Scott City Elementary School
Fridge Notes October 2024
Contact Information
410 E. 8th Street
Office Phone: 620-872-7660
Principal: Dr. Shawn Roberts
Secretary: Shylan Beamer
October Calendar
Oct. 14-17 Parent-Teacher Conference by Appointment
Oct. 18 No School-Teacher In-service
End of 1st 9 weeks
Oct. 21 No School
Oct. 22 Picture Retakes & Class picture
Oct. 31 Halloween Parade 8:30 & Kindergarten program following parade
Drop off/Pick Up Reminders
Friendly Drop off/pick up Reminders- Please help keep our students safe and traffic moving...
- We have staff members placed at the crosswalk. All students and adults need to use the crosswalk. When people walk through the cars it is difficult to see them and creates a safety hazard.
- Only drop off and pick up students at the crosswalk. Do not leave your car parked in the drop off/pick up lane. Once traffic is moving, this backs up traffic.
- Do not drop off on the yellow lines on 8th street. This is considered double parking and you could be ticketed.
- If your child needs assistance getting in and out of your vehicle, please pull into a parking stall.
- Doors open at 7:40. Students are not supervised before this. School is dismissed at 3:35. Please be on time to pick up your child. Several of our staff need to leave for coaching and work in our after school program.
- Always stop at the stop sign at the crosswalk.
- Watch the staff member in the crosswalk. They will waive you through and will wave kids across the crosswalk.
- Please stay off of your cell phones. We have lots of kids moving around during this time. We need as many eyes on them as possible.
Saturday SCORE ART Schedule
Free for all students
Oct. 12
Nov. 9
Dec. 14
Jan. 11
Feb. 8
Mar. 8
Apr. 12
May 10
Scott City Early Childhood Network
Join this Facebook group for information and resources to support learning and development for children birth to 5 years old.
How to Connect your Walmart App to your Box Tops App
By connecting your Walmart App to your Box Tops App you can help SCES earn money that can be used for student activities, resources and equipment. When you connect the apps, the eligible items will automatically be counted. Please pass this information on to friends and family!
Box Top Eligible Items
Click Here for a list of items that have Box Top labels.