Notes from Onondaga Road
September 6, 2024
Message From Onondaga Road School Principal
Dear Onondaga Road Families,
Onondaga Road had an amazing start to the 24-25 school year! We are thrilled to have our classrooms and hallways filled with students again. On behalf of the Onondaga Road community, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of the new students and families who will be joining us for this year.
Even with the first week of school being a short week, it can be tough on some students. Many of them are tired, even before the end of the day, and others struggle with being away from home. Your child may see someone who is upset during the day as we navigate these next few weeks, but please know our teachers do an amazing job helping students with getting used to a full school day. You can also help by encouraging your child to express empathy and help them understand that every child experiences the beginning of the school year differently.
Parents and guardians, we know that your involvement is key to your child's success, and we look forward to partnering with you throughout the year. Please stay connected with us, and don't hesitate to reach out with any questions, concerns, or ideas. Together, we can make this school year a fantastic experience for everyone.
Mrs. Collier
Around School...
See our Onondaga Road students in action!
Welcoming our Wildcats
The Onondaga Road staff welcomes students on the first day of school.
Fall Curriculum/Title 1 Night
Our Curriculum/Title 1 Night will be on Wednesday, September 11, 2024 from 6:00 - 7:30. This will be a wonderful opportunity for parents and guardians to connect with teachers to learn more about the classrooms.
Grades K - 2: 6:00 - 6:45
Grades 3 - 4: 6:45 - 7:30
Book Vending Machine
A huge "Shout Out" to our PTA for sponsoring our new book vending machine. Students will be able to celebrate their birthday by getting a book of their own from the vending machine.
Teamwork Activities
Grade 4 students practiced some teamwork skills as they attempted to build the longest paper chain.
Arrival/Dismissal Updates & Reminders
Transportation and Car Tags
This year buses will be in the front circle starting at 8:45 in the morning and at 2:45 in the afternoon. If you are dropping off or picking up your child during those times, you will still be able to pull into the front circle. These buses will do their best to only have their flashing lights on when they are loading and unloading students. Please remember to follow all safety laws and remember that cars are not allowed to pass a bus with flashing lights.
9:00am Parent/Guardian Drop Off
We will begin to release students from cars at 9:00am (unless needing breakfast 8:50).
We encourage families not to begin the lineup any earlier than 8:45am.
No parent drop-offs should occur before 9:00am as supervision of students does not begin until 9:00am.
After 9:05am all arrival supervision will be ended and a single point of entry (Main Entrance) will be in effect for the remainder of the school day. Therefore:
A parent/guardian must check their child in at the Main Office.
If there are buses still in the loop please be sure to follow all safety laws.
3:10pm Student Pick-Up
Car pick-ups with an EVEN number will use the front bus loop, and cars with an ODD number will use the right side of the building.
Please be sure the car tag is visible upon arrival, as this expedites the process of dismissing students.
3:17pm Bus Dismissal
Once the child’s bus is called over the PA system the child will be dismissed.
If there happens to be a circumstance in which a bus is much later than usual a message will be sent to notify families.
If you need a car tag for parent/guardian pickup, please contact the Main Office!
Parent Square
As we launch the ParentSquare Communications system over the rest of this month, please be on the lookout for more information to your email, text, and eventually to the ParentSquare mobile app!
- You should have received an electronic invitation to download the ParentSquare app to your phone and to activate your account. (You will also be able to access this information from your personal computer.) If you did not receive this invitation, please email publications@westgenesee.org ,and we will follow-up on sending that email.
- Review your contact information, and you may be asked to verify your information. Please feel free to make corrections as we will be notified and will update our Student Management System (Schooltool). After we update the the Student Management System (Schooltool) the correction will show in your account. If you have any questions, please contact centralregistrar@westgenesee.org
- Receive intermittent posts and information with tips on the use of ParentSquare. (See a tip below about adjusting your Notification Settings.)
- Receive a hard copy instructional page in the mid-August mailing that will come home from your home schools.
Click here to view a quick slide deck with introductory information about ParentSquare.
The ParentSquare application is used throughout the region in many school districts. We believe this will offer authentic communication capabilities within our school community with features that include: two-way translatable messaging; direct messaging with staff; sign-up forms for events (like field trips, parent conferences, etc.); and submittal of attendance notes directly via the app.
Note: Parents who work in other school districts that use the ParentSquare format will have the ability to combine accounts, if desired, for professional use and as a parent.
*Due to the timing of establishing accounts for students after the start of the fall athletic season, fall coaches may continue with other formats during the fall season.
Please accept our continued thanks for your partnership with strong communication and relationships.
ParentSquare Tip: Overview of Notifications
Users can fine-tune their notification settings for posts for each school and district. For General Announcements, you can select Digest, Instant, or choose to turn off notifications altogether (excluding emergency alerts and notices.) You can choose to receive email, text, and/or app notifications.
A secondary parent/guardian contact may want to turn off all notifications except for emergency alerts (This is particularly useful if their partner parent/guardian manages school-related daily activities).
ParentSquare allows users to customize their notifications by notification type and select their preferred delivery method for each school and district.
You can set the frequency of notifications for posts. The Instant setting will send all post notifications in real time. The Digest setting sends direct messages, alerts, and time-sensitive posts instantly, but sends all non-time-sensitive posts at the end of the day, reducing the number of notifications you receive daily. Note: we recommend the Digest setting.
Notification types include:
Urgent Smart Alerts & Notices - urgent alerts, attendance notices, and auto notices marked as critical notices (cannot be disabled).
General Announcements & Messages - posts, direct messages and reminders.
School Alerts - smart alerts and other student notices.
Under General Announcements, you can select how often you want to receive notifications for posts. Select Off, Instant or Digest notifications.
Off: no notifications about posts will be sent to you. Emergency Alerts and Notices will still be sent. School Alerts will still be sent if turned on.
Instant: you'll receive an email and/or text and/or an app notification every time a notice or message is sent.
Digest: you'll receive an email and/or text and/or an app notification once a day in the evening with all posts from that day.
The default setting is typically Digest, so that you receive all notices and post messages in one convenient notification once a day. All emergency notifications still come through instantly, and a school can override settings as needed for an urgent message. If you choose Instant notifications, and have multiple children in multiple schools, that can add up to a lot of messages.
How to Update Notifications on a Phone
Click here for a printable PDF.
How to Update Notifications on a Phone and/or a Web Browser:
Click here for a web article (Note: To see web article and video you will need to be logged in to ParentSquare.)
Here is a great video from ParentSquare to help you with the basics of navigating the ParentSquare app! (About 15 minutes long, but well worth the time…) Note: please pay special attention to messaging and posts. A few other features such as forms, permission slips and sign-ups will be coming after our initial launch.
PTA News
The PTA is looking forward to the first meeting of the school year. This will take place in the library from 5:30 - 6:00 on Wednesday, September 11, 2024.
Erin's Angels Power Pack Program Supports West Genesee Students
Erin's Angels is a local nonprofit organization focused on reducing food insecurity in Central New York. The West Genesee School District is fortunate to work with Erin's Angels to provide Power Packs to students who may benefit from bringing home snacks to eat during the weekend when they do not have access to breakfast and lunch at school. Power Packs consist of foods such as instant oatmeal, granola bars, applesauce, and fruit snacks. Last year Erin's Angels provided school counselors and health offices with over 150 power packs to distribute to students each week.
Please get in touch with your child's school counselor, Susan Hayes-Penhollow, if you are interested in having your child receive a Power Pack. If you would like to donate funds to support the Power Pack program, visit https://erinsangels.com/west-genesee-program.
Upcoming Events
- September 11 - Curriculum Night (6:00-7:30)
- October 4 - School Store
- October 16 - School Picture Day