"Step into Your Future"
September Counseling Services & College Readiness Newsletter
Upcoming Events This Month
GPISD's Annual College Night
Students make sure to RSVP for the event. If they are unable to scan the QR code on the flyer, they can use this link to RSVP directly: https://grandprairieisd.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1Hu7ecpLrf7JDyC.
Senior and Junior Chats with Counselors
School Counselors are meeting with senior and junior students to discuss their post-secondary plans, specifically which route they will take after high school graduation. Parents, please check in with your student and ask them about their chat. If you have any questions, please contact your child's School Counselor at their campus.
- Senior Chats end on Friday, October 4, 2024
- Junior Chats begin September 30th - October 18th
Student Grades ( Skyward )
Instructions to View Student Grades
Parenting Reminder to Check Grades. Below you will find the link to view your studentβs grades. Using the link below, allows you to see actual grades before they are posted. Parents have the option to view grades daily or weekly to help their student be academically successful. See the link below in English and Spanish.
Parent Instructions to View Grades (English)
Parent Directions to Set Up Emails to View Grades Weekly
Parents are also encouraged to set up email notifications of their student's grades. You can set up a weekly email to be sent with the studentβs grades and attendance. Below you will find the link to help set up the emails.
Parent Directions to Set Up Emails to View Grades Weekly (English)
Parent Directions to Set up Emails to View Grades Weekly (Spanish)
Progress Report Grades-PR1 Reminder Dates
Parents, can you believe that the first Progress Report Grading Period has ended? Teachers submitted grades on Wednesday, September 11, 2024. Progress Reports were uploaded to the Family Portfolio in Skyward on the following dates:
Elementary Campuses - September 12, 2024
Secondary Campuses - September 13, 2024
Log into your Skyward account and see your student's Progress Report grades!
CCMR "College Career Military Readiness Corner"
Did You Miss the Parenting on the Go Presentation?
Don't worry! If you couldn't attend the Parenting on the Go: College, Career, and Military Readiness 101 presentation on September 10, we've got you covered. You can access the recording and presentation materials in both English and Spanish on the district's website. Visit this link to catch up on all the important information to support your studentβs future success!
The implementation of AVID in schools provides students with an opportunity to:
- Succeed in rigorous curriculum
- Complete a rigorous college and career preparatory path
- Teaches content-specific strategies for reading, writing, thinking, and speaking
- Increased coping skills
- Increased desire and determination to be successful
- Provides an exploration of academic interests, college majors, and careers.
- Encourages students to be involved: clubs, sports, band, chorus
- Provides opportunities to conduct service-learning projects
- Guides AVID seniors through the college application and scholarship application process
AVID Monthly Focus
Community Service and Leadership
Encouraging involvement in community service and leadership roles.
Did you know that volunteer work can enhance your college application?
Volunteering allows students to demonstrate to colleges how their personal values align with the college's overall mission while also showing the colleges how they will be an impactful, contributing member of that school's community.
Presidential Volunteer Service Award Oppurtunities for AVID Students
PVSA "Presidential Volunteer Service Awards"
All AVID students grades 6th-12th are highly encouraged to complete at least 60 community service hours during the school year. Those who achieve this have the potential to earn recognition for their dedication to helping others. Find out more about PVSA eligibility below.
Volunteer Eligibility
- United States citizen or lawful permanent resident of the United States (i.e., green card holder)
- Must be at least five years old
- Completes eligible service within a the 24/25 school year (for annual Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards) and over a lifetime (for Lifetime Achievement Awards)
Eligible Service:
- Unpaid acts of volunteer service benefitting others
- Service through National service programs that provide a stipend (e.g., Peace Corps, AmeriCorps) may count towards the Lifetime Achievement Award, but not for the annual Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards)
- Travel stipends, transit/parking passes, membership passes, expense reimbursements, and other nominal volunteer support do not impact service eligibility
Eligible Service does not include:
- Donating funds
- Political lobbying (Non-partisan voter registration is an eligible activity)
- Religious instruction
- Conducting worship service
- Proselytizing
- Volunteer service performed as part of court-ordered community service
- Serving only family members
College Application Platforms
Scholarship Corner
National Scholarship Opportunities
Golden Door
Coca-Cola Scholarship
Jack Kent Cooke Scholarship
Scholarship Platforms For All Grades
REMINDER- Seniors are encouraged to apply to 5 or more scholarships each month.
- Most scholarships are based on MERIT, this means that students should focus on their academic performance and extracurriculars and community service.
- Lottery scholarships make sure that everyone who enters has an equal chance of winning.
- Community service is a major factor in standing out for scholarships, it also reflects a student's positive attributes and good values
- It is often better to start looking for scholarships before your senior year (mid junior year is ideal)
- Quality and perspective of an essay is more important than just technicalities
- If you do not meet the criteria for a scholarship, it is not recommended that you apply at all (anyone who doesnβt meet the requirements is typically disqualified immediately)
- You can apply for scholarships after youβve already started college
- Be sure to look for scholarships outside of those allotted just through a specific school
The Dallas County Promise Program supports students in navigating their best-fit postsecondary options with the ultimate goal for students to be successful in college, career, and life. Promise Scholars can be offered a last-dollar tuition grant to help reduce financial barriers present in accessing a postsecondary education at partner colleges and universities.
Participating DCP High Schools:
π₯βΎβ½β³- National Collegiate Athletic Association ππππΎ
Athletes, who are 8th grade and older, can actually start creating their own NCAA account. Parents, please discuss with your student the importance of starting strong and finishing strong when you have a specific end goal in mind. I want to provide you with the fact sheets for a Division I, a Division II, and a Division III school fact sheets. Please take some time to review the fact sheets with your athlete, while ensuring you put in place the 5 suggestions to start the school year off right. Have a great school year.
Attention Parents and Students: NCAA's Student Guide for the College Bound Student 24-25
Student Athlete Mental Health & Wellness
Welcome to The Athlete's Edge, your go-to resource for mental health and wellness tips tailored specifically for student athletes. In each edition, weβll explore strategies to enhance your performance, balance your well-being, and tackle the unique challenges you face in your sport. Stay tuned for expert advice, practical tips, and inspiring stories to help you stay at the top of your gameβboth mentally and physically.
Click here to enjoy this monthβs NewsletterStudent Support Services - Secondary Counseling & College Readiness Team
Visit the Student Support Services website today!
Education Center
2602 S Beltline Road
Grand Prairie, Texas 75052
Executive Director of Secondary Counseling & College Readiness
Jereese H. Johnson
Email: jereese.johnson@gpisd.org
Director of Academic Records & Systems Integrity
Patricia Calahan
Email: patricia.calahan@gpisd.org
Director of College, Career, Military Readiness (CCMR) Outcomes
Dr. Holly Mohler
Email: holly.mohler@gpisd.org
District College Readiness Lead & Comprehensive Dual Credit Coordinator
Email: ana.gonzalez@gpisd.org
ACE AVID District Coordinator
Email: melissa.rodriguez@gpisd.org
Website: https://www.gpisd.org/Page/42249
Twitter: @GPCollegeReady