive Puberty Parent Meeting Y6
29th Feb Positive Puberty Student Programme Y6
1st Mar Y5-8 School Swimming Sports
4th to 6th Mar Y7/8 EOTC Camp Marsden Bay
11th Mar Parent Teacher Interviews 1:30pm to 7pm – all on one night – early school finish
13th Mar WPSSA Town Swimming Sports Y5-8
13th Mar Transition to School Parent Meeting new entrants – Judy Jenkins home literacy
15th Mar Junior Swimming Tryathon Y1-4
19th Mar Y3/4 Experiencing Marine Reserves fun snorkelling day
20th Mar Y5/6 Surf Trip to Tutukaka
23rd Mar MAUNGA MAHEM – significant Maungatapere School fundraiser sporting event
29th Mar GOOD FRIDAY – no school
1st Apr EASTER MONDAY – no school
2nd Apr EASTER TUESDAY – no school
12th Apr Last day of Term 1
29th April Staff Only Day
Life Education Trust
Our students were lucky enough to have Nadine and Harold from the Life Education Trust with us for the last week. Harold even made an appearance at our Friday assembly.
At our Friday assembly last week we gifted Miss Ruth with some special wedding presents from our students and staff. Miss Ruth will marry her partner James this Saturday and return to us as Mrs Taoho. We wish Kim and James the most fantastic wedding day!!!
Year 7/8 Technology Programme at Tauraroa Area School Room 6,7,8 all on a Friday.
23rd February
8th March
22nd March
5th April
Carpark Reminder
ACES Basketball Club
We are glad to inform you the ACES Basketball Club has now relocated to Huanui College to provide local communities and tamariki in your area opportunities to develop their skills in a fun and safe environment and connect local communities through basketball.
We currently have teams for U12s, U14s, U16s, U18s and Mens team and currently hold Northland titles for U14s and U16s and attend several tournaments and competitions throughout the year.
Aces Basketball will led by myself, Current Head of the Northland Basketball representative programme with over 20 years experience at the highest level.
May I please ask, if you think you may have tamariki that might be interested in joining their local basketball club, could you please share this across your platforms and networks to allow our local tamariki the first opportunity to join.
Sessions start this Friday and have limited spots per session, which will fill up fast.
Thank you Kaea Samson
THANK YOU!! To our generous sponsors
About us
Email: office@maungatapere.school.nz
Website: https://www.maungatapere.school.nz/
Location: Mangakahia Road, Maungatapere, Whangarei, New Zealand
Phone: 09 4346743
Facebook: facebook.com/maungatapereschool