East End Parent Newsletter
October 18, 2024
Thank You East End PTO!
We would like to express our gratitude to the East End PTO for this festive, fall foliage. We appreciate YOU!
Progress Reports Available via Genesis Parent Portal - October 18 after 3 pm
Trimester 1 Progress Reports will be available on the Genesis Parent Portal beginning at 3 pm on Friday, October 18.
It is important that all parents are able to log in to the Genesis Parent Portal. Parents are able to access their child's report card and update contact information in the portal. Important information from the school goes to the phone numbers and emails provided in the Genesis Parent Portal.
Directions, in English and Spanish, on how to access the portal can be found at the link below.
Halloween 2024 at East End
Please read this letter regarding Halloween plans at East End for the end of the month.
East End PTO
Maschios Lunch Menu
Nurse Notes from Nurse Joy
As we look forward to upcoming classroom celebrations, please remember to check with your child’s teacher or school nurse before sending in food items. In order to keep all our students safe, we cannot distribute any items that contain peanuts, tree nuts or may contain these items. Please carefully check the ingredients list before purchasing these items for class parties. Food items without an ingredients list or home baked items cannot be shared at school. If you have any questions regarding our food policy, please reach out to Joy_Griffith@nplainfield.org. Thank you for your cooperation.
Pre-K Reminder: Please schedule your annual flu shot and send in your vaccination record to the nurse!
Looking ahead: The Zufall dental van will be visiting East End on Wednesday, December 18th. If you are interested in a dental cleaning and check-up for your child, please email nurse Joy for more information.
Translating the East End Update
Did you know that the East End Update can be translated into many languages with the click of a button? Click the "Translate" button at the top of the screen to translate the entire newsletter.
Awesome Acts
*Ivanna! You have done a wonderful job showing determination each day in class! We were so excited to celebrate you for your special week and to share with you what makes you wonderful. You have been s fantastic addition to our class this year and we are so happy to have you!
*Joshua consistently demonstrates the CARD core values. He comes prepared and ready to learn each day, models the expectations for his classmates, always makes sure to say thank you to both teachers and other students when appropriate. Joshua is a superstar in class!
*Jahzara demonstrates all of the core values every school day, all day long. She loves to help teachers and other students, comes to school prepared to learn every day and models exactly how students should behave at all times. Jahzara is an excellent student and friend to her peers!
Upcoming Events
Friday, October 25: PTO Trunk-or-Treat
Thursday, October 31: Halloween Parade 1:15 pm
Tuesday, November 5: No School (In-service day)Thursday, November 7: No School (NJEA Convention)
Friday, November 8: No School (NJEA Convention)
Mustang Monthly
Next edition coming Fall 2024!
Contact Information
East End Elementary School
Email: East_End@nplainfield.com
Website: https://npeee.nplainfield.org/
Location: 170 Oneida Ave, North Plainfield, NJ 07060, USA
Phone: (908) 769-6070
Updates from the North Plainfield Library
North Plainfield Community Updates
North Plainfield Recreation
North Plainfield Family Resources
Welcome to New Jersey Welcome Booklet
Welcome to New Jersey provides information to families that have recently moved to New Jersey. You will find information about resources and services including legal services, food and income assistance, health care and mental health services, school enrollment, getting a state identification card, and transportation. All the topics have links that will direct you to the indicated websites. There are also flyers and contact information regarding the different services and resources available to New Jersey residents.
Family Resources from Somerset County (Webinar in Spanish)
In addition to the Upcoming Events section of the East End Update, families can review upcoming events in the 'Calendar' section of the new East End website.