December 9-December 13
Hello Stevenson Families!
The Week in Review
Hello Stevenson Families!
What an interesting week at Stevenson! Watching everyone come together and persevere was a reminder of what great staff, students and families we have at SMS! Thank you for your patience as the district navigated the internet and phone outages.
Please read on for the week ahead!
Go Saints!
Mrs. Kasper & Mr. Basista
Upcoming Week at a Glance
Monday, December 9
- Boys Basketball Game vs Meads Mill - 4:00-6:00 - TICKET REQUIRED
- Cheerleaders at Game - 4:00-6:00
- Chess Club - 2:50-3:45
- Yoga Club - 2:50-3:50
Tuesday, December 10
- Cheer Practice - 2:50-4:30
Wednesday, December 11
- Boys Basketball Game vs Emerson - 4:00-6:00 - TICKET REQUIRED (see below)
- Cheerleaders at Game - 4:00-6:00
- Anime & Comic Book Club - 2:45-3:45
- Chess Club - 2:50-3:50
- E-Sports - Mario Kart (Members Only) - 3:00-5:00
Thursday, December 12
- Christmas Carol Field Trip (Littlefield)
- Boys Basketball Practice - 2:45-4:15
- E-Sports - Smash Bros (Members Only) - 3:00-5:00
Friday, December 13
- Boys Basketball Practice - 2:45-4:15
For more information about this week's sports and clubs, please contact the appropriate coaches/sponsors:
Boys Basketball: Coach Fedulchak (JV) and Coach Smorch (Varsity)
Cheer: Coach Britney
E-Sports: Mr. Abate and Mr. Bailey
Chess Club: Mr. Wood
Yoga Club: Mrs. Lindow
Anime & Comic Book Club: Mrs. Willard (formerly Ms. Griffith)
For general questions, contact our Athletic Director, Mr. Neely
Food and Toiletries Drive - We Need Your Help!
Our NJHS and Lighthouse teams are sponsoring a food and toiletries drive for the Family Resource Center! Please bring in non-perishable food items and/or any of the items on the attached flier between now and December 11. The first hour class that collects the most items will win a donut party and a "leave for lunch early" pass on Friday, December 11. See any member of NJHS or Lighthouse if you have any questions!
Student Entry Into Basketball Games
Students who are interested in attending the home basketball games must have zero tardies AND must purchase a ticket with PBIS points at their lunch.
Tickets will cost 20 PBIS points. Students must not have any tardies on the day of the game for Monday games, or any tardies the week of the game for Wednesday games. Any tardies in those time frames will disqualify a student from attending the game.
When at the game, we have the following expectations:
1. Students are seated in the student section, unless seated with a parent or guardian.
2. No outside food or drink is allowed. Students will not bring in food or drink from local stores.
3. We will use appropriate language.
4. We will clean up after ourselves.
5. We will encourage our team in an appropriate manner, and will exhibit good sportsmanship.
Failure to meet these expectations will result in dismissal from the game.
Be ready to cheer on our team! Go Saints!
RAPS Focus Areas for December
Take a look at our focus areas for RAPS in December. This month we'll focus on Respect. In each class every day, students are able to earn 2 PBIS points for following the behavior expectations in this area. Students will be able to use their PBIS points to purchase items in our school store, replacement IDs, and admission to sporting events.
A Peek Inside Our Classrooms
Mrs. Sullivan's Students Learn about the Electoral College
8th grade history students played the electoral college game this week. They learned how the election process works in the US by competing for electoral votes!