Hurricane Forecast February 2023
Castle Hayne Elementary School Family Newsletter
Dates to Remember-
Wednesday, February 1st: First Day of Black History Month
Friday, February 10th and Monday, February 13th: No School for Pre-K Students
Monday, February 13th - Friday, February 17th: Random Acts of Kindness Week (See flyer below)
Friday, February 17th: Spelling Bee
Thursday, February 16th: PTA Spirit Night at Scooters Staking Rink 6-8pm
Monday, February 20th: Teacher Workday - No School
Wednesday, February 22nd: School Bus Driver Appreciation Day - Thank your bus driver!
Friday, March 3rd: Character Parade - Parents welcome - More information to come!
NC PRE K Enrollment begins February 1, 2023
What's Happening?
In reading we began working through our fiction unit. We are learning that fictional stories have characters, settings, problems and solutions. In fundations we began unit 3 continuing to tapping out CVC words and starting to learn new trick words. In math we have started Module 4, where we are learning to find parts of a whole. We have finished up our unit on bears in science and are beginning our unit on past and present in social studies.
1st Grade
2nd Grade
This quarter we are beginning our unit on nonfiction. We will be exploring different types of nonfiction text and learning to identify and use the text features to gather more information about the text. Students will also learn to identify the main topic and then determine the main idea by using the details from the text to support it.
In science, the students have been so excited about the arrival of the chicken eggs and learning all about the life cycle of a chicken. In math, we are continuing to learn about geometric shapes. Students will learn to recognize and draw shapes based on their attributes. As they continue to work with composite shapes they will learn to partition them into equal parts and build fractional understanding and apply it to telling time. In Social Studies, we will read and learn about important historical figures and the contributions they have made.
3rd Grade
3rd grade is continuing to work hard on multiplication; memorizing facts and understanding multiplication patterns.
We are immersing ourselves in books by author Patricia Polacco. We will be using her books as mentor texts to draft our own personal narratives. In Social Studies, we will begin our reading and studying about economics and explain how the natural resources of a region impact the production and consumption of goods in local communities.
4th Grade
In Reading students will be reviewing Making Inferences, Summarizing, and Main Idea and Details. This month we will also begin our grade level novel study The Wild Robot. Students will be applying all reading standards while reading through this novel.
In Math students will begin Module 3: Multiplication and Division strategies. This unit builds on concepts learned in Module 2. Students would benefit from practicing their multiplication facts each night. Students can use the deck of cards and games that were sent home after our parent involvement night last month.
In Social Studies students are working through the Civics and Government Unit: Students will take a close look at citizens roles, important state documents, rights and responsibilities, and who are our state leaders.
Fourth grade just enjoyed a fabulous field trip to the Wilson Center to see the Wilmington Symphony. Students were excited to go on their second field trip of the year. Everyone had a great time and experience.
5th Grade
In Math, we wrapped up our fraction unit. We just started our decimal unit where students have been reading and writing decimal numbers to the thousandths place. We have a lot to learn about decimals and we are just getting started! We wrapped our Ecosystems unit in Science when we came back from winter break and then moved into learning about unicellular and multicellular organisms. We are currently learning about the different human body systems - what their purpose is, the organs/body parts in each system, and how the different systems work together. In Literacy we have been reading grade-level nonfiction texts and answering questions by accurately quoting evidence from the text. We also reviewed the different text structures and how determining these structures as we are reading can help make sense of the text.
Ms. Cleary, Art
Art Room Supply Donations
If you happen to be cleaning out your storage areas and come across any
of the items below I promise they will put to good use in the Art Room at
Castle Hayne.
- Blender that works for Papermaking
- Iron for mounting artwork
- Hot Plate for melting
- Drill with large liquid mixing bit for glazes and slip
- 1,3,5, gallon plastic buckets with airtight covers
- Small magnets
- Sidewalk chalk
Congratulations to these Castle Hayne Artists. They have been selected to participate in the North Carolina Azalea Festival Art contest. Wish them luck! The Azalea Festival will be April 12-16th. 2023. The Art exhibition will take place at the Hannah Block Community Arts Center Downtown Wilmington.
Kygo R. , 1TH, Ms. Miller, Venus Fly Trap
Coraleigh S., 1T, Ms. Perry , Still Life, Vase with Flowers
Javante H., 2T, Ms. Hicks, Bird with Gold Wreath
Drake G., 2T, Ms. Hicks, Venus Fly Trap with Blue Flower
Eli F. , 2T, Ms Hicks
Stephen H. , 2T, Ms. Hicks, Venus Fly Trap with Dots
Valeria I., 2T, Ms. Hicks , Venus Fly Trap
Tre’shien F. , 2T, Ms. Hicks , Venus Fly Trap with Bugs
Conner J. , 2W, Ms. J. Williams
Leoki R., 2TH, Mr. Todd, Venus Fly Trap with Fly
Mason S., 2TH, Mr. Todd, Tree of Life
Radajh B., 2TH, Mr. Todd
William C., 3M, Ms. Houseman, Landscape Hillside in the Spring
Camryn H., 3TH, Ms. Snee, Blue Rabbit with Azaleas
Josiah G., 4T, Ms. Burley, Rabbit in Green Field
Thomas I., 4T, Ms. Burley, Dashing Rabbit 2023
Vivienne H., 4TH, Ms. Hobbs, Azalea Wreath
Charlotte P., 4Th, Ms. Hobbs, Azalea Wreath Hawaiian
Emmy M., 4TH, Ms. Hobbs , Azalea Wreath with red and green
Candy Robbins, School Social Worker
Kristen Aust, School Guidance Counselor
Mrs. Cervini, ESL Teacher
Celebrating Black History Month
In 1915, in response to the lack of information on the accomplishments of Black people available to the public, historian Carter G. Woodson co-founded the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History. In 1926, the group declared the second week of February as “Negro History Week” to recognize the contributions of African Americans to U.S. history. Few people studied Black history and it wasn't included in textbooks prior to the creation of Negro History Week.
This week was chosen because it includes the birthdays of both Frederick Douglass, an abolitionist (someone who wanted to end the practice of enslaving people), and former U.S. president Abraham Lincoln. President Lincoln led the United States during the Civil War, which was primarily fought over the enslavement of Black people in the country. Many schools and leaders began recognizing the week after its creation.
The week-long event officially became Black History Month in 1976 when U.S. president Gerald Ford extended the recognition to “honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of Black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout our history.” Black History Month has been celebrated in the United States every February since.
Black History Month was created to focus attention on the contributions of African Americans to the United States. It honors all Black people from all periods of U.S. history, from the enslaved people first brought over from Africa in the early 17th century to African Americans living in the United States today.
Among the notable figures often spotlighted during Black History Month are Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who fought for equal rights for Blacks during the 1950s and ’60s; Thurgood Marshall, the first African-American justice appointed to the United States Supreme Court in 1967; Mae Jemison, who became the first female African-American astronaut to travel to space in 1992; and Barack Obama, who was elected the first-ever African-American president of the United States in 2008.
Since the first Negro History Week in 1926, other countries have joined the United States in celebrating Black people and their contribution to history and culture, including Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, and the Netherlands.
Today Black History Month continues the discussion of Black people and their contributions through activities such as museum exhibits and film screenings, and by encouraging the study of achievements by African Americans year-round.
Make certain to thank your School Bus Driver!
February Fun Spirit Days
🏆 December Student of the Month Winners 🏆
Kindergarten Enrollment begins March 1-15th
Do you want a year round schedule? Are you looking for a bilingual option? Maybe you want a school with a focus on the arts or STEM or you have selected your districted school? Whatever your choice, NHCS has options.
Enrollment begins March 1-15
Safety is our TOP Priority - News from the Nurse
Cold and flu season has arrived, and we are seeing increased cases of the flu across New Hanover County and in our schools. We are expecting a busier flu season than normal and influenza can be very serious. Please adhere to the following CDC guidelines and suggested healthy habits. Let’s work together to keep our school and our homes as healthy as possible.
Please Do Not Send Your Child to School if he/she has or has had:
Fever of 100 degrees or higher within the last 24 hours. (Must be fever-free without medication)
Vomiting or diarrhea within the last 24 hours.
Symptoms that make it hard for your child to participate in school such as frequent coughing, headache, body aches, fatigue, earaches.
Strep Throat- until on antibiotics 24 hr.
Tips for Staying Healthy
Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue. Use elbow or arm if tissue is not available.
Wash hands often with soap and warm water for 20 seconds (Sing ABC song twice).
Use hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available.
Avoid touching the “T” zone (Eyes, Nose and Mouth)
Avoid being around others who are sick.
Do not share drinks, food, or unwashed utensils.
Eat healthy (Foods that Grow!) and drink plenty of water
Disinfect surfaces that are prone to germs (phones, keyboards, doorknobs, toothbrushes, etc.).
Get the flu vaccine.
Thanks for your help in keeping Castle Hayne Elementary healthy this year!
¡Ha llegado la temporada de resfriados y gripe y estamos viendo un aumento en los casos de gripe. La gripe puede ser grave. Siga las siguientes pautas de los CDC y los hábitos saludables sugeridos. Trabajemos juntos para mantener nuestra escuela y nuestros hogares lo más saludables posible.
Por favor no envíe a su hijo a la escuela si él / ella ha tiene o ha tenido:
Fiebre de 100 grados o más en las últimas 24 horas. (Debe estar libre de fiebre sin medicación)
Vómitos o diarrea en las últimas 24 horas.
Síntomas que les dificultan participar en la escuela, como tos frecuente, dolor de cabeza, dolor de cuerpo, fatiga, dolor de oído.
Faringitis estreptocócica: hasta con antibióticos las 24 h.
Consejos para mantenerse saludable
Cubra la tos y los estornudos con un pañuelo de papel. Use el codo o el brazo si no hay tejido disponible.
Lávese las manos con frecuencia con jabón y agua tibia durante
20 segundos (el tiempo que lleva cantar la canción ABC).
Use desinfectante para manos si no hay agua y jabón disponibles.
Evite tocar la zona "T" (ojos, nariz y boca)
Evite estar cerca de otras personas que están enfermas.
No comparta bebidas, alimentos o utensilios sin lavar.
Coma sano (¡Alimentos que crecen!) Y beba mucha agua
Desinfecte las superficies propensas a gérmenes (teléfonos, teclados, pomos de puertas, cepillos de dientes, etc.).
Vacúnese contra la gripe.
De la enfermera
Cafeteria Message
This school year every student receives FREE breakfast and lunch. However, we will be utilizing My School Bucks to access your child's cafeteria account for any a al carte items. I have included a link to the website below as well as a link to the NHCS Child Nutrition Website. You can find more information regarding My School Bucks under the "Pre-Payment Options" link. If you do not wish to add money electronically via My School Bucks you are still able to send cash or check.
If you choose to bring cash or check to school personally or send it with your student, please put it in an envelope clearly marked with the student's first and last name, their ID#, their teacher's name, and the amount enclosed.
Calendar Menus will be posted on the CHES Child Nutrition website monthly.
The Cafeteria Staff at CHES look forward to serving you this year!
Castle Hayne Elementary School's PTA Corner
Sea Song for Little Pirates Concert
Lost and Found
The Lost and Found box is located in front of the Media Center; if your child loses an item make certain they check the LOST and FOUND box as soon as they realize the item is lost. This makes it so much easier to find. Thank you!!
Volunteering at Castle Hayne
Volunteers are our partners in education. They take an active role to support and enhance the development of our students. Every day, family and community member volunteers bring enthusiasm and skill into our schools while assisting staff, teachers and students. All volunteers are required to obtain volunteer training annually.
If you would like to move forward with volunteering at Castle Hayne Elementary School these are the following steps you will need to complete:
View the volunteer orientation presentation/Spanish and volunteer handbook/Spanish.
Submit the Volunteer Application Form/Spanish to Danielle Metty, via email or send a printed copy to school with your student labeled with Danielle Metty, Family Liaison.
Complete the Volunteer Orientation Assessment with a score of 80% or higher.
To become a level 2 volunteer, complete a background check application ($20 until October 1 then the cost will be $22.50). You will receive a verification email and card from the Background Investigation Bureau upon approval.
Notify Danielle Metty, when you have completed steps 1-4.
Tracking your child's bus has never been so easy. New Hanover County Schools is implementing a new smart phone app that will allow parents to see where their child's bus is located in real time. Edulog Parent Portal app can be downloaded from iTunes App Store or Google Play Store.
Castle Hayne Elementary School
Our mission at Castle Hayne Elementary School is to work together to achieve success by applying our STORM skills!
Spread Kindness~ Take Responsibility~ Own our Learning and Actions~ Respect Everyone~ Maintain Safety
Please direct any questions related to this newsletter to Danielle Metty, Receptionist
Location: 3925 Roger Haynes Drive, Castle Hayne, NC, USA
Phone: (910) 602-4970
Twitter: @castlehayneES