The Lion's Roar Newsletter
February 22, 2025
Dear Families,
Wow, what an amazing week we just had! The fun began on Monday with our trip to the Evergreen Sports Center where students went swimming, rock climbing, and participated in gymnastics activities. On Tuesday we hosted our first 3rd thru 5th grade Science Fair and I was incredibly proud of the topics our students chose to present. From tidal waves to electricity and music, their projects were incredibly inspiring and I learned a ton! Then, we celebrated our entire school community on Friday by taking everyone bowling at Gold Crown Lanes in St. Johnsbury. Our students worked hard to earn this trip by showing positive behaviors and filling their all school PAWS container. In addition to all of this, we dressed up each day for Spirit Week. Thanks to the 5th grade leaders for choosing such great days–It was a wonderful week for all!
I wish all of our families a great vacation–we’ll be back together again on Wednesday, March 5th.
Be safe and stay warm!
With love and gratitude,
Mrs. MacQueen
PS-Don't forget to vote on the 2025 school budget on March 4th and to mark your calendars for the 18th Annual Lunenburg Maple Festival held at our school on March 22, 2025!
KESD Budget Information
Bowling at Gold Crown Lanes
A HUGE thank you to Jessica at Blackline Printing & Apparel in Lancaster who donated a shirt for
each of our students!
Lion's Spirit Week!
Twin Day
Dress to Impress
Favorite Book or Movie Characters
3rd -- 5th Grade Science Fair
KEAP will be open FOUR days a week!
March Breakfast Menu
March Lunch Menu
Important Dates
February 24th thru March 4th -- Winter Break
March 4th -- Town Meeting at Lunenburg School
March 5th -- Back to School from Winter Break
March 7th -- 3rd-5th grade trip to Eden, Vermont
March 21st -- Early Release (Student Led Conferences)
March 22nd -- 18th Annual Lunenburg Maple Festival
April 4th -- Early Release