The Jag Wire
November 22, 2024
Semester 2 Schedule Change Opportunity
Where: Rock Canyon High School-Upper Hallway
When: December 16, 2024 from 11:30-2:00 pm
Who Should Attend: Students who would like to adjust their semester 2 schedules. Email requests and 1-1 appointments cannot be accommodated.
Changes that will be considered:
Switching electives for the same period (pending availability)
Dropping a class for an off period
Filling an off period with a class (pending availability)
Picking up a TA (pending approval)
Changes that will not be considered:
Choosing off periods
Moving class periods
Switching to a new teacher
Choosing lunch periods/moving classes around lunch schedule
Joining a class that is already at capacity
**Scan QR code to drop for an off period**
Post Grad Updates
Transcript Request Deadlines- College Applications due on 12/15/24 or 1/1/25
Attention all Seniors! If you have a college application due on December 15th or January 1st then you must request your transcripts no later than Dec 2nd and Dec 9th to ensure your counselor has enough time to get your documents sent to your school(s) by the deadline. Please fill out a transcript request form and submit your payment ($3/transcript) asap!
Academic Updates
Finals Preparation
Career & Technical Education
9th - 11th grade students were introduced to the Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs offered throughout DCSD in their recent seminar classes. CTE classes are hands-on and allow students to practice skills they can use in the workplace. Many CTE programs offer college credits or certificates, and classes can be taken right here at Rock Canyon, at other district high schools, or at the Legacy Campus. To see the information shared with your child, check out the slideshow linked here. If your child is interested in pursuing one of these programs next year, please encourage them to reach out to their RCHS school counselor.
2025-2026 Registration
Registration Season is right around the corner! Students can expect to engage in Seminar lessons in December and early January to help them count credits and plan out the courses they would like to take next year. Counselors will be giving presentations to all students in their English classes Jan 27th-Jan 30th. Counselors will also be available at both lunches the entire week of Feb 3rd to answer registration questions.
Community Service
The holidays are a great time for students to find meaningful ways to complete some of their community service hours. Students looking to letter in community service need to have their 100 hours finished and their application submitted by March 24, 2025. Helpful information can be found on our website.