Deer Canyon Echoes
September 13, 2024
To Do ✅
- Participate in the Fall Fundraising Extravaganza!
- Does your child love math? Register for the DCES Math Club!
- UPDATE: Movie Night has been postponed to Friday, October 4. We need volunteers!
- Contact melmeniawy@powayusd.com if you are interested in volunteering for a lunchtime activity to celebrate Latino/Hispanic Heritage Month.
- Order DCES Spirit Wear.
Save the Date
- 9/16 - DC Dining @ Panda Express in Carmel Mountain
- 9/17 - Room Parent Training @ 7 pm via Zoom
- 9/20 - Movie Night (volunteers needed)
- 9/23 - School Site Council Meeting @7:35 am in Room 14 or Zoom
- 9/23 - Charleston Gift Wrap orders due by end of day
- 9/25 - PSO meeting @ 4 pm
- 9/30 - Staff Professional Day – No School for Students and No ESS
Principal's Message 📚
Good evening, Deer Canyon families!
This week, we started our Library and STEAM visits. Students were so excited to jump into their learning in both spaces. We can’t wait for the exploration and discovery to come this year!
On Tuesday, each student on campus participated in a bus evacuation drill by watching an instructional video and practicing emergency procedures on PUSD school buses. We are primed for safe and educational field trips this school year. In classes, we observed Patriot Day on September 11
through participation in developmentally appropriate activities. Yesterday, Associate Superintendent Shelley Peterson was on campus visiting classrooms and chatting with students about what they were learning. It was wonderful to show her all of the joyful learning and creativity permeating our campus!
Today was our first VAPA Vision day of the school year. Be sure to ask your student about their experience. VAPA Vision will come to campus biweekly. During a 1 hour, 45 minute block, students experience a standards-based Visual and Performing Arts lesson, in addition to a 20 minute Global Language and Culture lesson. What a program, what a day, what a week!
Next week, our staff Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) Committee will participate in a district-wide professional learning opportunity to strengthen our practices and continue to define our framework at Deer Canyon. I look forward to the opportunity to celebrate our great work and reflect on areas for growth!
Please note: We will NOT be hosting a Movie Night this Friday, September 20. The event has been postponed to October 4. We are in need to volunteers to support this event, so please consider contacting the PSO if you are able to help in any way! (see information below)
In the next few weeks, we are also looking for parent volunteers to host a lunchtime activity in celebration of LatinX Heritage Month. Please be in touch with melmeniawy@powayusd.com if you are interested in supporting this event; dates are flexible!
September is Attendance Awareness Month
Help your child be an Attendance H.E.R.O.: Here. Everyday. Ready. On-time.
Parent partnership is crucial to ensuring our students are receiving the full advantage of consistent school attendance. Students who attend school regularly are significantly more likely to achieve proficient academic levels in reading and math, do better on tests, as well as likelier to graduate and be successful in future endeavors. Help us accomplish this by:
Establishing consistent bed times and wake up times
Planning ahead to avoid scheduling appointments and vacations during school
Communicating with teachers regarding illnesses or religious/cultural holidays
Staying engaged and regularly checking in with your children about their experiences
Emphasizing the importance of attendance with your children
Reaching out to us for help to address any barriers to attendance
Thank you for your support and partnership! For more attendance tips and resources, visit bit.ly/attendancehero.
Please be sure to bookmark the Deer Canyon school calendar and follow us on Instagram (@DeerCanyonPUSD) for event information, reminders, and celebrations!
Have a wonderful weekend, Deer Canyon!
Katie Bendix
Counselor's Corner 🦉
This week at Deer Canyon, we had a very impressive number of DC Leader applications submitted. It’s inspiring to see that we have so many students willing to participate and work to make our school as safe, beautiful, and positive as we collectively can. Ms. Bendix and I will be reviewing the applications Monday, so expect to see the final roster posted later that same day or Tuesday morning.
I was grateful to attend some very informative training sessions this past week, which unfortunately kept me off campus for a couple days. However, I’m continuing to meet with and get to know as many students as possible. I’ve also been conferring with teachers regarding their suggested candidates for our small counseling groups, which will likely begin the first week of October. We’re also currently coordinating our schedules for the year’s Second Step and SEL lessons.
Please note, our district’s Caring Connections Parent Education website has new and exciting courses being offered this Fall. Each term we have different parent education courses; therefore, we recommend periodically checking the website at the beginning of each term for the new courses offered to parents, families, and our school community.
Click HERE to view the PUSD CCC Parent Education Fall Courses.
Updates from the PSO 📬
Fall Fundraising Extravaganza Update
We’re off to a good start, Deer Canyon! The donations are rolling in, and every day we have more participants in the Charleston Gift Wrap fundraiser. Thank you so much for all of your efforts and generosity. Let's keep it going!
Did you know?? Your contributions are the only source of funding for STEAM, Performing Arts, and PE Teacher salaries; classroom resources; student and family events; Art Adventure supplies; and much more!
Did you know?? Over half of our expenses fund teacher salaries and classroom resources that benefit all students.
We humbly ask all families of our 410 students to do their part and participate in our Fall Fundraising Extravaganza in a way that works best for you.
Please support the DCPSO today in up to 3 ways:
Register to donate to DCPSO directly — Invest $1 a day per student; suggested donation is $280 - “Champion” level
Double your impact by applying for a company matching gift with your employer — These funds make a real difference!
Register and participate in the Charleston Wrap fundraiser — Sell from a selection of 2,500+ awesome items to family and friends (organization ID: 28022). DCPSO receives 30-40% of the proceeds.
A few friendly reminders for the gift wrap participants:
All orders are due by EOD on 9/23
Paper Order Forms
Used for catalog items only (all items must have a code and price)
These items get delivered to school
Shipping is FREE
Turn in White and Yellow forms with cash or check payable to “DCPSO” to the Front Office
Online Orders
Items are delivered to home
All personalized items are online order only
Free shipping for orders with $98 subtotal (pre-tax) or higher
During the two-week sales period — Bring your tickets listed with # of items sold to the Front Gate on M/W/F to collect up to 10 Roller Botz prizes.
Prizes earned for total items sold at the end of the sale are listed in the packet and will be sent home early November from school.
Students can also win small prizes for every 10 visits (up to 20) they receive to their fundraising page, after they send messages to family and friends via texts/emails/social media posts directly from their page (look for the “1 of 10” visits note on your fundraising page).
Your participation not only benefits your student, but also all Students and Staff, including many DC families who are unable to contribute.
Thank you for your support!
Movie Night Volunteers Needed
Movie Nights were a blast last year! We’re looking for a few folks to help us bring these back, including one this Fall!
Help with movie selection. Coordinate food vendors. Consider bringing our DC Choir to warm up the crowd. Feel free to bring your own ideas and special touches!
Please contact Eve Lanham if you’re interested in helping out - president@deercanyonpso.org.
We Need Your Help: PSO Open Positions
We're still seeking volunteers for a few key PSO positions this year:
Movie Night Chair: This person is responsible for coordinating two to three movie nights a year for our community. This position is a voting chair on the PSO. The first movie night is coming on October 4.
Volunteer Engagement Chair: This person helps coordinate volunteers on campus to help run various events that take place throughout the year. This person also organizes Room Parent volunteers. This position is a voting chair on the PSO.
Promotion Chair: This person will help lead a committee of volunteers, in conjunction with office staff, to plan Promotion for the 5th graders. This position is a voting chair on the PSO.
If you are interested in any of those roles, please contact the PSO president at president@deercanyonpso.org.
Art Adventure Training
Are you passionate about art and eager to make a difference in the lives of our students? We need YOU to help bring creativity into the classroom! The Deer Canyon PSO funds and sponsors all the art supplies and curriculum, but it’s our amazing volunteers who bring these lessons to life for the children.
We’re excited to invite you to join our **Art Docent team**. No experience is necessary—just a willingness to inspire and engage with students. Training will be provided!
- Training Date: Friday, September 20
- Time: 9 am
- Location: DCES, Room TBD
By volunteering as an Art Docent, you’ll have the opportunity to guide students through fun and educational art projects once a month, fostering their imagination and artistic skills. Whether you're a seasoned artist or simply enjoy creative activities, your time and effort will make a lasting impact.
Sign up today with your classroom teachers and help us spark the love for art in the next generation!
We can’t wait to see you there!
Your Art Adventure Chair,
Annie Baig
Email: ArtAdventure@DeerCanyonPSO.org
Get Your DCES Spirit Wear
Let's start off the school year with some Deer Canyon Spirit Wear!
Our Spirit Wear shop is open and taking orders. There is a variety of options to choose from: tie-dye (perfect for FUNky Fridays), cartoon (fun for lower grade students — and adults!), school logo, hoodies (perfect for cold weather), zip-up jackets and more. Orders are placed online and can be delivered to school for free or you can pick up at Big Frog (next to Stater Bros).
Place your Spirit Wear order here.
If you have any questions, please contact Razan Lin vpprograms@deercanyonpso.org
Upcoming Events 📆
Get Ready for DC Dining - Sept. 16 at Panda Express
We are so excited to invite our Deer Canyon family to join us at Panda Express (12330 Carmel Mountain Road, San Diego) on September 16 for a fundraising event.
20% of all event sales will be donated to our PSO to help support our school. You can order on the app or at PandaExpress.com and enter 377058 in the fundraiser code box or bring in the attached flyer.
This year, we are reviving our esteemed DC Dining Trophy. The class with the most attendance at Panda Express will get the DC Dining Trophy for September. When you go to Panda, please fill out this simple google form (also on the attached flyer) so that we know that you attended. https://forms.gle/KPB5frsAnr1a7Gmd9
Also, we have a couple other DC Dining events on the horizon. Rubio's in Carmel Mountain will be on October 9 and CPK in Carmel Mountain will be November 18-19. More information to come soon!
Thank you for your help!
Room Parent Training: Sept. 17
If you've volunteered to be a Room Parent in your child's classroom, please plan to attend an information and training session via Zoom on Monday, Sept. 17, from 7 to 7:45 pm. The training will be recorded for those who cannot make it.
Clubs and Activities 🏅
Deer Canyon Math Club
The Deer Canyon Math Club brings together 3rd-5th grade students to explore mathematics, make new friends, and celebrate their achievement in problem-solving skills outside the classrooms.
For the 2024-2025 school year, with the support of our Deer Canyon PSO, we would like to invite all qualified students to join the math club and participate in weekly lessons and popular elementary school math competitions.
Please see this link for more information and to register. The deadline to register is Sept. 15. Classes begin Monday, Sept. 16.
Science Minded Enrichment
There's still time to sign up for Science Minded Enrichment!
This is a science enrichment for 3rd-5th graders set to take place on Tuesday afternoons at 3:05 pm, beginning Tuesday, October 1.
Please see the video with the Science Minded teacher, Irene Lerner, to learn a little more about her and the program!
Ready to sign-up? Please outreach Irene Lerner: info@science-minded.com.
Calling all Lego Fans!
Got a kid interested in Lego? Join Deer Canyon's Jr. First Lego League!
First Lego League Jr. is a parent-run extracurricular activity for 1st to 3rd grade students. This year's theme is SUBMERGED where teams will use their creativity and Lego technology to explore the layers of the ocean and bring their learnings and ideas to the surface as they "sea" into the future.
Teams will have 4-6 students, and we will need at least 2 parent coaches.
Deadline to register is Friday, September 20.
Short turn around to meet the deadline for Westview mentorship program for those interested in it.
Each student has to be registered, even if the interest form was previously filled out.
To register, please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/1vtj8jHunpNfoVwv9
Zoom info session on Monday, September 16, at 7 pm! Session will be recorded if unable to attend.
Meeting ID: 927 634 7897
Passcode: JrFLL2024
Please reach out to Ersin Sengul (ersinsengul@gmail.com) and/or Razan Lin (rbattikha@gmail.com) for this year’s Jr. FLL program
Office Updates 🏫
DCES Wishlist Items
Recess Equipment Wishlist
Miscellaneous Office Wishlist
Youth Boys pants for the Health Office (gently used OK)
Interested in Volunteering?
Interested in volunteering at Deer Canyon on a semi-regular basis? 2024-25 Level 1 Volunteer forms are available in the office. Anyone interested in starting the process for volunteer clearance can and should start now. Remember, everyone has to reapply for volunteer clearance every year.