Lauren's Stella & Dot Newsletter
May 2016 Edition
Happy May!
Contact Info:
Web Site: http://www.stelladot.com/lululauren
Email: mailto:lululauren78@gmail.com
Sample Sale: https://www.smore.com/9vz9j
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/lululauren78
Instagram: https://instagram.com/lululauren78/
Summer Lookbook Link: http://www.stelladot.com/shop/en_us/lookbook/summer-16-look-book?icn=summer_launch_2016q2&ici=lookbook_us
Spring 2016 Collection Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwHAOZ4-O2U
Lauren's 5th Annual Stella & Dot Trunk Show and 5-Year Stella-versary!
Vixen Vodka is kind enough to provide some yummy beverages! http://vixenvodka.com/
Shop for Mother's Day, Teacher Appreciation, Graduation, Weddings, or yourself!
I'll be raffling off a pair of our sunglasses to anyone who books a May-June trunk show with me!
All trunk show orders can be placed with most major cc's, and arrive within 3-5 business days.
All guests who shop toward my trunk show may shop my Sample Sale (cash/check) at 75%-off! (no refunds)
Can't make it to the in-home trunk show? You can still shop online through this link between now-May 28th:
May Gift Ideas:
May Trunk Show Exclusives:
Mother's Day Gift Idea:
Autism Awareness Contribution:
Host a Trunk Show:
Join My Team Of Stylists:
We're on CBS morning, so we've EXTENDED – 6 more days to take advantage of our amazing sign-up special! If you've been on the fence, it's time to take the leap. If you just want free style- be a hostess! That is the way to have fun wtih girlfriends while you snap up a $250 shopping spree free! However, if you can see yourself wearing and sharing the style with just 4 groups of friends, giving each host $250 in free product, while you pocket $250 in cash each time- you have nothing to lose! You'll more than pay back your kit- you'll have earned over $1,000 in cash and TONS of free style in your first 4 weeks- all doing something FUN in about 5 hours a week that you set. A tiny step and $199 can open up a way to change your life! Learn more here: http://bit.ly/SDStylistJoin
Find Your Extraordinary