We Are Bremerton!
Bremerton School District community e-newsletter
February 2024
February 2024 Special Election
In case you haven't heard.... our EP&O levy and bond both passed!
Thank you, Bremerton! The February 13 special election results have been certified and our replacement EP&O levy and bond were both approved (Read more here!)!
This EP&O levy will allow us to continue to fund programs, services, and staff that are unfunded or underfunded by the state, including extracurricular activities, classroom support, school security, school nurses, custodians, and more.
Our community’s approval of this bond (the first bond on the ballot since 2005!) represents a tremendous investment in the future of our students, schools, and community that will have a profound impact for generations to come. Thank you, Bremerton!
February is CTE Month!
Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs offer hands-on, experiential learning opportunities that allow students to apply what they have learned in a real-world setting. CTE is a great option for students who are interested in pursuing a specific career and want to gain practical experience and training. Our District offers more than 41 CTE courses and a multitude of graduation pathways.
Our students are gaining valuable, relevant skills in graphic design, media production, food chemistry, marketing, financial fitness, biomedical, photography, manufacturing, marketing and more!
CTE is a required part of every student’s education allowing students to graduate from high school, globally competitive for work, prepared for post-secondary education, and ready for life as positive, contributing members of society.
With CTE, graduates will be ready to be enrolled in post-secondary education, enlisted in the military, or employed with built-in training upon graduation. CTE empowers students to excel!
February is Black History Month!
February is Black History Month!
By recognizing the past and present accomplishments of Black leaders, thinkers, artists, and activists, we strive to foster understanding, empathy, and inclusivity within our school community. Black History Month is an opportunity to reflect, learn, and celebrate the diverse tapestry of our nation's history.
Kitsap Lake Elementary student study music during Black History Month
Kitsap Lake Elementary students have been busy researching and learning about music during Black History Month. KLE music classes studied and examined the rhyming and rhythm patterns of hip hop (photo, right), and got to create their own. Students in upper grades also learned about 12-hour blues and the root of the blues in Black American music, and the history and evolution of hip hop in our culture.
Living Voices: The Right To Dream
Bus drivers are an important part of "PBIS"
In the Bremerton School District, we believe school starts the minute a student steps foot on the school bus. We also know that behavior events can be unsafe and carry over from the bus into school, affecting the learning of all.
In the Spring of 2023, our Social Emotional Behavior (SEB) coaching team initiated a project with our Transportation Department to bring positive behavior interventions and supports (PBIS) onto the bus. PBIS provides a framework to bring the use of data, systems, and evidence-based practices together for the purpose of preventing problem behavior. In short, PBIS helps us work together to proactively provide the best possible learning environment for our students whether they are on the bus, on the playground, or in the classroom.
The work last spring included a data review, direct observation (ride-a-longs), interviews with drivers, and a series of professional development sessions for our drivers. Our drivers worked hard as they reviewed behavior management strategies, developed and clearly defined bus behavior expectations for students, and learned about documentation processes. These efforts resulted in the creation of tools specifically designed for the bus as well as a systematic review of additional support needed to increase bus safety.
This work is ongoing, but we've seen many positive outcomes already! These include additional allocation of resources to ensure student support, creation of clear bus behavior expectations with teaching tools, on-site bus orientations for students (see photos), district and community communication tools, implementation of a web-based reporting system to track student behavior, and launch of a student mentoring program (Bus Buddies). Future work will include development of a smooth communication system between buildings and buses to ensure that all staff are working together to support our students.
We are so grateful for the wonderful commitment that our bus drivers and paraeducators have to our students and are excited to continue this valuable work.
It has been an amazing winter season for Bremerton Knights athletics!
Bremerton Knights Boys Basketball advancing to the state tournament
For the first time since 2010, the Bremerton Knights Boys Basketball team has advanced to the state tournament! The team (ranked 11th) will play Mark Morris High School (ranked 6th) in the first round of the playoffs in the Yakima Valley SunDome at 3:45 p.m. today. The school hosted a send-off for the team Tuesday morning with students, staff, families and community members cheering on the Knights as they left for Yakima (Photos below and more photos here).
Team photo: Front (L-R): Dillon McKay (freshman), Jacquan Davis-McWhorter (freshman), Jalen Davis (freshman), Aaron Matthews (freshman), Enoch Taylor (freshman). Back (L-R): Head coach Miah Davis, Coach Marvin Lewis, Isaiah Cadengo (junior), Dallin Anderson (junior), Frank Allen (junior), Robert Ungren (senior), Dyonn Sellers (senior), Trenton Bulmer (senior), Oliver Christian (senior), Coach Joe Wilson, Coach Grant Wheeler.
Bremerton Knight wins his third wrestling championship
Two Bremerton High School wrestlers competed in the 2024 WIAA Boys 2A State Wrestling Championships (Mat Classic XXXV) at the Tacoma Dome earlier this month. Anthony Murphy, freshman, competed at 120# (left). Lars Michaelson, senior (190#), won his third individual state title (right). Congratulations to both BHS wrestlers!
Bremerton Knights cheer team takes first at state competition
BHS held an impromptu "welcome back" event for the team as they arrived home from competition (photos below.)
Photo: Front (L-R): Olivia Rodriguez (senior), Myka Renon (senior), Paula Orce Romero (senior), Taya Walton (freshman),and Liliana Iverson (junior). Middle: (L-R) Savannah Landrum (junior), Angelica Barojas (sophomore), Kali Christian (freshman), Lily Nickels (junior), and Camilla Herdman (freshman). Back (L-R): Georgia Kibbe (freshman), Jamysen McGavin (junior), Kaitlyn Yaple (junior), Claudia Kibbe (junior), Lilia Stodden (junior), Chloe Cleveland (sophomore), and Amelia Gregersen (junior).
BHS music program shines!
BHS singers compete in Olympic Region Vocal Solo and Ensemble competition
Bremerton High School had 32 solo and ensemble performances on Saturday at the Olympic Region Vocal Solo and Ensemble competition. This is more than any other school in the competition, which is a qualifier for our region for the state solo and ensemble contest.
Eighteen of the 32 performances on Saturday were solos - and all of those students have been in private vocal lessons this year, funded with donations from the community, grants from Bremerton Schools and Alumni Foundation, and support from Bremerton Rotary and the choir’s booster organization, Knights On Tour.
In order to advance to the State competition, performers must WIN their category at the regional event. While none of the singers advanced to the state contest this year, BHS had a number of soloists and ensembles earn spots as first, second and third alternates to State, taking 2nd, 3rd and 4th place in our region. “All of our solos and ensembles had quality performances to be proud of,” said Wendy McPhetres, BHS Choir Director. “Our kids did a fantastic job!” she added.
Congratulations to all of these talented singers. Soprano: 2nd runner-up - Claire Cortez; 3rd runner-up - Lilia Stodden. Mezzo Soprano: 1st runner-up - Evelyn Ulrich. Tenor: 2nd runner-up - Drago Smith. Soprano/Mezzo/Alto Large Ensemble: 2nd runner-up - BHS treble ensemble. Small Mixed Ensemble: 2nd runner-up - Lilia Stodden and Drago Smith. Large Mixed Ensemble: 2nd runner-up - Knight Sounds choir.
BHS Band, Orchestra and Choir receive academic recognition from WIAA
Our band, choir, and orchestra students at BHS have all qualified for distinguished scholastic awards from WIAA for their academic performance for the first semester (the "season" for music students to compete). The average GPA for the three ensembles were: Band - 3.186, Choir - 3.133, Orchestra - 3.191.
BHS Choir students participate in Washington All-State Choirs
Last fall, Bremerton High School choir students recorded auditions in hopes to be selected to the Washington All-State Choirs, composed of top tier choir students from around Washington state. Bremerton High School was well-represented with a record number of 12 students selected based on their auditions!
On February 16 and 17, the students traveled to Yakima to perform with other choir students from around Washington. They worked with guest conductors and performed a final concert on Saturday afternoon. All participants will receive an audio copy of their concert in a few weeks.
Our students shared how great it was to work and perform with other students who have the same passion for music as they do. “It was a memorable experience for all, and such an honor for our students to be selected!” said BHS choir teacher Wendy McPhetres. “These Knights represented our school and our community so well!”
Photo: Front (L-R): Kairi Dean, 2024 WMEA All-State Treble Choir-Soprano 2, Talelia Sweet, 2024 WMEA All-State Treble Choir-Soprano 2, Attianna Cabato, 2024 WMEA All-State Symphonic Choir-Soprano 1, Milani Martinez, 2024 WMEA All-State Treble Choir-Soprano 2, Lilia Stodden, 2024 WMEA All-State Treble Choir-Soprano 1. Back (L-R): Avery Estano, 2024 WMEA All-State Treble Choir-Soprano 2, Drago Smith, 2024 WMEA All-State Symphonic Choir-Tenor 1, Lihla Hanson, 2024 WMEA All-State Treble Choir-Alto 1, Dominique Ketner, 2024 WMEA All-State Symphonic Choir-Alto 2, Evelyn Ulrich, 2024 WMEA All State Treble Choir-Alto 1, Rebecca Cissell, 2024 WMEA All-State Treble Choir-Soprano 2, Marilyn Steele, 2024 WMEA All-State Symphonic Choir-Alto 1.
BHS students performing with the Treble Choir with students from around the state.
An update from Bremerton High School ASB leadership
The Bremerton High School ASB has been busy at work for the past few months! We recently wrapped up a very successful Talent Show and are now working toward the end of the year. The funds made from this show will go towards a personal project of one of our students who intends on building benches for students in front of our school.
Furthermore, our Class of 2026, had an amazing winter formal dance called “Sweetheart Swirl”. We are so incredibly proud of the efforts of the student council this year. Our main goal of this year was to create a sense of belongingness. Our school is full of such beautiful diversity and we intend to showcase that through a Multicultural Festival which will be held on Friday, May 3rd. Although we are still in the planning process, we are so excited to be able to allow students to showcase their culture and who they are. We cannot wait to see the amazing performances.
As the end of the year progresses, we are getting ready to prepare the elections for next year's ASB leaders. This year we are bringing back live speeches for ASB elections instead of having video speeches. This allows for students to get comfortable with speaking in front of a big crowd and allows for students to showcase their passion, and abilities. We are so excited for our upcoming events and are ready to end the year out strong!
Other February highlights
Crownhill third grade students Zoom with Punxsutawney Phil
Crownhill third graders got to thank Punxsutawney Phil for not seeing his shadow this year, and chat with "his people" via Zoom!
MVMS celebrates first semester honor roll recipients
Mountain View Middle School celebrated first semester honor roll recipients (GPAs of 3.5 to 4.0) with a pizza party last week! Congratulations to all of these outstanding Squire scholars! Keep up the good work!
Students shine in annual BHS ASB Talent Show
The annual Bremerton High School ASB Talent Show was a huge success again this year! Attendees enjoyed a wide variety of performances from talented BHS students, and funds raised through ticket sales supported a student-led project for new benches in front of the school! See more photos here!
View Ridge Elementary Arts Academy celebrates 101 days of school!
Bremerton School Board Updates
Highlights from the February Bremerton School Board meetings
- Policy 2190: Programs for the Highly Capable was adopted this month
- Policy 3207- Prohibition of Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying of Students. This policy was presented for a 1st reading at the February 15 board meeting.
Every month, Dr. Garth Steedman, assistant superintendent, provides a report on the current year budget information which includes General Fund revenues, expenditures, and fund balance for the current school year.
For more information about these meetings and to view any of these documents, visit BoardDocs.
Bremerton School Board meetings are in-person and online! All are welcome at Bremerton School Board meetings. Interested in participating in a meeting? Access the meeting schedule and learn more at BremertonSchools.org/SchoolBoard.
The regular March School Board meetings are Thursday, March 7 and, and Thursday, March 21, 2024.
What's happening at the PAC?
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The Bremerton School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employee(s) has been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Garth Steedman at 360.473.1031 or the Section 504 Coordinator, Mark Mayfield at 360.473.4702. Mailing address: 134 Marion Avenue North, Bremerton, WA 98312.
Bremerton School District
Email: communications@bremertonschools.org
Website: www.BremertonSchools.org
Location: 134 Marion Avenue North, Bremerton, WA, 98312
Phone: 360-473-1000
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