Station Newsletter
April 2020
The Station PTO hopes this newsletter finds you and your family safe and healthy. We hope that the Station Distance Learning is going well for your children and that you are all hanging in there with all of the changes. Please know that we are keeping you and your families in our thoughts.
Now that the future of the remainder of the year is final we wanted to take a moment and share a few details from your BMS-Station Campus PTO. Any future news will be shared via the Station website and the PTO's facebook page.
2020-2021 Slate Positions
The nominating committee is looking for people to fill various positions in the PTO for next year. We are taking nominations until Thursday, April 30. Please consider your gifts and talents and join the PTO. Sign up via signup genius. For more information about each of these positions click here.
Email Doreen with any questions. A separate email will be sent next week with the nominees for an electronic via email vote.
8th Grade Photographs
Please consider and use this time to upload pictures of 8th graders (of only 8th graders and at school events) You may use any of these platforms to load pics. stationpics2020@gmail.com https://tinyurl.com/20208thgrade. Looking through pictures already taken may offer some solace to the 8th graders as to the memories they were able to create before the current situation. We would like to have as many pictures uploaded, so that when the time comes the PTO can be ready to explore the option of making an 8th grade video. Email any thoughts and questions to Doreen at mdmuhs@hotmail.com.
School Supplies
School Supplies are now available for the 2020-2021 school year. You may use the following link to order your student's supplies for their next year grade. Full supply lists
Order Securely Online Starting NOW thru June 15th!
1. Go to www.educationalproducts.com/shoppacks
2. Enter the school ID, BAR038 (3 letters/3 numbers)
3. Follow the directions to complete your order.
4. Keep your online confirmation as your receipt. Prices listed include tax.
In the past we've offered to sponsor a student, please consider sponsoring a student by selecting to donate.
Station Middle School PTO
How to check if I paid for PTO items and learn more about my child's iPad
Check out the Virtual Backpack
Look here for Station Athletics and Activities Information.
Click here to get involved with the PTO or on the PTO email list?
Email: ptobmsstation@gmail.com
Website: https://www.barrington220.org/domain/771
Location: 215 Eastern Avenue, Barrington, IL, USA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BMS-Station-PTO-227099777987089/
Twitter: @pto_bms