January 31, 2018
Our Fabulous Elementary Students and Staff!
Accelerated Reader Awards Assembly by Mrs. Azure
Friday January 19th the elementary celebrated Accelerated Reader AWARDS. Students were called down to receive their plaques and plates according to how many points they had earned the first semester. The next AR assembly will take place at the end of the year awards. Keep reading everyone!
First Graders earn their Accelerated Reader Plaque
5th & 6th Grade
4th Grade
2nd Grade
"I Don't Like Winter Days"
Ms. Bergeleen's Class having fun in their baseball attire!
Mrs. Jackson's 6th Grade Girls and Pajama Day!
6th Grade boys Pajama Day!
Nature vs. Technology by Mercedes Jones & Peyton Walz
Technology is a big part of today's world. For example if we did not have technology we would not know the seven day forecast. Also if you lost your pet and it has a chip you can track your pet. On the other hand before we had technology everyone got along very well. But now we can transport medicine on airplanes and help people faster than 1,000 years ago. We know that technology is very important, yet we should not play on it for no reason every night.
Nature is a big part of today's world. For example how would your cows survive without water, grass, corn, mineral, hay, and straw? These all need soil, sunshine, and rain. If we did not have rain, we would not have any water and you can not make water plus there would be no drinking water ether. We asked kids in grades K-6 if they would rather play with technology or outside in nature. Here were our results. Eighteen students said they would rather play on technology than in nature. Twelve students said they would rather play outside in nature.
We think that it's okay to play on technology, but we think kids should also be outside playing.
What are students reading in Second Grade? by Nichelle Kruse and Garrett Aldrich
Garrett and Nichelle surveyed both second grade classes to find out what books they like to read. Twenty seven kids took part in the survey.
We found that in one class five kids were reading a variety of chapter books and only one answered Berenstain Bears. In the other class we got: 4 votes for Berenstain Bears, 13 for Splat the Cat, 3 for Gerald and Piggie.
Hydro Squirtles place 9th at competition in First Lego League Robotics
Football Survey By: Kate Dean and Addyson Orth
We surveyed two kids from each grade 2nd-6th about the NFL teams they liked and asked them for some comments. The twist is the teams had to make it into the playoffs. There were the Steelers, Patriots, Chiefs, Rams, Panthers, Saints, Falcons, Bills, Jaguars, Eagles, and Vikings.The Eagles got one vote, the Chiefs got one vote, the Patriots got one vote the, and the Bills got one vote, and the Vikings got eight votes. From Mariah we got a comment she was voting for the Bills. She likes them because her “cousin coaches the defense plays." We got a comment from Chase who likes the Patriots because he says, ”most of them are not disrespectful to the flag.”
Interviewing Mr. Kolousek By Kennedy Kolousek
Kennedy: Do you like your job? Why?
Mr. Kolousek: Yes, I like my job. I like to work with children.
Kennedy: Why did you chose this profession?
Mr. Kolousek: To help students learn.
Kennedy: Where did you go to college and get your teaching degree?
Mr. Kolousek: Dakota State.
Kennedy: How long have you been teaching?
Mr. Kolousek: 20 years.
Kennedy: What could students do to make your job easier?
Mr. Kolousek: Be responsible for everything they do.
Kennedy: What is your favorite book?
Mr. Kolousek: Quiet Strength by Tony Dungy.
Kennedy: What do you like to do in your spare time?
Mr. Kolousek: Spend time with his kids.
Kennedy: Where would you like to go on vacation with your family?
Mr. Kolousek: He likes to go camping with his family.
Interviewing Mrs. Bruckner By Max Klein & Dawson Bay-Larson
Why did you chose this profession?
She loves to teach kids.
Where did you go to college and get your teaching degree?
Mrs. Bruckner went to Northern State University in Aberdeen, SD.
How long have you been teaching?
She has been teaching for twenty-three years.
What is your favorite book?
She does not have a favorite book, but Jan Brett is her favorite author.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
Mrs. Bruckner likes art, golf,and to spend time with family.
Where would you like to go on vacation with your family?
She would like to go to Hawaii with her family.
Interviewing Mrs. Hainy By Cordell Hines
Cordell: Do you like your job?
Mrs. Hainy: I love my job.
Cordell: Why did you chose this profession?
Mrs.Hainy: I enjoy working with kids and helping them learn.
Cordell: Where did you go to college and get your teaching degree?
Mrs.Hainy: Northern State University in Aberdeen.
Cordell: How long have you been teaching?
Mrs.Hainy: I’ve been teaching for nineteen years.
Cordell: What could students do to make your job easier?
Mrs.Hainy: I like it when kids want to learn and have fun.
Cordell: What is your favorite book?
Mrs.Hainy: Eric Carle books.
Cordell: What do you like to do in your spare time?
Mrs.Hainy: Spend time with my family and read books.
Cordell: Where would you like to go on vacation with your family?
Mrs.Hainy: I would like to go to the beach
Kindness Matters!
Wessington Springs Elementary NEWS Reporters
Email: Carrie.Azure@k12.sd.us
Website: http://www.wessingtonsprings.k12.sd.us/pages/Wessington_Springs_SD
The Joke Corner By:Remie Roduner and Tregen Jensen
Why did the math book look so sad?
Because it had so many problems!
Who’ there?
Cows go
Cows go who?
No cows go MOO!
Why do bees have sticky hair?
Because they use honey combs!
How do you keep an elephant from charging?
You take away her credit card.