Ball ECC Weekly News
March 3rd-5th
Principal's Message
Principal's Announcements
Dear Pre-K Parents,
We want to take a moment to emphasize the importance of allowing your child to complete the full school day. Early pick-ups can disrupt their learning, daily routines, and social development. Our schedule is carefully designed to provide a balance of academics, play, and structured activities that support your child’s growth. On Friday we had 30 early pickups that caused a lot of disruption in the day.
When students leave early, they may miss:
✅ Important lessons and hands-on learning experiences
✅ Social interactions that build friendships and confidence
✅ Closing routines that help them transition and feel a sense of completion for the day
We understand that occasional early pick-ups may be necessary, and we kindly ask that you limit them whenever possible. Keeping your child in class for the full day helps them build consistency, independence, and a love for learning!
Thank you for your cooperation and support in your child’s education. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out.
Debra Reiley
Principal Ball ECC
Nurse's Corner
1. If your child isn't feeling well, please keep them home to prevent spreading germs.
2. If your child has a fever, they must be fever-free, for 24 hours without fever-reducing medicine, before they can return to school.
Thank you!
Nurse Farley
- Every student will have a take home folder. Please check it daily for notes and communication from the teacher.
- We use the Seesaw platform to share pictures of students working, homework assignments, and notes from school. Please make sure you join your teacher's class.
- Please join the Ball Early Childhood Facebook page for all the fun and excitement.
School Counselor and Social Worker
View our Counselor and Social Worker Facebook Page for current events.
Mentor Program: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Na74pCknuEd3VFMZQw99PiquQGg19fyZ/view
Our counselor is Mrs. Shelly Ray.
Our social worker is Mrs. Amanda Matthews.
We are Here to Help!
Important Links for the 24-25 School Year
Ball Early Childhood Center
812 Shannon Ave
Seguin, TX 78155
(830) 401-1281