Bird's Word for September 7, 2023
First Week of School
Back to School Family Event - Thursday, September 14th 5:30-7:00pm
We hope you are able to join us next Thursday evening. On the back side of the school there will be food and activities, plus a chance to visit the classrooms, and time to connect with staff. All families are encourage to attend.
Picture Day September 13, 2023
Falcon Heights picture day will be Wednesday, September 13th. Photos will be taken that day, proofs will go home several weeks later and ordering info will be available at that time. No need to order until you see the proofs!
First PTA meeting of the year! Please join us!
Have you ever wondered what a PTA meeting consisted of? Here is the upcoming Agenda for our September 11th 6:30pm meeting. Please join us! We will have a movie and snacks for the kiddos if you need childcare!
Falcon Heights Elementary Parent Teacher Association Meeting
Every second Monday (except Dec.) at 6:30pm in FH Library
Please sign in for attendance :)
Welcome! (6:30pm)
Ice Breaker (6:31pm)
Secretary Report (6:35pm)
Approve last meeting notes (Motion, Second)
Principal Beth Behnke’s Report (6:40pm)
Teacher Report, K-6th Grade (6:45pm)
Events (6:50pm)
Last month review/feedback for next year (6:55pm)
Events this month (7:00pm)
Events next month (7:05pm)
Grant Committee to present upcoming Event Proposals, each to be approved or not by group vote) (7:10pm)
Treasurer's Report (7:15pm)
Approve (Motion, Second) budget/line items when necessary Speaker (7:20pm)
Teacher's Grant Request Forms (7:25pm)
Questions/Discussion Adjourn (7:30pm)
Author Visit tomorrow: W. Bruce Cameron
We are excited to have author W. Bruce Cameron visiting grades 3-6 to share more about being an author. Students may have read or watched the adapted movie "A Dog's Purpose." He has written several other books for students with a dog theme. Students will be able to purchase his books online through the Red Balloon Book store through September 15th. He will sign nameplates that can be placed in their books or see him again at a book reading/signing at Red Balloon on Saturday, September 10th to celebrate "Paws on Grand." Here is a link to order his books from The Red Balloon book shop.
Pick Up Patrol
PickUp Patrol is a secure web app that eliminates the need for you to send notes, write emails, or call the school to change your student’s dismissal plans. From a smartphone or a computer, you can make plan changes anytime, anywhere. It's simple and convenient to use—but most importantly, it helps your school manage student arrival and departure information accurately and efficiently to help keep our students safe.
If you already have an account, please check to make sure everything is accurate for this year. If you don't already have an account, you will receive an email invitation to set one up. If you have questions, please call the office at 651-646-0021.