St. Columba's Primary School
“Be, Lord Jesus, a bright flame before me,
a guiding star above me, a smooth path below me,
a kindly shepherd behind me: today, tonight, and forever. Amen”
Dear Parents and Carers,
This Friday we will be celebrating as a school, St Columba’s Day with a Mass at 9:00am. Families are invited to celebrate the Mass with us. This will be followed by Mission Day games fundraising in the afternoon.
Yesterday I met with the new principal of Ursula Frayne, and we are looking at providing families
from 2025, with sibling discounts if families have children at both schools. There will also be information provided around the Ursula Frayne enrolment process which may be helpful to
families. Further information around this will be provided to families early next term.
The Church carpark is a definite no-go zone for drop off and pick up parking due to the number of students who walk through the area both before and after school and the Kiss and Drive students. The last thing the school community would like to see is a student being hit by a vehicle that was utilising a school non parking zone. Your help in this matter will be very much appreciated.
A reminder, students will finish this term on Friday, 28 June and resume school on Tuesday, 16 July.
God bless and keep safe.
Allen McMahon
Important Dates
Friday 7 Jun
- St Columba's Feast Day Mass
- Mission Game Afternoon - Free Dress
Sunday 9 June
- St Columba's Feast Day
Tuesday 11 June
- School Photos begin
Thursday 13 June
- School Photos
Friday 14 June
- Assembly - 5G
- School Photos
Tuesday 18 June
- CAPSS Cross Country Carnival - Manning Park
- Year 2 Liturgy - 9am
Merit Award Winners - Week 9
Year 1G - Mila, Jasper, Harry
Year 1W - Will, Evelyn, Dominica
Year 2G - Addison, Christina, Leo
Year 2W - Eliana, Scarlett, Freddie
Year 3G - Youssef, Vudhip, Sasha
Year 3W - Saige, Nicholas, Freddie, Mauricio
Year 4G - Indigo, Ryan, Emma
Year 4W - Betty, Asha, Hugo H
Year 5G - Zara. O, Dohyun, Giverny
Year 5W - Caleb, Olivia, Dongha
Year 6G - Bughaw, Emily S
Year 6W - Alexander, Francesca
St Columba
Tomorrow, Friday 7 June, we celebrate the feast of St. Columba. St Columba is the patron Saint of our parish and school. Along with St Patrick and St Brigid, he is one of Ireland’s three famous Saints. He was known for his kindness especially to children and animals and was instrumental in the establishment of many monasteries throughout Ireland and then later Scotland, where he became known as the Apostle of Scotland.
St Columba’s Feast Day & Bishop’s Lifelink Celebration
To celebrate St Columba’s Feast Day and the launch of the Bishop’s Lifelink Appeal all students can wear free dress tomorrow (Friday, 7 June). The Y1-6 classes will begin the day with a St Columba’s Feast Day Mass in the Church. Students from Pre-Primary to Year 6 are encouraged to bring in spare change to play the Mission Game stalls organised by our Year 6 students during lunchtime. All proceeds raised from the event will go towards the Bishop’s Lifelink charities. Well done St Columba’s!
School Photographs – Tuesday 11, Thursday 13 and Friday 14 June 2024
Dear Parents and Carers,
School Photos will take place on Tuesday 11, Thursday 13 and Friday 14 June 2024 (Term 2, Week 9).
Today every student at school will receive an individual student photo SHOOTKEY to bring home. We have moved to a new Photo Company this year (MSP Photography) and parents are not required to bring back any envelopes. All individual and class (group) orders are placed online. #winning
If you do not require a school photograph this year you do not need to action anything.
Instructions for ordering photos are on the student photo SHOOTKEY sheets and are self-explanatory. Only online orders are accepted. A wide choice of photo packs are available for purchase.
Should your child lose their individual order sheet you can request your child’s SHOOTKEY from the office.
Family Photos
Family Photos will be taken before school in the Library from 8:00am on Tuesday, 11 June. (A second family photo session is available on Thursday, 13 June for families with Kindergarten Green / Pre-Kindy students if they are unable to make the Tuesday session). If you would like a Family (sibling) photo taken we ask you to collect an envelope from Administration.
Please ensure your FAMILY Envelope and payment are handed to the Photographers on Photo Day. FAMILY Photos cannot be ordered online.
Any new students to the school will receive an individual SHOOTKEY form on photo day by the photographers.
All students in Years 3-6 will wear their formal uniform on Tuesday, 11 June. We request boys to please wear their formal shorts on this day (not pants) to ensure uniformity and consistency in the photos.
Please contact the school office if you have any questions.
The DRAFT photo schedule is below. Please note that this is not set and can be changed by the photographer without notice.
2024 Premier’s Reading Challenge
We are pleased to announce the launch of the 2024 Premier’s Reading Challenge. This will run from now until Friday 6 September 2024 and is open to all West Australian students from Kindergarten to Year 10.
Establishing a life-long love of reading is so important in the development of students’ literacy skills.
The challenge program is designed to encourage students’ reading enjoyment and in turn, their future outcomes.
During last year’s challenge, more than 360, 000 books were read by students across our state, which was an incredible achievement.
Students may register for this optional challenge, log the books they read, and can be entered into the draw to win weekly prizes as well as prizes for the school. All students who complete the challenge receive a certificate from the Premier of Western Australia!
Students will receive a bookmark this week from classroom teachers, which includes a QR code link to register.
This is an optional reading challenge. Should parents wish to register their child please do so at the following link: https://www.premiersreadingchallenge.wa.edu.au/parents-and-families
Should you have any questions, please check in with your child’s teacher.
Semester 1 Reports 2024 (Pre-Primary to Year 6)
Semester 1 Reports for Pre-Primary to Year 6 students will be made available on Wednesday, 26 June at 3:30 pm.
Reports will be provisioned online this semester through the SEQTA Engage portal.
All parents who have received their child’s report online previously have been provisioned with a SEQTA Engage account.
The SEQTA Engage web address is https://stcolumbassp.coneqt-p.cathednet.wa.edu.au/
Please note there is also a ‘Reports – SEQTA Engage’ tab on the FAMILIES page of the school website that links directly to the above link.
Please ensure you can log into your account so that you can receive your child's Semester 1 report.
If you are unable to locate your login information, please follow these steps:
- Click on the Forgot your password? link
- Enter your email address into the relevant box and click on Reset my password
- Go to your email box and reset your password according to the instructions in the email.
- The password reset email will expire after 1 hour of being generated.
Parents who are new to St Columba’s this year or who have not previously been provisioned with a SEQTA Engage account will receive an email shortly inviting them to create one.
Please contact the front office if you have any issues logging into your SEQTA Engage account.
Website Families' page - Supervision and Safety
For supervision and safety, find our procedures, guidelines and forms on the Families' page of the website.
Hi everyone,
I hope everyone is happy and healthy. I don’t know about you, but this term has absolutely flown by. How is it that we only have 3 weeks left to go?!
The P&F held another productive meeting this week. We talked about Term 3 extra curricular, the upcoming National Tree Day Event, the popular school disco, the parents only end of year event, the school tea towels, Kindy melamine art plates and the idea of holding a second hand uniform swap meet in Term 4. Your reps will share more about the upcoming weeks.
We have attached the minutes from the previous meeting for those that may be interested.
Our next meeting won’t be until Tuesday, 20 August but please feel free to reach out to myself or any of the reps if you have any questions or suggestions.
We were excited to be offering the “P&F Pitch” again for 2024. Our Year 6 students will be given an opportunity to access funding from their very own idea. Think shark tank but for kids. The students will need to put a little plan together including the what, the why and the how. They will then pitch their idea for the P&F to release them some funding. Best of luck Year 6s, we look forward to hearing your ideas.
Have a wonderful week everyone.
Hayley Mitchell
P&F President
DOSC Footy Tipping 2024
Hello all,
Round 12 saw a tough weekend footy some teams, while others enhanced their reputation amid a tight race with plenty of movement in the top eight. For the WA teams, Dockers demolished the Dees in Alice Springs, recording one of the biggest wins in the club’s history. Same cant be said for the eagles as they were down by the suffocating Saints. Not to mention the ‘Harley Mania’ for all the wrong reasons.
Round 12 showcased some impressive prediction skills! Freo loyalty paid off for Mathew and Tristan K securing the top two spots for the week. Mat Smith also deserves a shoutout for a flawless performance, nailing all 7 tips, while Tristan K wasn't far behind with an impressive 6 out of 7!
Let's give a big round of applause to our standout performers from Round 12!
- Mathew S: Scored a whopping 7 out of 7 tips, with a margin of 22
- Tristan K: A close contender with 6 correct picks, cruising with a margin of 48
- Santhosh P: Held the line with 5 accurate predictions, holding steady with a margin of 46
- Andrew J: Not far behind, hitting the mark with 4 correct picks, edging ahead with a margin of 29
In the overall leaderboard, Santhosh has opened up a 3 game lead over Dan M, with 65 and 62 points respectively. Ange Cooper, Craig P and Joshua J are hot on their heels, tied with 61 tips each, separated solely by their margins.
Here's the current leaderboard:
Santhosh P: Breathing easy on the top with 65 tips, boasting a margin of 296
Dan M: Close behind with 62 correct calls, flaunting a margin of 308
Ange & Cooper: Holding their own in the mix with 61 correct tips each, boasting a margin of 284.
Craig P: Tied with Coopers on 61 correct tips, flaunting a margin of 341
Joshua J: Tied on 61 correct tips, showcasing a margin of 362
Round 13 kicks off once again at Adelaide Oval this week with Crows hosting the Tigers at Adelaide Oval today at 5:30PM.
Keep those predictions coming! Let's keep the AFL excitement going strong!
Scholastic Books
Cash payments are no longer accepted. Payments can be made by credit card - Visit scholastic.com.au/LOOP or download the LOOP app. Your order will be electronically linked to the rest of your school's order. You do not need to complete the order form.
School Term Dates for 2024
Term 2: Tuesday 16 April - Friday 28 June
Term 3: Tuesday 16 July - Friday 20 September
Term 4: Monday 7 October - Friday 6 December
Pupil Free Days for 2024
Term 2: Monday 15 April, Friday 10 May, Friday 31 May
Term 3: Monday 15 July
Term 4: Monday 21 October
Sacrament Dates for 2024
Reconciliation: Saturday, 9 November at 10am
St Columba's Catholic Primary School
Email: admin@stcolumbassp.wa.edu.au
Website: https://www.stcolumbassp.wa.edu.au/
Location: 30 York Street, South Perth WA 6151, Australia
Phone: (08) 6436 9500
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Education/St-Columbas-Catholic-Primary-School-South-Perth-173160579973945/