Southside Elementary News
January 10, 2025
🍿Popcorn Popcorn Popcorn🍿
Popcorn will be sold on Friday, January 24th for $1.00. (limit 5)
🦹🏻♀️Yearbooks - LAST DAY TO ORDER - January 24th 🦸🏻♂️
The last day to order for the 2024-2025 Southside yearbook is Friday, January 24th!
Cost is $25.
Order online at https://yearbookforever.com/
*If ordering online, make sure you type "Southside Elementary" and select "Cabot" as the town.
It's a Super Year at Southside!
*extra yearbooks will NOT be ordered*
⛹🏻♀️Great Kindness Challenge - Kindness Moves!🏊🏻♂️
🏃🏻♀️We will celebrate the Great Kindness Challenge the last week of January!🚴🏻♂️
Monday, January 27th - Move with Kindness (wear workout gear)🏋🏻♂️
Tuesday, January 28th - Wild About Kindness (wear animal print/safari attire)🐆
Wednesday, January 29th - Kindness Role Reversal (teachers dress as students/students dress like teachers)👩🏻🏫
Thursday, January 30th - Throwback to Kindness (80's/jazzercise wear)🕺
Friday, January 31st - Pounce on Kindness (Cabot Panther gear)🐾🔴
💯100th Day of School💯
On Monday, February 3rd - let's celebrate the 100th day of school!
You may choose to celebrate with us by wearing a "100th day" shirt, dressing as a 100-year old, or wearing 100 items on your clothing!
💜💗Valentine Gram Orders for Sale💗💜
Sunshine Girls will be accepting Valentine Gram orders from Monday, February 3rd - Tuesday, February 11th.
Valentine Grams will include a candy necklace & written valentine note - they will be $1 each.
Valentine Gram order forms will go home at the end of January.
(more grams can be found in the office)
Delivery Date: Friday, February 14th
💗Father Daughter Ball💗
Mark your calendars for Cabot's Annual Father Daughter Ball on Saturday, February 15, 2025!
Tickets on sale now!
📚Book Club Volunteers Needed!📚
Do you like to read? Do you have a few minutes to spare each week? Maybe you want to get more involved? Do you know grandparents who want to spend time out and about?
Well - we have an idea for YOU! We would love if you would sign up for a book club!
*must be Hallway Hero trained*
Start Date: January 2025
Time Requirement: 30-ish minutes 1 or 2x/weekly
**Books provided
**3rd/4th graders
If interested, please call the school (501)743-3567 or email Mrs. Weeks at april.weeks@cps.k12.ar.us
📅Dates to Remember: January & February📅
January 20th: No School
January 24th: Popcorn for Sell! ($1 per bag/limit 5)
January 27th - January 31st: The Great Kindness Challenge (dress up day flyer above)
February 3rd: 100th Day of School! (see flyer above)
February 3rd - 11th: Valentine Gram Order Window (order forms coming home soon)
February 17th: No School
February 27th: Southside Winter Concert @ First Baptist Church, Cabot
🐾Southside Behavior Matrix🐾
In an effort to ensure that Southside is a safe, consistent, & informed place for learning - our school will be utilizing a behavior matrix. This behavior matrix will be used by all Southside staff to communicate to students what behaviors are appropriate in all areas of the school.