October 7 - October 11, 2024
Week of October 28 - November 1, 2024
🍂🍁 October 🍂🍁
- National Principal's Month
- Bullying Prevention Month
- Person with Disabilities Awareness Month
- Dyslexia Awareness Month
🦃 November 🦃
- Generation TX Month - College Application/FAFSA Awareness
- National Career Development Month
- Native American Heritage Month
A Reminder on Punctuality
To help maintain a focused and productive learning environment, we ask that all students arrive to school on time. Doors open at 7:05 AM and school starts at 7:30 AM. At that time the tardy bell will ring and the doors will close. Students arriving after 7:30 AM will be considered tardy.
Examples of unexcused tardies include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Car trouble
- Missed bus
- Personal business
- Non-medical appointments
- Non-subpoena court appearances
- Weather
- Illness other than immediate family
- Oversleeping
- Detained by a train
- Traffic
These guidelines are outlined in the Eagle Mountain - Saginaw ISD Student Handbook and are designed to minimize classroom disruptions and support a positive learning environment. Campus administration will address excessive unexcused tardies as needed. We appreciate your support in helping students start each class ready to learn!
Anel Cruz
Principal’s Secretary
We encourage every child and staff member to dress in their house colors every Friday.
Children can practice their house chants at home! Please refer to these videos:
Want to Volunteer? Click Here.
Events this Week
Week of October 27th - November 2nd
10/28 - 11/1: Red Ribbon Week
Monday, October 28: LOVE yourself day! Wear red to support a drug-free life.
Tuesday, October 29: EDUCATION is the key to success. Wear your favorite college shirt, colors, or military branch.
Wednesday, October 30: BAND together and tune out drugs. Dress like a ROCKSTAR or wear your favorite BAND t-shirt.
- Go Big BMX Air Show will perform for us and talk about making healthy choices and being drug free.
Thursday, October 31: Don’t let drugs ruin your CHARACTER. Dress like your favorite storybook character.
- Storybook Character Parade 7:45 AM to 8:15 AM
Friday, November 1: Early Release at 11:50 AM
- Spurs ROCK the HOUSE. Wear your HOUSE COLORS from head to toe.
- Spirit Store 7:00 AM - 7:30 AM Everything is $1.00!
- House Rally
Saturday, November 2: 🎂 Happy Birthday Mrs. Blakley!
Comanche Springs Elementary is excited to announce our annual Storybook Character Parade!
This event will be held on October 31st (Thursday) from 7:45-8:15 AM. The parade will start at the front entrance of the school and go towards the side of the school and end at the back of the school by the bus loop. Parents/guardians are welcome to spectate. Spectators will need to park and stand in the designated areas (look for signs).
Students may dress as their favorite book character. Students are encouraged to bring a copy of the book that matches the costume. No masks or scary costumes. Must be school appropriate.
In case of bad weather, we will hold this event inside the school. In this case, be prepared to show ID to be allowed entrance into the school and to be able to spectate the parade.
See you there!
Upcoming Events
Week of November 3 - November 9
Monday, November 4: 🎂 Happy Birthday, Mrs. Hobson!
Wednesday, November 6: 3rd Grade Field Trip to Ft. Worth Nature Center
- Comanche Springs Spirit Night at Sonic 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Thursday, November 7: Saginaw High School's performance of "Charlie and The Chocolate Factory" for 2nd - 5th graders
Friday, November 8: Veterans' Day Parade 8:30 AM
Week of November 10 - November 16
Monday, November 11: Veteran's Day - Wear Red, White and Blue
- 🎂 Happy Birthday Mrs. Fernandez!
- Elementary Advanced Academics Night at Hollenstein Career and Technology Center 6:30 PM
Tuesday, November 12: 3rd Grade Program at 6:00 PM
- 🎂 Happy Birthday Mrs. Johnson!
Week of November 17 - November 23
11/18 - 11/22: College and Career Week/Generation Texas Week
Monday, November 18: Ordinary people are doing extraordinary things!
- Wear your favorite Comanche Springs shirt or colors (Blue & Red)
Tuesday, November 19: Career Day!
- Dress for your future career.
- 🎂 Happy Birthday Mrs. Anderson!
- Wear PVMS (Green & Gold) or Eagle Mountain High School (Black & Gold)
Thursday, November 21: We are healthy to work and ready to achieve!
- Wear your favorite fitness gear.
- TCC Mobile Unit will be on campus for 4th & 5th graders
- Southwest Dairy Farmers 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Friday, November 22: We value our houses for support to be successful!
- Dress head to toe in your house color to show you are ready for the future.
- Substitute Appreciation Day
Week of November 24 - November 30
11/24 - 12/1: Thanksgiving Break
Sunday, November 24: 🎂 Happy Birthday Ms. Cruz!
Thursday, November 28: 🎂 Happy Birthday Mrs. Womack!
Calling All Veterans!
Here at Comanche Springs, we love to honor our military service men and women by hosting a car parade. Please click on the flyer below to register to be a part of this year’s Veterans Day Car Parade. More details are in the link!
Spur Spotlight
Here in the Springs, we are so thankful for everything our parents do for our school! We want to take a moment to spotlight one of our many amazing volunteers. Be on the lookout for more Spur Spotlights in the future. If you are interested in volunteering, but don't know where to begin, please reach out to our PTA and they can help you find a way to volunteer that works with any schedule. They can be reached through their email: spurspta@gmail.com. We are #EMSProud of all of our volunteers. Thank you!
Last Minute Changes in Dismissal/Transportation
Please call the office before 2pm for last minute changes to your child's dismissal.
A Note from Coach Gadberry
Coach Gadberry is asking that students please wear tennis shoes on their scheduled PE day. Please see the teacher’s PE dates below:
Hello Parents and Teachers!
Do you shop at Kroger? Did you know that everytime you shop at Kroger a percentage of your total could be given back to Comanche Springs Elementary? This allows us to bring in the special programs for the students and plan events for our school community.
If you have not selected Comanche Springs for your Community Rewards, it is simple to do. Follow the steps below to get signed up! Also, please share! Anyone can choose our school (from teachers and parents to aunts/uncles, grandparents and friends)! Once our school is selected there is nothing else that needs to be done! Every time you shop, we will earn a %.
In the Kroger app:
1. Click on the 3 lines in the top right corner.
2. Click on Rewards (in the My Info section).
3. Click on Community Rewards.
4. Search for Comanche Springs Elementary.
Every little bit helps and it definitely adds up! If you have selected Comanche Springs for your Kroger Community rewards send us a picture at (spurspta@gmail.com) and get an extra entry into the next fast pass drawing! As of our last quarterly report we had 44 households giving back to our school. Can we double that number? Feel free to reach out to me with any questions!
Thank you
Theresa Laffey
VP of Fundraising
Comanche Springs Elementary is a Title 1 School
A Note from Mrs. Taylor
Welcome to the School Counselor's Corner!
The counseling department will be extremely busy this month. October is bullying prevention month. I will be visiting classrooms to teach about bullying. The students will learn about the three components of bullying: it must be on purpose (with the intent to harm), happen over and over (not a one-time incident), and there must be an imbalance of power. Most of the time, it is just a mean moment or conflict. Students will also learn about the four types of bullying (verbal, social, physical, and cyber).
Red Ribbon Week is around the corner. We will have a kick-off RRW on Monday, October 28, we have some fun activities and a presentation scheduled for our students (sponsored by our fabulous PTA). Spurs will be collecting canned goods from October 28-November 1 as part of our community outreach for Community Link. The grade level with the most cans (must reach 100) will win a popcorn party! Be on the lookout for our Red Ribbon Week Flyer.
We recently elected our Spur Ambassador & Kindness Club officers. We are kicking off the year with a pop-tab collection for the Ronald McDonald House. We will collect pop tabs all year long, please send them in with your student. Small tabs make a big difference in our community.
If I can ever be of any assistance, please email me at ktaylor02@ems-isd.net or call me at 817-847-8700 Ext. 4010.
Comanche Springs Elementary
Principal: Amy ErbAsst. Principal: Destiny Womack
Main Office: Anel Cruz
Attendance: Alysha Salazar
Website: https://www.emsisd.com/comanchespringselem
Location: 8100 Comanche Springs Drive
Phone: (817) 847-8700
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/comanchespringselem