Redwood Reader
May 24, 2024

Bike to school week information
Dear Redwood families,
We will have our Bike to School Week week May 28th to the 31st. It is a great time of year to clean the cobwebs, oil the chain and wheels, check the brakes, and fill up the tires. As we proceed with Bike Week, let’s remember a few rules.
School Rules
1. We ask that everyone wear a helmet.
2. We will park bikes in the front of the school. There will be cones separating grade levels.
3. We ask that you use all official crosswalks to cross Redwood Blvd. and to enter the front of Redwood.
4. Bikes must be walked when entering school property.
5. Bikes should not be walked between parked cars, moving cars, or in front or behind buses.
6. Bike riders will be dismissed at 3:15.
Outside the school
1. Please wear a helmet.
2. Talk about bike safety with your child.
3. Choose the safest path to get to school.
4. Stop at every intersection, even when you are on the sidewalk. Look in every direction at any intersection for traffic.
5. Ride in a smooth, straight, predictable manner.
6. Be able to stop quickly.
7. Wear bright colors.
8. Ride with friends. This is the best rule for an enjoyable ride.
Riding our bikes teaches our children the importance of physical fitness and an awareness on how to save our environment by riding a bike instead of driving a car. It opens the door to conversations on safety, trust, and family enjoyment. Please consider joining in Bike Week and making it a safe event for all.
Redwood Fun Run
The FUN RUN celebrations keep on coming!!
As all of the final calculations are being completed in the background, we will be putting together the prize bags for all of our students who participated in the fun run 🙌🏻 All of the kids had an absolute blast and we cannot thank you enough!
🍿 Our Popcorn Party Class Winners will be celebrating their parties on Thursday May 30th! Teachers and students are both excited so thank you for helping them earn this treat!
That’s right! Our students earned a school wide popsicle party!! Thursday May 30th ALL STUDENTS will receive a popsicle during lunch (or in the classroom if 1/2 day student) to celebrate their Fun Run and meeting our school wide goal of $15,600!
⭐️ Not only did we meet our goal, but we EXCEEDED it! Our school profit has hit $15,960!!!! ⭐️
Check out our list of our TOP 12 PARTICIPANTS:
1. Declan Stricker/Grayson Stricker
2. Gabriel Turner
3. Mak Kershner
4. Addie Jones
5. Jack Jones
6. Mac Capuria
7. Brendan Moore
8. Callum Chomet/Simon Irwin/Anson Lembach/Andrew Lemback Jr.
Additionally, THANK YOU to all of our local sponsors who donated towards our amazing fun run shirts that every student was able to wear on Monday. They turned out amazing! Local sponsors include: Stricker Refinishing Co., Sutter Home Services Inc. D & D Moving & Storage, City Desk, Mischa Communications, The Yard Works, Two Bucks Avon, AND Erie Shores Athletics
☀️Congratulations to ALL of our students and families
on this monumental and FUN accomplishment ☀️
The final result of the newest eaglets names are in. It was a close race, but the this year the names are : Aurora---Luna--- and Eclipse. Thank you to everyone who participated.
Field Day Helpers
Field Day May 31st
Use the link below to volunteer to help.
Technology Return
It is hard to believe, but we are already closing in on the end of the school year. The following information is in regards to the Chromebooks provided to students from the Avon Lake City School District and end of year procedures.
If you are a 4th grade student, at the end of this school year on Monday, June 3rd, You will need to turn in your Chromebook and its charger to the Media Center. Please ensure your student has their Chromebook and charger at school on this day. Chromebooks will not go home with students after this day. You will receive a new Chromebook next school year. If you are unable to turn in your Chromebook and charger the fee is $250.00. Damaged Chromebooks turned in will have repair fees assessed.
Students who are currently in 1st, 2nd or 3rd grade will keep their Chromebook with them over the summer. Only students who are aware that they are moving out of Avon Lake City Schools District and would no longer be attending our school district in the fall will be required to return Chromebooks prior to summer break. If this applies to your family, Chromebook should be returned to classroom teachers. All other first through third grade students should keep their Chromebooks plugged and charged over the summer to maintain battery life for next school year.
Back to School Forms Information.
Powerschool Portal
Over the summer months you will receive an email notifying you to complete your student's back-to-school forms via your PowerSchool Parent Account. All forms are to be completed prior to the first day of school. This is a one-stop shop for updating your child’s emergency and medical information as well as signing off on the annual permission forms for school district policies.
If you have any questions about your PowerSchool Parent Account, please contact:
- Maria Szarek - (440) 933-4829
- Theresa Martin - (440) 933-0984
Sun Bucks
Jump Start Summer 2024
Camp Invention
Camp Invention is almost here! Troy Intermediate School will be hosting Camp Invention for the 8th year! There is something for all ages. Incoming Kindergarteners through sixth graders will take part in designing a one-of-a-kind Glow Box as well as star in a prototyping game show. Seventh through Ninth Graders can assist Leadership Interns and help younger campers work their way through all the fun modules. Don’t miss out on the last discount code for Camp Invention. Sign up today using promo code SUM15! Register at www.campinvention.org
Notes from the Nurse
As the warmer weather is approaching, so is allergy season. If your child has seasonal allergies, we strongly suggest making sure they receive their allergy medication and/or eye drops prior to coming to school. Due to the warmer temperatures, many classroom windows will remain open. While this helps regulate the temperature, it also allows for the allergens to enter the classroom. Any help from home would be greatly appreciated!
Please remember any student medication and/or medical supplies that you have provided for use at school must be picked up by a parent or guardian by the last day of school. By board policy, students may not transport any medication home. Medications not picked up promptly will be discarded, as they cannot be stored at school over the summer.
Thank you,
Kim Rose, RN
Upcoming Important Dates
27-No School Memorial Day
31- Field Day
4th- LEAPS Bridging
5th- Student's Last Day
5th- Kindergarten Bridging
5th 4th Grade Clap Out
Spirit Wear
Purchase your Redwood and Avon Lake gear & have it shipped directly to your home
A percentage of all sales goes to Redwood PTA
Store link for Redwood: https://1stplace.sale/72840
Store link for Avon Lake: https://1stplace.sale/7283
Safer Ohio School Tip Line
Redwood Elementary School
Website: https://www.avonlakecityschools.org/redwood
Location: 32967 Redwood Blvd, Avon Lake, OH 44012, USA
Phone: (440)933-5145
Twitter: @RedwoodAvonLake