Nord News
September 2024

Principal's Message
Dear Nord Families,
I can not believe we are already three weeks into the 2024- 2025 school year! Our students have hit the ground running and are showing us how to be respectful, responsible, and safe while at Nord. Thank you for your patience and support as we navigate the start of school. I look forward to all we will accomplish together this school year!
As a friendly reminder, our school day starts at 8:30 am. If you drive your child to school, please make sure you arrive before 8:30 am. The doors for the car rider line open at 8:10 and close at 8:30. If you arrive after 8:30, you will have to park, walk your child into the main office, and sign them in.
Communication will be key to a successful school year. The Nord Main Office's number is 440-988-4441 and is open daily from 7:45 am - 3:45 pm. My email is ashley_harigan@amherstk12.org. If you email and do not get a reply, please call as sometimes emails go directly to my spam folder. I also encourage you to follow me on X (@NordPrincipal) and to check the Walter G. Nord School website often for updates.
Take Care,
Mrs. Harigan
Patriot Day 2024
This September 11th, Nord School will come together to honor and remember the heroes of Patriot Day. As a show of unity and pride for our country, we invite all students and staff to wear red, white, and blue on Patriot Day 2024.
Let's stand together in remembrance and demonstrate our support for those who serve and protect our freedoms every day. Whether it's a red shirt, white shoes, or a blue hat – every bit of color counts!
School Fees
Fourth Grade: $50.50
Fifth Grade: $46.50
All school fees will be posted in October after the applications for Free/Reduced Meals are due. Please email or call Mrs. Dotson, Financial Secretary, at 440-988-4441 if you would like to set up a payment plan or if you have any questions.
If you have questions about the online Free/Reduced Meals application please email or call Deanne Kelbley, Nutrition Services Supervisor at 440-988-1991.
Camp Fitch
This year our 5th graders will go on their overnight trip to Camp Fitch the week of September 23rd. Students in Born, Ehrhardt, Liming, Maria, Mullen, and Kinser homerooms go Monday, September 23rd - Wednesday, September 25th. Students in Bailey, Hegarty, Hermensky, Henry, Homolya, Taylor, and Costello homerooms will go Wednesday, September 25th - Friday, September 27th.
Money is due on Wednesday, September 11th. All school fees must be paid to attend the trip.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the 5th grade Camp Fitch trip, please contact either Mrs. Jen Henry (jennifer_henry@amherstk12.org) or Mrs. Erin Kinser (erin_kinser@amherstk12.org). All information for Camp Fitch can also be found on Nord’s Camp Fitch website, https://bit.ly/campfitchnord.
Comet Impact and PBIS Rewards
Walter G. Nord School's faculty and staff is committed to the success of all students through our Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) framework known as Comet Impact. Comet Impact includes school-wide behavioral expectations, reinforcement of positive behavior, and re-teaching and opportunities for correction when there is inappropriate behavior.
Since the first day of school, students have been learning about Nord's Comet Impact and how to be respectful, responsible, and safe in all areas of our building. We have practiced these expectations in grade level and whole school assemblies. Students who are respectful, responsible, and safe are awarded PBIS points daily in PBIS Rewards. Students may earn up to three points per class (one per behavior expectation) and may also earn up to one bonus point per class period. As students earn points, they are able to qualify for the weekly Comet Impact Lunch Raffle and redeem them for quarterly reward events.
PBIS Rewards has a Family App that will give you some insight into how your child is doing with respect to our Comet Impact program. All students were given a letter at the start of school with a QR code for parents to link to their child in the app. If you need another copy of the letter or have any questions about Comet Impact or PBIS Rewards please contact
Mrs. McArthur, Dean of Students. She can be reached at 440-988-4441 or becky_mcarthur@amherstk12.org.
Computer Science Club
Literacy Coach
Second Harvest
Nord PTO
Next Meeting
The next Nord PTO meeting is on Monday, October 14th at 9:00 am at Nord School. If you would like the link to join virtually, please submit this form.
Membership Drive
Nord PTO's membership drive is underway! If you join by September 20th you'll be entered into a drawing for a 30 oz Stanley cup.
Your $5.00 membership dues help kick off our fundraising for the year as well as give you a voice! While anyone can attend our monthly meetings, only paid members have voting rights. By joining Nord PTO, you’ll be a voting member with a say in our planned activities.
Nord PTO plans, organizes, and fundraises to support our staff and students. We purchase classroom supplies, books, recess equipment, PBIS rewards, treats throughout the year, etc. We organize, fund and run social events, conference night dinners, Staff Appreciation Week, Field Day, Kona Ice, purchase field day t-shirts and so much more! These activities wouldn’t be possible without our incredible volunteers! In addition, when volunteers are needed for PTO sponsored events, you will be contacted first before we post on our social media.
No time to volunteer? That’s ok, think of your membership dues as a donation towards our activities! Thank you for your support!
On the first Wednesday of each month, Nord PTO hosts a Dine-to-Donate fundraiser at a local restaurant.
Mark your calendar for Wednesday, October 2nd and enjoy dinner from Wendy's!
Important Dates
Wednesday. September 11th: Camp Fitch Money Due
Monday, September 23rd - Wednesday September 25th: Camp Fitch for Born, Ehrhardt, Liming, Maria, Mullen, & Kinser Homerooms
Wednesday September 25th - Friday, September 27th: Camp Fitch for Bailey, Hegarty, Hermensky, Henry, Homolya, Taylor, & Costello Homerooms
Monday, September 30th: Picture Day
Monday, September 30th - Monday, October 7th: Book Fair during Library
Tuesday, October 1st: Book Fair Evening Hours, 4:30 - 6:30
Wednesday, October 2nd: Nord PTO Dine-to-Donate at Wendy's
Wednesday, October 2nd: Book Fair Evening Hours, 4:30 - 6:30
Wednesday, October 9th: Parent-Teacher Conferences, 3:35- 8:35 pm
Monday, October 14th: Nord PTO Meeting, 9am
Friday, October 11th: No School, NEOEA Day
Friday, October 18th: End of 1st Grading Period
Monday, November 4th: Parent-Teacher Conferences, 3:35- 7:35 pm
Tuesday, November 5th: No School, Professional Development Day
Wednesday, November 6th: Nord PTO Dine-to-Donate
Monday, November 11th: Nord PTO Meeting, 9am
Wednesday, November 13th: Family First Night
November 27th - November 29th: Thanksgiving Break
Important Links
Previous Newsletters
Walter G. Nord School
Email: ashley_harigan@amherstk12.org
Website: https://www.amherstk12.org/schools/nord
Location: 501 Lincoln Street, Amherst, OH, USA
Phone: 440-988-4441
X: @NordPrincipal