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AISW Weekly Parent Update
Week of February 12, 2024
Avon Intermediate School West
All belong. All learn. All grow.
Laura Lee, Assistant Principal
Stephanie Mackenzie, Dean
Email: akwalters@avon-schools.org
Website: https://aiswest.avon-schools.org/
Location: 176 South Avon Avenue, Avon, IN, USA
Phone: (317)544-5900
Twitter: @avoniswest
Mark your calendar:
- Kindness Week: Wear your favorite jersey/workout gear
- Middle School Course Selections Due for 6th Grade students
- 2:30-3:15 Math Bowl in media center, pick up at door 28
- AEF Major Saver Collections and Sales Continue
- 230-330 Show choir- pick up @ door 1
- 230-330 Chamber Orchestra - pick up door 1
- Kindess Week: Kindness Ties Us Together - Wear tie dye or a tie
- AEF Major Saver Collections Last Day
- Kindness Week: Wear red or pink or your fav Valentine's day attire
- Major Saver Collections Late day
- SRO Appreciation Day- Thank you Officer Holding for all you do for AIS West!!
- 215-330 pm All Star Band- Pick up at door 1
- 5-6pm Food Pantry @ door 13 @ AIS East * Anyone want to Volunteer? Sign up!
- Kindness Week: Teachers dress like students, students dress like teachers
- Kindness Week: Wear black and gold!
Mark Your Calendars:
- 2/19 No school, Presidents Day
- 2/20 ILEARN Parent Night 5:00-6:00 AISW Cafe
- 2/24 ISSMA band & orchestra @ AMS North
- March 11-15 - 6th grade Hoosier Hysteria
- March 18-29 Spring Break, No School
Kindness Week Dress Up Days
Please join us as we celebrate kindness at West this coming week! Have your child participate in as many dress up days as they'd like!
Registration is now open for Broadway Kids camp! Spots go fast!
6th grade parents: Avon Middle School South Course Selection Sheets
On Monday, February 5, all 6th grade students attending AMS South watched a video from South about selecting their classes for the 24-25 school year. They received a course selection guide to bring home to you at the end of this meeting.
Parents- You should have recieved a parent square message from Principal Dan Chapin at AMS South on Monday with the form needing completed to officially select courses and other important information.
This course selection form is DUE MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12!
If you have any questions about course selection, please call AMS South.
AMS South Video: AMS South 2024 6th to 7th.mp4.
There are Encore Course videos to view at the bottom of the South Counseling webpage at https://amssouth.avon-schools.org/counseling.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Paul Quirke, South School Counselor, at paquirke@avon-schools.org or by phone at 317-544-5700 x.5715.
Valentine's Day! Here are a few reminders about Intermediate school procedures for Valentine's day!
- No deliveries of any type for students at school. (No balloons or flowers can be accepted here at school on any student’s behalf. With allergies to latex, pollen, etc. we cannot allow these to be taken to classrooms or on school buses.)
- Any individual student gifts should be exchanged between students outside of school.
- No sweet treats UNLESS approved by the classroom teacher. If the teacher has approved any items to bring in for the class, please make sure that these items are store-bought, prepackaged, and approved for students to eat (peanut allergies, etc.).
- Thank you all for your help! Our student's safety is our #1 priority.
* You will get more information from your child's team of teachers this week.
ILEARN Parent Night: Note change in time, now 5:00-6:00PM
We are offering an ILEARN parent night at West on Tuesday, Februrary 20 from 5:00-6:00 in the cafeteria. This is an opportunity for parents (no students please) to come learn about the state assessment given to our 5th and 6th grade students, see released sample problems and scoring, and learn how to support you child at home.
If you'd like to attend a session at another building, please see the information below.
There will be similar presentations at all buildings for various grade levels.
Volunteer Opportunities at West:
- There are also some spots here to sign up to help out at our quarterly celebrations to pass out ice cream in the cafeteria during lunch! 😀
SIGN UP HERE- https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A054AA4A729A5F58-44434999-aisw
Dont forget ! you must have a completed background check on file to volunteer! Complete the process here: https://www.avon-schools.org/services/safety/school-volunteers
February is recognized as Black History Month.
Black History is 365 days a year.
At AIS West, we are engaging in activities this month and throughout the year to recognize Black History.
Our teachers are planning meaningful lessons this month - some include learning about inventions developed by African Americans and creating bulletin boards to showcase these inventions. Our SOAR Ambassadors have created videos to help teach students about famous African Americans. Our music and BCO teachers are incorporating music and educating students about various musicians. Our fifth grade students are participating in Morning Meeting activities focused around black history month. Our staff is reading award winning children's books written by and/ or about African Americans. So many wonderful experiences are happening around the building to grow our students learning.
Major Saver Cards are on sale now! Your son/daughter have their order forms.
How many can your family sell to help raise money for AEF & AISW?
Students of the week: Week of February 12
5th grade:
Micah Royal
Nariyah Cook
Allison Caylor
Kaylee Flores
Rylee Pedigo
Kylee Felix
Wyatt Uhl
Henry Janicijevic
Kate Brake
Bolu Balogun
6th grade:
Max Carrillo
Jacob Louise Pierre
Kadeshia Maragh
Gabi Jenkins
Addison Glidden
Iliyah Johnson
PE with Porep: Arsema Haile & Miko Gino-Gino
· PE with Rasheed: Sydney Styles & Ezekiel Young
Art with Mrs. Wolfe: Helen McAdam & Dae'Yanna Hill
MLM Community Pantry is always looking for volunteers!
Share with your friends and family, too!
Children under 18 are not permitted to volunteer on Thursdays.
Click here to sign up to volunteer!
6th grade Athletic Information: Wrestling
Practice each day: 425-6:00pm
Feb. 8th – Wrestling Teacher Appreciation Night
2023-2024 Avon Intermediate Parent Student Handbook
Other volunteer opportunities available at WEST:
There are also some spots here to sign up to help out at our quarterly celebrations to pass out ice cream in the cafeteria during lunch!
SIGN UP HERE- https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A054AA4A729A5F58-44434999-aisw
Dont forget ! you must have a completed background check on file to volunteer! Complete the process here: https://www.avon-schools.org/services/safety/school-volunteers
6th grade athletic opportunities at AMS South:
How to stay informed about Athletic opportunities at AMS South?
As always, our athletic webpage is a great resource for all information regarding athletics at South.
AMS South Athletic Director- Will Mahan
wjmahan@avon-schools.org, p: (317) 544-5727
Fall Sport Opportunities at AMS South have started:
** communication is sent via Parent Square- make sure your parent square information is up to date.
Transportation to or from practice will NOT be provided. You will need to provide transportation and drop your child off at door 14 at 4:15pm. AMS South school buses leave from their normal school day at 4:10pm. Please do not enter the parking lot until the buses leave.
After the athletic physical is completed, it must be uploaded to PRIVIT. Our Athletic Trainer will then approve the account once all necessary documents and signatures are uploaded. Please see the link below to access PRIVIT:
There are two participation cost associated with athletics that must be paid:
Corporation Athletic Fee - $50 (this is paid every sport your participates in)
South Athletic Fee - $25 (this is paid once per year)
These must be paid in full before the first game of the season.
Participation in games will not be allowed until this fee is paid.
Other Athletic Opportunities later this year for 6th grade students:
Wrestling (Winter 23-24)
Boys Golf (Spring 24)
Girls Tennis Spring 24)
Track & Field (Spring 24)
Are you going to pick your child up early for an appointment?
If you are going to pick your child up at 2pm or after, you will need to pick them up from the car rider line. We apologize for the inconvenience. Dismissal is a busy time in the office and our student safety is our #1 priority.
** Anyone picking up a student from school must have a photo ID
Weekly Grade Checks Start this week: Ask your child to see them!
They will be recording their grades on a sheet like the one below. If they have any missing assignments, they will write down those missing assignments and make sure they have what they need to complete that assignment. This sheet will then be placed in their yellow gold take home folder. Every Friday we hope that you will ask your child to also see this folder to see their grades and to make sure they dont have any missing assignments. If they do, please make sure they get these completed and turned in asap.We ask that you initial/ sign next to the date at the top of each column of grades each week after reviewing the sheet with your child.
Also, remember as their parent to check Power Parent frequently to monitor their grades and any missing assignments.
With the weekly grade checks we are working to teach each student how to be accountable for their grades and all assignments. Thank you for your help and support with this.