LVIS Family Newsletter
October 18, 2024

Mark Your Calendar
11/4 - Student Holiday
11/5 - Student Holiday
11/5 - Parent Teacher Conferences - Parents should sign up with their child's teacher.
11/6 - 4th Grade Field Trip to Johnson City - Don't forget to pack a lunch
11/20 - 11/22 - Pies for Teachers - Sign Up Here to bring a pie
11/22 - APEX Fun Run
11/25 - 11/29 - Thanksgiving Break
12/9 - 12/13 - LVIS 4th Annual Door Decorating Contest
12/11 - 4th Grade sees the Nutcracker
12/18 - Holiday Parties
12/18 - 4th Grade Holiday Performance
12/18 - End of 1st Semester
Guess who is the Pillsbury Dough Boy - Answer at the Bottom
Literacy Night
Our literacy Night was a huge success! Thank you families for coming out and supporting it!
4th Grade Winter Performance
Mark your calendar for December 18th for our 4th Grade Winter Performance and Art Show "A Night at the Movies."
School Lunch Balances
Help erase school lunch balances for students in the Viking Nation! Each generous donation will lift a financial burden from our community and will allow Lago Vista ISD to focus resources on supporting student success.
To donate, please visit https://lvisdtx.schoolwindow.com/estore/lvdo/donation.html.
Thank you for helping us ensure that every child has the opportunity to thrive!
Important Links
- Register to be a volunteer https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCCvXgE6JZa287u8XnQxz02Uxb8tmkt-phHjPtuGzFVtH8pQ/viewform
- If you need to update registration information, you can access the parent portal below. https://portals13.ascendertx.com/ParentPortal/login?distid=227912&fbclid=IwAR0rqcCPO1sS5BRu65Mu2DWsbQKCBZWS8IXdQrjanUewuL02nGK9OfApAEg
- My School Bucks if you need to add money to your child's lunch account. https://www.myschoolbucks.com/ver2/getmain?requestAction=home
Viking Excellence
In 2020, our amazing Lago Vista ISD community made a powerful investment in our students’ futures by approving Proposition A! Thanks to this bond, we’ve added vital academic spaces, expanded our CTE facilities, and introduced a dedicated CTE wing that includes hands-on spaces for Health Science Nursing and Culinary Arts! These improvements address student enrollment growth, modernize our facilities, and ensure our students have access to top-tier educational programs. Huge thanks to our Lago Vista ISD community for believing in our students and their potential!
Our School Day Information
7:15 am - Doors Open
7:40 am - School Starts
9:25 - Official Attendance Taken - Students must be at school at 9:25 in order to counted present for the day. If you are scheduling doctors appointments, please try to not schedule them at 9:25. Otherwise, they will be counted absent for the day (even if you bring them back to school).
10:40 - 4th Grade Lunch
11:15 - 5th Grade Lunch
3:15 - Dismissal
Free and Reduced Meal Applications
Free and Reduced Meal Applications - Families are encouraged to fill out the Free and Reduced-Price Meals applications. You can access the links below. You may not qualify for it, but you could be eligible for other assistance.
English - https://www.myschoolapps.com/Application
Spanish - https://www.myschoolapps.com/Application
Who Do I Contact
Nurse - Gina Carmichael at gcarmichael@lagovistaisd.net
Counselor - Cynthia Gumbert at cgumbert@lagovistaisd.net
Principal - Bonnie Sullivan at bsullivan@lagovistaisd.net
Follow us on Facebook
Costume Fun
Mrs. Wheeler Made An Outstanding Pillsbury Dough Boy!
Lago Vista Intermediate School
Email: bsullivan@lagovistaisd.net
Website: https://www.lagovistaisd.net/page/lis.Home
Location: 8039 Bar K Ranch Rd, Lago Vista, TX, USA
Phone: 512-267-8300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lagovistaintermediate