Solar Blast
Solar Preparatory School For Boys
Solar Blast Newsletter
November 1, 2024
A Newsletter for Families of Solar Preparatory School for Boys
Important hours
Office hours:
8:30 A.M. to 2:30 P.M.
Principal Address
Solar Family!
There are not enough words to express the gratitude that I have for being a part of this movement. A movement that is establishing strong foundations for our boys that is instructional, developmental, and nurturing. A movement that understands that no matter the circumstance, the decisions that are made have our boys’ best interest at heart. A movement in which every cog in the system is working harmoniously to produce the best outputs for our boys every second of every minute, of every day. A movement that will continue well into when the next generation of scholars accepts the appointment of being part of our Solar family..
I have truly enjoyed the time that I have spent developing long lasting relationships that will extend outside of this campus. I live my life on the thought that when I pour my heart into something, it will pour back into me. I poured my heart and soul into this campus, and it has not disappointed in pouring back into me. I have received so much love, patience, perspective, insight, and growth over the past six years. When I made the statement that the boys were to be treated as my own sons, I did not take that lightly. I just pray that I was able to make a positive impact in the life of every scholar. It is important to note that as I make this transition, I am not losing family but creating a new extension onto my existing family.
Change is inevitable and just as the seasons are changing, so are our lives on a daily basis. My season as the leader of Solar is ending but I will continue to be a part of the Solar family.
Thank you all for allowing me to be a part of your lives. I don’t take it for granted that you allowed me into a piece of your world and trusted me with the opportunity to provide guidance, instruction, and care to each of you while working with you to build a culture built on trust and respect. I am forever grateful and I can't wait to see what the next chapter brings for Solar Prep for Boys.
Solar Six of the Month
Visit our website below.
Click image below for change of dismissal forms.
Please click the image below for a list of scholar clubs that we have available.
Campus Important Dates
November 4th - Campus Tour @ 8:00 am - 9:00 am
November 4th - Coffee with the Principal / Virtual only @ 6:00 pm
Meeting ID: 286 178 056 739
Passcode: gxTR77
November 5th - No school
November 7th - Site Based Decision Making @ 5:00 pm in the Solar Boys media center
November 25th - 29th Thanksgiving Break
8th graders use the image below to register for the Washington, D.C. trip.
Carline Volunteer Sign up. You may click the image below. Thank you!
Purchase spirit wear below!
Shannon Smith
Assistant Principal
Charles Williams
Celia Lopez
Office Manager
Derek Thomas
Location: 1802 Moser Avenue, Dallas, TX, USA
Phone: 972-794-7100