NOVEMBER 17, 2023

August 9, 2024
Please make plans to join us for Camp Creek ES Curriculum Night next week! Curriculum Night will be held in-person at Camp Creek ES, by grade level, on the following dates:
Monday, August 12 - 6:30-7:30 pm
- Pre-Kindergarten
- Kindergarten
- First Grade
- ASD III (Grades K-1)
- MOID (Grades K-5)
Tuesday, August 13 - 6:00-7:00 pm
- Second Grade
- Third Grade
- ASD III (Grades 2-3)
Wednesday, August 14 - 6:00-7:00 pm
- Fourth Grade
- Fifth Grade
- ASD III (Grades 4-5)
Please know that this event is one that is designed to be of most benefit to parents.
We understand if childcare cannot be arranged, but ask that if you bring your student(s) with you that you be prepared for them to remain in the classroom with you.
In this meeting, you will learn more about:
- AKS curriculum material covered at your child’s grade level
- Promotion and Testing requirements for your child’s grade level
- Homework expectations
- Overview of Curriculum Materials
- Daily schedule (with lunch time)
- Classroom Management Plan in your child’s classroom
- How to best communicate with your child’s teacher – contact info
- Medication Policy
- Grading Policy
- Attendance Procedures / Resources
- How and when teachers send graded work home
- Cafeteria Procedures – how to prepay for lunch/breakfast
- How to schedule a conference with your child’s teacher
If you have not already done so, we would ask that each Camp Creek ES family please complete the following:
- Update emergency contact information for your student(s) in ParentVue if you did not review Clinic Card information on Meet the Teacher Day!
- Sign online acknowledgement forms using ParentSquare.
- Make contributions using MyPaymentsPlus.
- Join the Camp Creek ES PTA via Totem.
- Indicate your interest in serving as Room Parent or School Volunteer with your child’s homeroom teacher.
- Purchase Spiritwear via Givebacks Storefront.
- Sign up for ParentSquare.
We always look forward to recognizing and celebrating our students' birthdays during the year. If you like, you may send in a small snack or treat for the class to share on or near your child's birthday. Summer birthdays and birthdays that occur during holidays may be celebrated at a pre-scheduled time of your convenience. We ask that you make prior arrangements with the teacher before treats are brought to school. This helps us to ensure that we do not have other activities or events planned that would prevent us from being able to celebrate, in addition to limiting the number of treats in any one classroom on a given day. Because these events cannot be school parties, no beverages or party favors can be sent to school. Birthday celebrations should be a small treat, not a meal (ex. pizza). Treats must be store bought and INDIVIDUALLY PACKAGED.
Great care is taken here to be sensitive to the needs and feelings of our children. With that in mind, we ask that invitations to private birthday parties be mailed to students' homes or that parents are contacted by telephone. We cannot distribute invitations at school. Your understanding is appreciated.
Purchase a PTA Member via Totem !
- Anyone interested in Family or Business Sponsorship (and related perks) can do so through our CCES Store . Note that sponsorship no longer includes membership, which must be purchased separately through Totem.
Spirit Wear is available via our CCES Store through August 30. We have several new designs and styles including a Polo shirt and Fleece crew, in addition to short sleeve T-shirts and Hoodies.
Don't forget to purchase your yearbook through Jostens at the lowest price of the school year.
Please see the sign-up sheets in your student's homeroom on Curriculum Night for additional information as it pertains to being a general PTA volunteer or Room Parent.
Reach out to Michelle Pixton
CCES PTA Co-President
If you’d like to have your business logo featured in the Weekly Paws each week of the school year, sign up for a Business Sponsorship. Sponsorship also includes admission to Bingo Night and the Spring Fling, plus provides important funding for PTA activities that support our families, students and teachers. Learn more on the PTA website: www.campcreekespta.com
958 Cole Drive SW Lilburn, GA 30047-5422
(770) 921-1626
Tissues & Treats (Kindergarten)
Kindergarten Parents / Guardians are cordially invited to Tissues & Treats on Monday, August 12 @ 5:45 PM in the Camp Creek ES Cub Café!
- Meet other Kindergarten parents at CCES.
- Q&A opportunity with local school staff.
- Connect with Camp Creek ES PTA.
- Get a pat on the back or a hug as you navigate how you are feeling after the first week of your child’s newest adventure!
Monday, Aug 12, 2024, 05:45 PM
Camp Creek Elementary School, Cole Drive Southwest, Lilburn, GA, USA
Monday, August 12 - 6:30-7:30 pm
- Pre-Kindergarten
- Kindergarten
- First Grade
- ASD III (Grades K-1)
- MOID (Grades K-5)
Please know that this event is one that is designed to be of most benefit to parents.
We understand if childcare cannot be arranged, but ask that if you bring your student(s) with you that you be prepared for them to remain in the classroom with you.
Monday, Aug 12, 2024, 06:30 PM
Camp Creek Elementary School, Cole Drive Southwest, Lilburn, GA, USA
Tuesday, August 13 - 6:00-7:00 pm
- Second Grade
- Third Grade
- ASD III (Grades 2-3)
Please know that this event is one that is designed to be of most benefit to parents.
We understand if childcare cannot be arranged, but ask that if you bring your student(s) with you that you be prepared for them to remain in the classroom with you.
Tuesday, Aug 13, 2024, 06:00 PM
Camp Creek Elementary School, Cole Drive Southwest, Lilburn, GA, USA
Wednesday, August 14 - 6:00-7:00 pm
- Fourth Grade
- Fifth Grade
- ASD III (Grades 4-5)
Please know that this event is one that is designed to be of most benefit to parents.
We understand if childcare cannot be arranged, but ask that if you bring your student(s) with you that you be prepared for them to remain in the classroom with you.
Wednesday, Aug 14, 2024, 06:00 PM
Camp Creek Elementary School, Cole Drive Southwest, Lilburn, GA, USA
Cub Scouts Round Up 6:30-8:00 pm
Thursday, Aug 15, 2024, 06:30 PM
Camp Creek Elementary School, Cole Drive Southwest, Lilburn, GA, USA
PTA Members will be sent a link via Totem to join the meeting!