LIS Tiger Talk
January 17th, 2025
Principal's Message
Tiger Families,
We’ve made it through our first five-day week in a while! As we navigate the winter weather, I hope you’re all staying warm and healthy.
This week, our students have been working hard on their MAP assessments and getting back into the swing of things. I’m incredibly proud of their effort and focus to show off all the growth they have made this year.
Please take a moment to check out the details about our upcoming Silent Disco on Friday, January 24, and the LIS Dodgeball Tournament in February. These events promise to be a lot of fun, and we’d love to see you there!
Lastly, I hope you enjoy the well-deserved three-day weekend. Go Tigers!
Julie Carter
LIS Principal
🎧Silent Disco🎧
Join us for the 3rd annual LIS Silent Disco hosted by our 6th Grade Student Council on January 24th from 2:15-3:30 in the LIS Cafeteria! Tickets can be purchased in the LIS office for $8 during Tiger Time (tickets will not be sold at the door). Event will most likely sell out by Wednesday! We are not handing out tickets, instead we are keeping track of students who purchased tickets. Students will need a ride home at 3:30. Please plan to pick up your student(s) on the LIS side of the building in the recess area by the basketball hoops and swings.
5th Grade Tiger Lunch
A Look at Next Week
Monday, 01/20- No School- Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Tuesday, 01/21- Day 1, Math MAP Assessment, 5th & 6th Grade Science Club
Wednesday, 01/22- Day 2, Math MAP Assessment, Board Game Club
Thursday, 01/23- Day 3,
Friday, 01/24- Day 1, Silent Disco,
LIS 2025 Dodgeball Tournament
Dodgeball Tournament Details
The LIS Staff will be hosting our annual Dodgeball Tournament on February 12th & 13th - from 2:15- 3:15pm. Students must be picked up by 3:15pm
Game and Signing Up Information:
February 12th- 5th Grade
February 13th- 6th Grade
* Students must be signed up on Final Forms under the activities “ LIS Coed 2025 Dodgeball Tournament” in order to participate in the tournament.
*On each of the above days, two teams will be moving on to the finals. The final four will play in the championship games on Friday, February 14th during Tiger Time at school.
*Single elimination tournament. The winning team will move on to the next round. If that game is lost, that team is out.
Team Information:
*Teams must consist of 5th grade students only or 6th grade students only. Each grade level team can have up to ten players and must have a minimum of seven players all in the same grade level. Each team can have one LIS staff member which will count as one of the ten players.
*The cost to enter the tournament is $5.00 per team member. Players will give their $5 to their Team Captain. You can turn in cash or checks made payable to Loveland Intermediate School. Proceeds will be donated to NEST. There are no refunds once the roster envelope (team captain only) is turned in to the office. All money for the team needs to be in one roster envelope. Registration will not be accepted unless the registration envelope is complete with all players paid and all players registered on Final Forms.
*Completed roster (team captain only) and money must be turned in to the office by January 31st. Once you have committed to a team, you CAN NOT change teams.
Best Dressed:
We will also be selecting a best dressed for each grade level day. There will be a small prize for the team that has the most creative uniforms on each day of the tournament. The more creative the better!
Proceeds from the tournament will be donated to the local NEST program and a portion of the funds will be used to purchase new physical education supplies for future tournaments and playground. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mrs. Mueller at
Please see the office for a roster envelope form after you have a complete team.
6th Grade Tiger Lunch
Spring Picture Day
Only students that pre-ordered Spring photos will be photographed on Picture Day. All orders must be placed by Wednesday, February 5.
School Name: Loveland Intermediate School
Picture Day Date(s): February 05, 2025
Picture Day ID: EVTG4S6C4
Loveland Intermediate School
5th Grade Music Open House & Concert
In celebration of Music in Our Schools Month, Loveland Intermediate School will be holding a 5th Grade Music Open House on March 17 & March 19, 2025, with approximately half of the Class of 2032 participating on each night. The evening will begin with a concert presented by 5th-grade students and conclude with an information session to help students and parents decide what music class they will be a part of in 6th grade. During the information session, students can try any instrument they’re interested in and ask questions of current music students and staff.
March 17 Open House Homerooms:
Mr. Ernst, Mrs. Burkhardt, Ms. Bush, Mrs. Clayton, Mrs. Coldiron, Mr. Kemper
March 19 Open House Homerooms:
Miss. Browning, Mrs. Barbara, Mr. Rodriguez, Mr. Waple, Mrs. Young, Mrs. Konz
The concert and information session will be held in the LIS gymnasium. 5th-grade students should report to the table assigned to their class in the LIS cafeteria and should dress nicely. (Please avoid wearing athletic clothing, ripped or torn clothing, or shorts.)
The schedule for the evening:
6:00-6:15 p.m. 5th Grade students report to the LIS cafeteria
6:30 - 7:00 p.m. 5th Grade Music Concert
7:00 -7:30 p.m. Presentation on 6th Grade Music Class Choices (Try instruments/Ask questions)
Please reach out to your child’s music teacher if you have any questions.
Mr. Chris Huening
Mrs. Melissa Dennedy
Care Club
Attention 6th Grade Parents
Mark your calendars! There will be an orientation meeting, in the Loveland Middle School Auditorium, for all parents of incoming 7th graders of Loveland Middle School for the 2025-2026 school year on Wednesday, February 12th, 2025 from 6:45-7:45 p.m. This informational meeting is to provide parents with information related to transitioning to middle school and everything that goes with it. It will also give you a chance to meet LMS administrators, school counselors and staff.
To get to the LMS Auditorium, you’ll park in the back of the school and enter through the courtyard (door #18). We hope to see you there!
A Message from LIS Clinic for 6th Grade Parents
All students are required to have Tdap and meningitis vaccines prior to the start of the school year going into 7th grade. Please turn vaccination records into the clinic once your child has received these vaccines. Your child may have already had these vaccines so check with your health care provider first to get the documentation. We accept any documentation the health care provider gives you and you can even get a copy from "My Chart". Please contact Tonya Morrison in the clinic if you have any questions/ need resources, or email her at
For more information please see the attached letter.
Upcoming Events
January 20: Martin Luther King Jr. Day- No School!
January 21-22: Math MAP Assessment
January 24: Silent Disco
February 5: Spring Picture Day
February 12: 5th Grade Dodgeball Tournament
February 13: 6th Grade Dodgeball Tournament
February 14: Dodgeball Tournament Finals (during Tiger Time)
February 17: Presidents Day- No School
March 17 & 19: LIS 5th Grade Music Open House & Concert
College Credit Plus
The Ohio Department of Higher Education established the College Credit Plus (CCP) program to enhance students' college and career readiness and postsecondary options. The CCP program enables college-ready 7-12 grade students who qualify for college admission to take college-level courses. Students may earn both high school and transcripted college credit upon successful completion of coursework. If you are interested in learning more about CCP, please come and join the LHS counselors for the annual CCP meeting on January 29, 2025, at 6:30 PM in the LHS Auditorium. We strongly encourage students to attend this event. There will be a brief overview of the program as well as tables set up with many of the local colleges being represented. The college representatives will be able to share their college-specific information. If you are unable to attend the meeting, there will be a presentation posted on the LHS College Credit Plus Google Site.
From The Counselor's Office
Loveland City School District is excited to announce that we have partnered with to provide additional mental health resources for families. The website was created by licensed therapists to help parents find answers to their mental health questions. provides specialized courses and professional support for tackling topics like anxiety, depression, grief, and other mental health concerns.
Parents can find more information by visiting directly or by going to this page of our website, where you will find additional information.
There is no cost for families or our district for these resources. If you have questions or need support, please contact your building principal or counselor. We’re always here to help!
PTSA Information
MINT PTSA News Shortlist:
1. Join us this Monday, 1/13, at 6:30pm in the Middle School Media Center for our General Membership Meeting! We will be discussing upcoming events including Science Day, teacher hospitality, Science and Innovation Day, emotional health and wellness and voting on new board members.
2. Our business sponsors are the best! Northeast Cincinnati Pediatrics and Associates , TimeSavers Heating and Cooling, Glow Medspa, BF Realty, KCO Events, and Hometown Cafe
Have questions or own a business and would like to sponsor us?
Follow us at:
Facebook: Loveland MINT PTSA
Twitter:@Loveland MINT PTSA
General Information
School Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 2:10 p.m
Office Hours: 7:00 a.m - 3:00 p.m.
To report an absence call 774-6123 by 9:00 a.m.
To pay school fees visit:
To complete emergency medical forms, Sign Up for Clubs/Activities, etc. visit: Final Forms
Loveland Intermediate School
Principal: Julie Carter
Location: 757 S Lebanon Rd, Loveland, OH, USA
Instagram: lis_tigers