Welcome Back Students!
January 6: Students Return: Second Semester Begins
Doors open @7:45am
Breakfast is served until 8:25am
Classes begin @ 8:30am
Tardy? Students must be accompanied by an adult to check them in.
Transportation Change? Please call the office (478-929-7822) before 3:00pm
Early Dismissal? This can be done before 3:15pm through the office.
January 16th and the 21st. Math Bingo
Due to space, Parkwood will host 2 Evenings of Math Bingo.
Families, come and enjoy an evening of Math, Refreshments and Prizes.
$1.00 per person.
Forms are coming home, Please return by January 14, so we can get a count of who will be attending to help us serve you better.
January 16 @5:30pm Math Bingo PreK - 2nd Grades
Lower Grades: Math BINGO! PreK - Kindergarten - 1st Grade & 2nd Grade
Focus will be on Addition and Subtraction.
January 21 @ 5:30pm MATH BINGO 3rd-4th & 5th Grades
Upper Grades: Math BINGO! 3rd Grade - 4th Grade & 5th Grade
Focus will be on Multiplication and Division.
January 20: Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday
January 21: 4pm-8pm: Spirit Night @ Stevi B's 🍕
(Mark your calendar for the 3rd Tuesday of each month)
Supporting Parkwood while enjoying food and fun.
Simply tell them you are from Parkwood and which classroom you are representing.
Top classroom each month wins a Pizza Party!
January 21: Jeremiah's Italian Ice Fundraiser
January 24 @9:30am Honor Roll Ceremony
Students will be recognized for making the Honor Roll. (All A's or All A's with only 1 B)
Invitations will be sent home with those student who made the Honor Roll.
Parents, Guardians, Family Members are invited to attend the ceremony.
February Preview: Save the Dates
February 17: Presidents' Day Holiday
February 18: Distance Learning Day (Students will complete assigned work at home)
February 18: Jeremiah's Italian Ice Fundraiser 12pm-Close
February 18: Spirit Night @ Stevi B's 4pm-8pm
Academics @ Home
The most powerful ways to develop children’s literacy skills are also the simplest: talk to them, listen to them, read to them and write with them. When caring adults talk to kids about the world — from how recipes work to the rules of baseball — they are planting seeds of knowledge that will help kids grow into curious thinkers, readers and writers.
5th Grade
Students are working on comparing fractions and finding the sums and differences of fractions using a variety of strategies.
Math shapes the world around us in fascinating ways. It’s more than just counting or adding or memorizing math facts. When parents help kids explore everyday math — at home, at the store, in the park and at play — we help our children begin to think like creative, curious mathematicians.
Things to Remember
- ALL Car Riders must go through the CAR RIDER LINE (Morning and Afternoon)
- School doors open @ 7:45am
Free breakfast and lunch for all students.
- Classes begin @8:30am
- TARDY: Students must be signed in by a parent /guardian through the office
- Changes in Transportation: Please call the office before 3pm (478-929-7822)
- Early Dismissal: can only be done through the office before 3:15pm
- Dismissal @ 3:30pm
- Helpful if you put your child's name on their belongings (sweaters, jackets, bookbags, etc.)
Parkwood has S.W.A.G
W- Wise Choices
A- Always Respectful
G- Giving it your All
Students are expected to show their S.W.A.G each and every day throughout Parkwood; even while they are on the bus.
- Students will be rewarded for showing their Parkwood S.W.A.G.
- Students from each grade level will be recognized each month and spotlighted.
- Celebrations will happen.
- Eagle Bucks will be passed out.
- Eagle Bucks Store with awesome items for students to spend their earned Eagle Bucks.
What is Here Comes The Bus?
A bus-tracking app which enables parents to view real-time location of their child's school bus via a computer, tablet or smartphone.
Here Comes the Bus: Parkwood's Code is 29158Helpful Resource:
Click the link below for Bus Routes and Address Lookup.
Recurso útil:
Haga clic en el enlace a continuación para buscar rutas de autobús y búsqueda de direcciones.
🌍 Community Resources 🌎
United Way of Central Georgia 2-1-1 connects people to the assistance they need to address everyday challenges of living as well as those that develop during times of community emergencies.
Houston County Resource Guide
Stay updated on current events, information, and resources
Stay Connected and Informed
Click on the links below for access to
Classroom Dojo
Download the App and ask the teacher to add you to her classroom.
Parkwood's Facebook
Parkwood's Website
Spirit Night at Stevi B's: SAVE THE DATES
Family Engagement
Our goal is to provide workshops, resources, and events that are helpful and beneficial to our families. We will continue to provide you with opportunities to stay informed and engaged.
478-929-7822 ext. 3087
Front Office 478-929-7822
Hours 7:45am-4pm