Family Connections
Happy New Years 2025

A message from our Executive Director of Special Services, Dr. Staley
Hello to all and happy New Year!
As we navigate this new year, please give yourself the gift of extra time. When you are asked to share a memorable event in your lives, it isn't a special gift that people usually choose to speak about, but a particular experience they have had with someone special.
During this season, I would like to say thanks to:
· Parents and guardians who diligently spend quality time with their child.
· All the volunteers who give countless hours to make CCISD a better place for students and staff.
· Community members and parents who organize fund raisers, make phone calls, and bring food to classes and the staff lounge on special days.
· All the people in our district who are committed to giving their best to your children every day.
· All of you who are doing your very best to send your child ready to learn every day. I am proud of how much our community gives during this time of the year. We have many programs that reflect the caring community culture that is growing through our population.
On behalf of the Special Services staff, we hope that you had a wonderful holiday season and have a prosperous New Year!
Thank you so much for supporting all that we do!
Don't forget to check out our Calendar of Events listed at https://www.ccisd.net/specialservices. More events will be added as we continue to collaborate with you and find out what your needs are. Thanks for all that you do to help us grow and for your continued support! Remember that We Are Here For You!!!
As always, if we can be of service to you, please reach out via the link in the newsletter, by emailing sped@ccisd.net, or contacting us through our Parent Resource Center Specialist (Penny Sweeney) at 281-284-0751. We are here for you!
***The information provided in this newsletter is gathered from a variety of sources and is not sponsored by, nor affiliated with CCISD. The information is provided for your information and review.
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Dr. Michele Staley
CCISD Executive Director of Special Services
Relax, Recharge and Reinforce parent holiday event
Thank you!
Thank you to all of the wonderful parents that support the Parent Resource Center. I love the time that we spend together!
Making Ornaments
Celebrating McKenna Bassett's attendance at all PRC events
Group Picture
Just resting and relaxing
These came out so good!
Positive Behavior Supports For The Home Part 1
Families and caregivers should consider using positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) in their homes daily. It is especially helpful when events disrupt normal routines – events like worldwide health pandemics. This session will provide recommendations for families and caregivers on how to use PBIS to continue to support their students’ social and emotional growth and minimize behavioral disruptions in the home. Presenter: Special Education Coaches Erin Kemp and Brenda Clift
Thursday, Jan 9, 2025, 09:00 AM
Learner Support Center CCISD, Falcon Pass, Houston, TX, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Positive Behavior Supports For The Home Part 1
Families and caregivers should consider using positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) in their homes daily. It is especially helpful when events disrupt normal routines – events like worldwide health pandemics. This session will provide recommendations for families and caregivers on how to use PBIS to continue to support their students’ social and emotional growth and minimize behavioral disruptions in the home. Presenter: Special Education Coaches Erin Kemp and Brenda Clift
Thursday, Jan 9, 2025, 05:00 PM
Learner Support Center CCISD, Falcon Pass, Houston, TX, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Positive Behavior Supports For The Home Part 2 Make and Take
This session will provide families with time to discuss the importance of visuals and the opportunity to create visuals for the home. Presenter: Special Education Coaches Erin Kemp and Brenda Clift
Thursday, Jan 16, 2025, 09:00 AM
Learner Support Center CCISD, Falcon Pass, Houston, TX, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Positive Behavior Supports For The Home Part 2 Make and Take
This session will provide families with time to discuss the importance of visuals and the opportunity to create visuals for the home. Presenter: Special Education Coaches Erin Kemp and Brenda Clift
Thursday, Jan 16, 2025, 05:00 PM
Learner Support Center CCISD, Falcon Pass, Houston, TX, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Assistive Technology 101
Coffee Chat Day Session Only: Join members of our Assistive Technology team as they walk us through the importance of Assistive Technology and how it is used to enhance the functional independence of a person with a disability. Assistive Technology (AT) devices are tools to help to overcome those challenges and enable people living with disabilities to enhance their quality of life and lead more independent lives.
Thursday, Jan 23, 2025, 09:00 AM
Learner Support Center CCISD, Falcon Pass, Houston, TX, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
SIBSHOP Reminder ages 8-12
Sibshops are pedal-to-the-metal events where sibs will meet other sibs (usually for the first time), have fun, laugh, talk about the good and not-so-good parts of having a sib with special needs, play some great games, learn something about the services their brothers and sister receive, and have some more fun. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have not contacted me to add your child to the list. Penny Sweeney 281-284-0751 0r BSweene1@ccisd.net
Thursday, Jan 30, 2025, 06:30 PM
Learner Support Center CCISD, Falcon Pass, Houston, TX, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Parent 101 Transition and Graduation 18 plus
Parents will receive an in-depth look at the Federal and Texas Transition process used in their child’s IEP to help them be successful after graduating from high school. This session will cover the importance of self-determination and involving your child in the transition process. Presenter: Kim Rodgers (Transition Specialist)
Thursday, Jan 30, 2025, 09:00 AM
Learner Support Center CCISD, Falcon Pass, Houston, TX, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Parent 101 Transition and Graduation 18 plus
Parents will receive an in-depth look at the Federal and Texas Transition process used in their child’s IEP to help them be successful after graduating from high school. This session will cover the importance of self-determination and involving your child in the transition process. Presenter: Kim Rodgers (Transition Specialist)
Thursday, Jan 30, 2025, 05:00 PM
Learner Support Center CCISD, Falcon Pass, Houston, TX, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
enrolled in a Texas public school,
enrolled in PreK - 12th grade,
and a student with a disability served through Special Education.
Dyslexia and the Brain
Researchers are continually conducting studies to learn more about the causes of dyslexia, early identification of dyslexia, and the most effective treatments for dyslexia.
Developmental dyslexia is associated with difficulty in processing the orthography (the written form) and phonology (the sound structure) of language. As a way to understand the origin of these problems, neuroimaging studies have examined brain anatomy and function of people with and without dyslexia. These studies are also contributing to our understanding of the role of the brain in dyslexia, which can provide useful information for developing successful reading interventions and pinpointing certain genes that may also be involved.
Assistive Technology (AT) Tools to Support Reading
Do you have students who struggle with reading? Here are two tools that are available to support your students:
Learning Ally
What it Is: Learning Ally Audiobooks is a digital library app located in the CCISD SSO portal that features human-voiced audiobooks. It's designed to meet the needs of struggling readers, including those with a learning disability, physical disability, or visual impairment. It features over 80,000 human-read audiobooks.
How It Works: If your child struggles with reading, reach out to your child's case manager or teacher to see if your child would be eligible for a Learning Ally Account. If your child already has a Learning Ally, Account, they should be able to log-in to it from their SSO portal.
Additional Info and Resources:
Snap and Read
What It Is: Snap and Read is an extension that can be used to read text from online documents, websites, and PDFs to students. It also includes study tools, such as highlighters and notes, translation tools and text leveling tools.
How It Works: A student will open a document and turn their Snap and Read extension on. Once the extension is on they have access to the reading and text tools.
Who Has Access: ALL CCISD teachers and students.
Additional Info and Resources: