Panther News
Updates for Families from Mrs. Cooper
Fall Student Led Conferences
September 21st - 24th
Conference time is almost here! As with many other things, it will look much different during Covid 19. We’d love to see all our families personally, but to keep everyone safe, this year your child’s teacher will be meeting with you and your child via Zoom or phone to discuss your child’s progress. Your child will be bringing a conference form home for you to choose some times that would work best for you, and the teachers will schedule your conference accordingly. Prior to conferences, your child will be sharing work samples for reading, writing, ELD, and math as well as their goals and progress via Seesaw or Google Classroom. Please review this material before your child’s conference, so the teacher may answer any questions you may have during your scheduled confence time. Together as a learning community, we can celebrate and support each student’s success through Student-Led Conferences.
Safety Updates
1. Students should not be here before 7:30 in the morning. If they are walking, don't let them leave too early. If you are driving them, and you arrive before 7:30, keep them in the car with you until staff members start letting students enter the building. Discuss with your child that we have now have white dots painted 6 feet apart on the concrete of our patio outside the cafeteria where students enter in the mornings. If they are waiting to enter, each family needs to space out according to the dots to keep 6 ft apart.
2. Your child/chilren must be checked into the office by an adult if they arrive after 7:45. Staff comes in at this time, and we don't want students unattended outside. Help us keep them safe by walking them into the office to check in after 7:45.
Blended Learning Online/At Home Days
2. On your child's online/at home learning days, you need to ensure they are completing their work. If their work for the day is not completed, it will be counted as an absence (absent) day.
3. We are using Lexia and IXL to support our curriculum this year, and your child has access to both of these online programs at home. Your child's teacher will be having your child work in these two software programs this year at school and will be asking you to have your child log in and work from home as well.
Lexia is a comprehensive technology-based literacy program that extends learning for students who are advanced and accelerates learning for students who are not yet on grade level. Students work independently to develop critical reading and language skills through individualized learning pathways.
IXL Math provides adaptive questions that automatically adjust to the just-right level of difficulty for your child, so they can learn at their own pace. A wide variety of question types keeps practice sessions fresh and enables all types of learners to reach their full potential.
We are excited to have these two programs provide extra individual supports to our students. If your child says they do not have homework, ask them to log in and show you IXL or Lexia. Also, please ask your child what they are reading and remind them that they are to be reading every night. We would love for you to sit down and watch your child work through our computer programs and listen to your child read each night.
Visitor Covid Policy
Food Pantry
District Covid Information
Please click on the tree for the latest information on COVID from the Springdale School District or go to: