Titans' Times
Week-at-a-Glance (WAAG) for April 22-26, 2024
Celebrating Education Week
We want to express our gratitude to our teachers, staff, students and the families who make Legal School such a special place. Thank you for all you do to create our school, a welcoming and inclusive environment where everyone can learn and grow every day!
The theme of Education Week is "Learning Uplifts All." We are blessed to work alongside such an amazing group of educators, students and families at Legal School.
Happy Education Week
Mrs. Kleparchuk & Mrs. Crowston
Week at a glance for April 22-26!
Monday, April 22:
- Great day of learning at Legal School!
- Wear OILERS gear for the First Playoff Game
- JH Rec. Field Trip to St. Albert Gymnastics
- Celebrating Legal Titans Support Staff
Tuesday, April 23:
Titans Block JH
Elementary Monthly Assembly
Kapow Pops $1
Badminton Practice 3-4 pm
Wednesday, April 24:
Titans Spirit Wear
Kapow Pops $1
Badminton Meet @Sturgeon Heights (bus leaves at 12:15 pm)
Friday, April 26:
A wonderful week at Legal School
Upcoming Events
April 29 - Gr. 4-6 Rec Field Trip St. Albert Gymnastics PM
May 2 - Bike Safety
May 2 - Social Media Conversation
Grades 4-6 10:55 am to 12:25 pm
Grades 7-9 1:30 to 2:50 pm
Parents 6:15 to 7:45 pm
Check out our monthly school calendar on the website.
Birthdays This Week at Legal School
Ava F. (Gr. 4) April 23rd
Mrs. Moylan April 23rd
Justin G. (Gr. 7) April 25th
Archer S. (Gr. 6) April 26th
Parent Information
Starting a Social Media Conversation - PARENT SESSION May 2nd
Thank you to School Council for arranging this important parent session to be held in May!!
The Parent Session bridges the gap between parent understanding and kids’ behaviour, and doing everything they can to start a positive social media conversation in homes. Participants will learn the scope of online activity of kids in grades 4 to 12, highlighting both the positive and negative. They’ll learn better questions to ask, and come away with tools to lean into conversations about social media use.
Tips and guidelines will be provided so parents can make choices that will protect their kids while allowing them to enjoy the positive aspects of social media. Since most kids have exposure to social media, whether through their own use or through the use of those around them, parents will be able to reinforce good choices at home and allow kids to feel more competent, supported, and confident in their social media use.
Highway Clean-Up May 4th
Want to make a difference for the EARTH for Earth Day??
Can you help out with highway cleanup?
This is FOLSS's most successful yearly fundraiser! Please contact them to see if they can count on you to help clean up the roads around Legal. Children are able to help if over the age of
NEW: Super Cool Summer School
Explore, create, learn and have fun this summer!
Registration is open for super cool summer school! It’s for grade 1-8 students from St. Albert Public Schools and GSACRD students, and there is something for everyone. This year, Greater St. Albert Catholic Schools will host the program, which will operate from Sister Alphonse Academy (1 Joyal Way).
For more information and to register: https://www.summerschool.gsacrd.ab.ca/summer-school-registration-form
Engagement on Cellphone Use in Schools
You are invited to participate in an online survey about the future of cellphone use in elementary, junior high, and senior high schools. The survey can be accessed at the Survey Link. The survey will be open until May 3, 2024. Input from this targeted engagement will help inform potential future government direction.
Principal Positive Calls of the Week
This grade 5 student was nominated by Mr. Runco for continuously showing growth and eagerness to learn. He is very proud of her and we are too! Keep up the great work!
Mrs. Doehring nominated this 4th-grade student for working hard in all subjects and getting his homework done at home alone! Way to go, and keep up the great work!
This Grade 4 student was nominated by Ms.Doehring for always having a positive attitude and sharing that positive attitude with all those around her! So proud of her!
Ways I Love My Planet
It is Earth Day this week and we wanted to explore different ways we can show gratitude for our earth! It is good for our mental health when we care for our planet, spend time in nature, and listen to all the sounds around us. This helps us to slow down and be mindful in the present moment.
In this week’s guide, Big Life Journal has created an activity as a celebration of our planet and our commitment to doing the best we can to show love and appreciation for our interstellar home.
Science in Action
Science with the grade 2s learning about volcanoes!!
Grade 7 Science Famous Structures Projects! What great structures! One of the best learning tasks these JH students look forward to every year!!
Faith News
St. Emile Parish
Journey with the Pope
"Let us ask for the grace to accept that gift, to embrace the Sacrament of forgiveness.
And to understand that Confession is not about ourselves and our sins but about God
and his mercy. Let us not confess to abase ourselves, but to be raised up. We, all of us,
need this badly. Like little children who, whenever they fall, need to be picked up by their
fathers, we need this. We, too, fall frequently. And the hand of our Father is ready to set
us on our feet again and to make us keep walking. That sure and trustworthy hand is
Confession. Confession is the sacrament that lifts us up; it does not leave us on the
ground, weeping on the hard stones where we have fallen.”
Pope Francis – Thursday, April 11, 2024
Community Events and Programs
Legal School
Email: lsinfo@gsacrd.ab.ca
Website: https://www.ls.gsacrd.ab.ca/
Location: 5122 46 Street, Legal, AB, Canada
Phone: 780-961-3791
Facebook: facebook.com/legalschool
Twitter: @LS_GSACRD